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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. diggs, ive never seen any prints. i'm gonna email him tonight if i remembr and see about getting some stuff. i'll pass on whatever i find out. i 'had' an original painting he did for an album cover of ours back in the day, but it was 'missplaced'. i also 'had' some 4'x8' doze green panels that got pilfered out from under neath me. that would have been a semester of college. :(
  2. just be glad i didn't start in on the white belts. ;)
  3. all those bands sound the same. that whole scene is so fucking tired. i wasn't into hardcore back in the early/mid 90's when it was all huge, but i know this new mutated fashion-core version of it is fucking hooooooomooooooooo. it's honestly difficult to go to a show and not want to punch some kid for looking all fucking smug with his girls jeans and his bobbed hair all combed forward so he looks like the 5th (strung out, financially strapped) member of the beatles. yo, that's a nice white jacket you got there bro...too bad value village only had that youth medium, way to rock it anyway though. 3 sizes too small? ahhh, whatever. most adults would accept that if something doesnt fit, you just pass it by, but not these fucking homos. who cares that the shit fits like a half shirt, it looks cool, right? having said all that, rob, the new singer from MPB is an awesome guy who once fronted a very good band. it's just sad that fame and fortune caught on so late. seeks/xlifexofxhatex
  4. last night i found myself at the 'most precious blood' show. oh wait, did i say 'most precious blood'? i meant 'most homo fashion' show. [that pretty much sums it up.]
  5. and if you dont like the vocals of frank black, you probably can't stand crash test dummies either.
  6. hmmm... does it suck because it's unsupported, or is it unsupported because it sucks? kind of a chicken and egg thing, isnt it. i like the hot pink, it's very macho. kind of like cam'ron, but....more.
  7. actually, you would fail miserably at my top 5 writers list, but thanks for another stupid ass comment that you should have kept to yourself.
  8. i still sleep on how fresh esau is. dude doesn't get nearly enough credit. not just for his spots, but for his letters too. dude is a beast.
  9. well, levi's and evisu are 'merchandised' right next to south pole, so what's that leave me? lee jeans or R 45? i appreciate the 'warning' but when you dont wear clothes 5 sizes too big, theres not quite the same strain on the belt loops. something tells me ill be fine. ;) we need a smilie that makes its little hands look like guns then winks right as they 'fire'. that would be good.
  10. DRATS! i was so close to getting rich too. raven, you'll be 'happy' to hear that i've caved into your denim world and will be copping a pair of pd&c for xmas. it's not some super elite $400-$600 jawn, but for a cat who's used to $27 levi's, it's something.
  11. so, what's to stop someone from just walking in, grabbing a couple pair of $2k jeans, then just walking out the door? the cute little japanese girl and the metrosexual motherfucker working behind the counter? there needs to be more strong armed robbery in the fashion world i think.
  12. DFW went through the market and capped everything, i believe faygo was simply returning the favor. seeks/this ones called the decapitation of cattle
  13. some work by our friend ABUSE WND remember back when fools thought dude couldn't do letters?! just a couple random things i managed to stumble across. seeks/jock 4 life
  14. $1800, huh? i remember when i made fun of tesseract a couple years ago because you could trade a pair of levis for a car in his country (which turns out to not be the case at all). guess the jokes on me!
  15. that ash stuff is getting decent. good work. this post totally reminded me that i've got a bunch of eggs spots to go over.
  16. one thing i've 'noticed' is that usually the people who think the least of me, talk about me the most. "youngn's ice grill'n me, oh you're not feelin me? fine. it cost you nothing, pay me no mind".
  17. again, more awesome tough talk from someone too bitch made to admit who they are.
  18. haha. you're a pussy who just yaps on the internet but can't admit what you write. bring it to me like a man, or keep sucking it like a hoe.
  19. http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/
  20. whenever you'd like to admit who you are, i'm sure everyone would get a kick out of laughing at your irrelivence.
  21. today i was in ann arbor and saw a bunch of stupid white people in shorts. jesus, don't you guys know it's like 30 degrees out? you guys ever been to urban outfitters? that place is a big load of shit wrapped up in the facade of coolness. they did have a little heart shaped flask that was pretty fresh though. i don't drink, but if i did i'd fill the thing with whiskey and get drunk and write poems about women and the sea. i think i want one of those carhartt hoodies that looks like it's made out of wetsuit material. i'll bet that shit is as warm as a dead tonton. anyone ever see 'hebrew hammer'? shit is hillarious. i downloaded the first petey pablo album tonight, cause 'raise up' is the shit. im hoping the entire album is that fresh. yeah, i know i'm a bit behind the times, but whatever. sue me. turntablist is latin for 'masturbation'. the new mustangs are slick as hell. sage francis gives his regards to detroit. you know whats crazy? most americans have never been outside of this country. infact, only 18% even have passports. i go to windsor just to have dinner. i know that going to canada doesnt really qualify one as an 'international traveler' but still. when you think about it, it's weird. once, when i was in sweeden, the stewardesses were riding razor scooters through the airport. i couldnt stop laughing. they were hot. despite all the hype VH1 is putting on them, i really dont think that velvet revolver has anything to offer me at all. im willing to give them a chance, but im just not having much hope. everytime im in ann arbor and i see some real thugged out dudes walking around being all loud and boisterous, i think to myself 'do these guys really think they're impressing anyone here by dressing like fabolus and only speaking in hip hop quotables?' maybe im out of touch with the average UorM student, but something tells me they might not fall for the old 'elbow grab' and 'yo girl, where you goin? yo, i'm try'na holla'atchu' one, two combo. maybe it's just me though. remember when i clowned white people for wearing shorts in the cold? i forgot that while i was laughing at them, i was drinking an iced coffee. oops. just kidding.
  22. this is just a wild guess, but i'd say spray paint. and FYI, there's an h in 'what'. and 'dudes' is plural, where as this fella is singular. seeks/spelling cop
  23. the S really wasnt Bad perse, it's just that the outline was too thin. it was too thin on the whole piece, it was just real obvious on the S. the only thing i'd say to change about it, is that at the top of the S, where it meets with the dot on the 'i', if you imagine the whole S without it being covered up, it's going to be way too big behind the I. you should have scaled it down a bit so it fit with the rest of the letters. even though you can't see it, you still 'know' that it doesn't fit. i hope that makes sense. as for good cop/bad cop, i think it's more like young cop/old cop. i just get sick of watching snot nosed punks giving lip to my seargent, so i rough em up a bit and teach em some respect. well....except he and i arent cops...and...you guys arent crooks....and no one is actually getting roughed up...i just talk sort of e-harshly, which means nothing...so really it's not like that at all. whatever, forget it. :(
  24. i'm not 'constantly' ripping on people. i'm usually pretty constructive. i just dont understand the point of the white things. actually, i dont understand a lot of points on that particular piece, but i went with the most obvious. plus, i just bought the spinal tap DVD and watched the hour of extra footage, among which was a hillarious part about cold sores. that shit is nasty. to make up for my slanderous attack on all things viral, i'll offer something of use... moosepoopguy, on the first piece, make your outline a whole lot thicker. you almost completely lose it on the S, which makes it look kind of weak. also, your N's sort of look more like an M and a W respectively. if i did not know what it said, i'd have assumed thats what they were. of course i'm stupid like wet chalk, so who cares. seeks/im trying to be more self depreciating like joker, hoping that excessive humbility will improve my letters. magic 8 ball says 'outlook not god'. drats.
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