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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. i was about to say the same thing. if you paint it on a piece of cardboard, no matter good it looks, it will look cheap and people will pay accordingly. either learn how to make your own canvases, or atleast go to home depot and get yourself some decent wood. also, you can stick to duotone images, but change the black to another color. something that fits the personality of the subject. if you do snoop, use blue for instance. as casek said, if you want to sell these, start doing more marketable subject matter. right now you're painting mostly ghetto rap motherfuckers. people will jock them all day, but when it comes time to coughing up money, you're gonna be trading dope paintings for dime bags...shit isn't worth it. white people is where the money is. and not to make it even more of a race issue, but white people love to buy shit like this off black guys (which, unless i'm confusing you with someone else, you are, right?). if you have some stubby little dreads and a shell necklace, even better. you have to reach out to white peoples desire for culture. you could be making real decent money if you dont mind 'selling' yuorself a bit. just go out to a 'city center' kind of area where peple go just to walk around and hang out, shop, etc, on a saturday or sunday. set up a canvas and spend a couple hours just painting random portraits. have a portfolio with you of your stuff. when people stop to talk to you about it, make sure they leave with a business card. people will buy shit like this for sure. you should also take pics of your shit around to coffee shops and ask if you can hang some stuff there. white people that drink coffee are the best kind of white people. finally, dont sell yourself short when it comes to pricing. for a 43x37 piece, you should be charging ATLEAST $150-$300. ok, im done talking. good luck.
  2. no, it was, they just didnt get it, thats all. gotta remember the age difference. seeks/i saw breakin 2 in the theater. "when my voice hits the mic i electrocute spit like beat street" -rass kass
  3. i commented to squirrel, not you. i know bis has been painting, who's got flics?
  4. 'oral', for the last time, i dont care enough about you to talk about you, so please stop talking about me (or to me for that matter). it just makes you look kind of creepy and obsessed. thanks.
  5. naw, i have respect for dude, i just think his effort would be a whole lot better spent on his own people, that's all. i might 'waste paint' by cleaning up lines, but some cats are wasting paint just by writing their name. those are the ones who need criticism, not me.
  6. with the amount of rampant biting, spot jocking and toyish antics that are basically the crux of this cities 'graff scene', the fact that you (or anyone) even has an opinion on how i chose to paint is laughable. by all means, keep going though. i'm sure everyone is camping out to learn the secret behind DFW's success. ;)
  7. sorry, i didnt realize painting clean and experimenting with line weight was out this year. from now on i'll paint nothing but sloppy, generic shit. cool?
  8. wow, that's a lonnnnng way from where it was painted (two years ago). nice to know it's still running.
  9. yeah, it's just too bad evisu is the only company making quality jeans. :rolleyes:
  10. naw man, st andrews has been played out since 96. i'm going to see 'the invincibles' with FARMS and his son. totally psyched on that shit.
  11. that 'looking hideos' is awesome. well, i mentioned you as posting a quality array of flics. that's sort of like giving you props.
  12. listen smarty pants, just take the props i gave you and shut up. ;)
  13. actually, that's still self promo. as is sending the pics to your boy over aim and having him post it. ;) heres my thing with self promo (since i know everyone is dying to hear it)... if you're painting some big flashy legal wall, the rule of 'self promo' do not apply because the piece is being judged on its 'artistic' merrits, not on it's mere existence. if the piece sucks, you get no respect, end of story. if it's good, and you've got solid letters, skill, etc, then you deserve the respect. also, in most cities, spots like that usually don't last a week (if even that long), so if you don't catch something right as it's painted, most the time you'd never see it. i've painted spots in other cities that were painted over the next afternoon. it sucks, but what can you do? now on the flip side, if you're bombing or painting trains (unless it's some real fancy shit), you're painting for the 'ups'. the amount of work you put in is almost more important than the quality. so when someone does a simple spot, flics it, runs home and puts it on the internet before the paint's even dry, unless it's some bananas spot, to me that's just cheap fame. it's basically a 'gimmick'. the way i feel is that if someone is really that up, their shit will get flicked and posted anyway. when isaac posts, dude will post everything he caught. if he sticks in one of his own spots, no big deal. if he was to constantly make a post with nothing but his own work, that's a little weak. you get the point. i know i'm more hardcore about this than alot of folks in the city, or atleast those that post here, but thats fine. just know that it's not like i'm just being a dick, the majority of the country feels basically the same i do (about most things, not just this). if yall dont care though, i dont care, ya know.
  14. i'm always witty bro, you just don't check out enough of the board. i didnt get 18,XXX posts by telling kids not to bite esau. ;) you should see my political lectures.... boy, talk about pompous! ha.
  15. no way man, i'm trying to get my dick sucked. you know why fat girls give the best head? cause they know they aint got shit else to offer.
  16. careful bro, last time i mentioned that fel (while talented) wasn't really a 'king', it nearly started world war 3. people get really touchy about their legal walls.
  17. i was just informed that the 'girls' piece was not done by fars. while i still maintain that fars needs to stick to one name, and i still believe that particular piece was dope, i would like to augment the initial statement with the (neither here-nor-there) belief that someone should be ashamed of themself. unless of course it was done as some sort of ironic humor, in which case 'good job' i guess. another bump for the jaylaw. it's not the freshest thing ever painted in the history of mankind, but it is a huge improvement over the past stuff. good job. good looking on going over that white/red spot on 75 too...if it wasn't for my bum hip and the need of a walker, i was gonna handle that for you. ;)
  18. god, you're really starved for attention aren't you? maybe if you actually painted you'd get to see me talk about you too. ;)
  19. wow, that 'jaylaw' is actually almost fresh. i think he should just change it to 'j.la' though, that would be dope. far needs to stick to one damn name (that girls is dope though). the money piece is kind of hurting IMO, but it's a step away from tgv, which is a step in the right direction, so props for trying something different. MCCP: you're right, she's actually awesome, i'm just jealous that i can't be a tubby wigger too. :( i'm hoping that the 12th will bring about a new hope though.!
  20. it looked like a turd? was it wearing fubu? for some reason i always imagine her wearing a full fubu hook up with one pant leg rolled up, sporting a bandana underneath a hat that's too big and cocked to the side. kind of a fat, dumpy eminem/wigger sort of thing. i shouldnt say that, she might 'merk' me. lord know's i don't want to end up in a garbage bag burried underneath her trailor.
  21. even he who knows nothing, knows that rikku is dumb as a turnip. seeks/i can't help it, it's like a gift
  22. god, i must be old. i dont even know what 'klamming' is. :( seeks/skeet, skeet
  23. lumber, you need to lose that signature/handstyle with a quickness. i've never been too into work like that as a whole, but the signature makes it look super amature. it makes the 'lose' feel of the paintings appear to be out of lack of technical skill, not intention. raysin, i just really dont care too much about pieces in general, and the ones i do like i still normally wouldnt like to see it on my wall everyday. when i see a 'dope' canvas with letters on it (and there have been a few posted) i view them as sketches, not really 'art'. graff without risk is pretty much souless to me. but of course thats just me.
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