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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. coffie, sorry homie, i just have a problem with people pushing a tired gimmic well beyond it's prime. this is graffiti, it's not art class, i'm under no obligation to be nice to anyone (nor are you for that matter. dis my 'mold', doesnt bother me a bit). is it unecessary for me to speak on the subject? no, of course not. but clearly you're not realizing that painting the exact same character in the exact same pose 100 times is not fresh, exciting, interesting, amusing or entertaining to anyone but the lowest common denominator of 'graff-art fan', on your own. if you were just some kid sitting in your bedroom passing time, i wouldnt bother to speak on it, but you're actually trying to sell shit. you're making stuff and charging money for it. call it tough love if you want, but i'm trying to get you to realize that expanding your horizons is a good thing. i know i could go about it in a 'nicer' way, but joker gives you 'nice' and you don't listen. you pretend to know everything already, or to be above his assistance. that annoys me almost more than this recycled 'art'. you also had 50 people in channel zero telling you the same thing. how many times do you need to hear it before you accept it might be worth listening to? bottom line is this, if you're so sure of yourself and your work that you can see absolutely no validity in my comments, then blow them off and pay them no mind. if however, you take an honest look at your stuff and the criticisms i've made and you see a little bit of truth, then instead of being fucking lazy, act on it. try to expand what you do. look at what you're trying to express in a different light or from a different perspective. if all you want is to make a souless 'product' to peddle on your site, go ahead, but you obviously have a handle on the marketing aspect of things, you might as well take that next step and try to back it with quality work. if you can't do that, you might want to re-think your art-as-income approach to things. then again what do i know?
  2. seeking


    why does it seem that the uglier/tackier a shoe is, the more people seem to like it? i like those dunks fatbastard posted way more than the 'stash' ones. them jawns is just boring and the 'stash' logo or whatever the hell that is, is ugly as shit. it looks like someone carved a potatoe and made a stamp.
  3. joker, when you said 'some advice i can give you', i figured you were going to tell him to just stop...that he was hurting america. your perpetual kindness is inspiring, but also confusing. how can you keep doing it? ha. don't you get sick of being nice? ha. moving on... you owe me an email homie. i got all amped up and excited then never heard back. that's not how a life changing volley of ideas is supposed to transpire. ha.
  4. omen, paint markers dont blend. the only real way ive found to do is either 'pointlizing' (making little dots with each color, till it gives the impression of a blend, or to just get acrylics and use those for your fill, then paint markers for the outlines. on the very rare occasion i do a 'graff' canvas, thats what i do.
  5. no, it's chip. do you ever find yourself thinking 'ya know, given the available choices, maybe i did not pick the very best possible one?' just wondering. you should drop me an email so we can handle this. seeking12oz@hotmail.com take care. ;)
  6. all my old flics are in boxes packed away in various attic's. ive got some things on here i'll try and post when i get the motivation to do so.
  7. ground breaking, as usual.
  8. casek, that's what pockets are for dog. finding shit to paint on is not difficult. scrap wood is plentiful and if you feel like digging in the couch cushions, you can get 16x20 canvases at michaels for only. $2.99 oh, you need something larger? you can get hollow doors (w/o holes) from home depot for $19. not bad for a perfect 3'x7' 'canvas'. terrible photos, but whatever. and i know they'd look way 'fresher' with a real 'def' handstyle across them, i don't care.
  9. martin luther king jr. had a dream that one day all children would be seen as equal. my dream is that i wont have to write a disertation everytime someone takes shit i never said, and turns it into a witch hunt. i don't remember ever calling anyone a toy, nor have i ever talked about how much (or little) anyone paints. my SOLE criticism has been about biting (ok, and sidebusting), both topics that nearly everyone, regardless of their friendly aliances, has acknowledged as undenyable. so what is the problem again? as for 'beef' and my spots. 'beef should keep in mind that if i have no spots left, then i really have nothing to lose and everyone knows how that adage goes.
  10. dude, do you think i'm blind? i see the flics cats post of the street shit they do. i'm not retarded. regardless of any criticisms i've had, i still gave them respect for painting. i was saying that lately, the only time folks post shit by cats they dont paint with is when they catch it in a building they were already in. get it now?
  11. you can 'disagree' all you want, unfortunately it's not with me; i've never once said they weren't. sorry.
  12. they get minimal love on 12oz because they don't post their own flics and they don't paint in the same 3 abandoned buildings as those that do post flics. i've seen dozens and dozens of tgv spots that have never been posted. ive seen plenty of tead and story spots. hell, ive got a dozen spots that have never been on here. there is a whole lot of work out there that never makes it onto the internet, but that doesn't mean it doesnt make it into the world. and fell off and only paint freights once every two months? who exactly are you talking about? i'm not thinking you're directing that to me at all, (or more to the point don't care even if you are), just wondering who you're talking about, because i cant really think of anyone it might fit.
  13. seeking


    magic is slick as hell.
  14. yeah, just use a lot of the gel medium, and a tiny bit of color. make sure to get a medium that fits the rest of your pallet in terms of surface (ie: glass, satin, matt, etc - i cant think of how to say it properly right now). they also make some of the regular colors in 'translucent' versions. the only ones ive actually come across, are a deep red, an ochre yellow and a midnight blue, although im sure they make others. i really like them a lot for laying shit. they're probably just thinned out versions of the regular colors, but im ghetto and dont know shit about shit.
  15. i don't want 'tight' at all. just not uber baggy. all i know is that my girls sevens that i tried on, besides being real tight on the sack, fit me better than any of the jeans i own. i dont know what thats about, but whatever. i'll figure shit out eventually. one of the things i like about the girls, is they're a lot lower cut that guys pants. i dont want a 10" crotch seam, thats still too high. fucking poor me. ha.
  16. this jeans shit is making my head fucking hurt. why the hell can't google just give me a fucking website? go try and find seven's site. i bet you cant. you can find a million people trying to sell you it, but a single one that is it. thats bullshit. all this fashion shit is such a pain in the ass. this is why i wear discount levis, cause that shit is easy.
  17. but now you aren't? ha. i'm confused. diesel are cool, but them shits is real mainstream now. they're kind of the abercrombie of the hipster world. then again, if they're nice, fuck it.
  18. im sorry man, i cant fuck with club monaco. i cant even fuck with express. if you knew the dudes around here that sported that shit, you'd totally understand. i'd rather pay extra and floss lucky's or something. thanks for trying though. what i really want is something that feels super good/soft, and looks right. i wear my shit really low, but not super baggy. this creates a problem because it gives me thatundesirable 'ass sag'. not fresh. to quote my man charlie hustle 'pants saggin, lookin like i done dookied on myself
  19. i went through a brief period where i wanted to drop a grip and get one good pair of jeans i'd have forever. then i realized that no matter how careful i try to be, i get paint on absolutely everything i own. i do not want a pair of jeans i have to be paranoid about wearing. instead i got 5 pairs of levis, onsale for $22-$24. sure enough, after two years, only one of them is still 'active'. fast forward to last week... i'm at my ex's, and she made me put on this new pair of seven's she'd just gotten. now, i was skeptical of putting on girls jeans, but i'm a sucker for blow jobs, so whatever, you do what you have to. i cant front, them jawns fit kind of nice. now i have a dilemna. do i suck it up and drop $150 on a pair of jeans? raven (or anyone) what is a good brand under $150 (or there a bouts)? it's got to be low-rise and made for skinny guys without asses. i would bite the bullet and buy girls jeans, since i know they're cut differently, if there was a specific one that was ultra-hype. all i know of are the shits jay z talks about. ha. seven, evisu, etc. raven? anyone?
  20. casek, opaque and translucent are opposits. water will not make it thicker, but yes, it will make it thinner. you can also get a gel 'medium' in a bunch of different consistencies and finishes (matt, gloss, flat, etc). the panda was real slick, although i could have done with a slightly different background. actually, i just looked at it again after saying that, and i like the background i just wish there wasnt the big splotch of whatever it is right above his head. it throws me off. otherwise, that shit is real dope.
  21. sleep, did you get my PM? see that shit up in the upper right corner of the page (scroll all the way to the top) that probably says '0 NEW PM's'? click it.
  22. superman died 9 years ago, he's just been in very sad state of suspendid animation until today. i wonder who number 3 is gonna be.
  23. i would never trust a tattoo shop that didn't have someone in house that was capable of painting a decent looking mural. maybe that's just me and my 'negativity' though. :snowman:
  24. ha. those were game's vacume cleaners, not sehv. all that old mechanical shit was game.
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