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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. NEMEL. holler. not graff, but richard petty has a sick hand (this isn't the best example)
  2. by 'torchering' do you mean lighting himself on fire? i'm more concerned about the clutter than the bad graff. you should clean off that table and spray some lysol around.
  3. i went over a riku sticker in ann arbor once. thats a fack. paperbackwriter, i'm sure you've got a collection of dubl stuff. hook that shit up. and some of the old game/hazard shit. what about old diego?
  4. chris silva is indeed fresh. jazz technic shit is dope. the painting itself doesn't do much for me, but the composition of the whole thing is cool/different. that medic stuff is really cool as well. nice to see something non-graff related. it reminds me of something, but i cant think of what. dr. suesse maybe? not in a bad way, just saying.
  5. a set of salt and pepper shakers designed by me and a friend this weekend. we rendered them in rhino then produced a plastic model on an RP machine (uses lasers shooting through some liquid to make a plastic prototype). they're now in the process of being cast. being an artist is sweet.
  6. me and stori painting together is the quietest most anti-social event you could ever imagine. it's hillarious.
  7. sneaky dee's...hmmm...what the hell was that place? i don't remember it at all, weird. you back in town? if you dont hear from me, hit me up. seeking12oz@hotmail.com
  8. hecz, you fucking herb, go back to PG.
  9. money, have you ever had an original idea in your life? just wondering.
  10. none of those are working for me and your screen name is annoying. if you want anyone to actually pay attention to you (in a good way) i'd change it. just my .02
  11. my take on ewok's stuff, or graff on canvas by any 'big name' writer, is that if you buy one of their pieces, you're buying it because of what it represents, not necessarily how it looks. if you all found out that those 'totem' canvases were actually done by 'steve oner', no one would care nearly as much about them. the 'alure' of the pieces is that it's totem, not that it's particularly spectacular (which of course is arguable). anyway, i dont object to graff on canvas, what i object to is seeing poorly executed boring shit done by kids who have no grasp of letters. no one would look at a thread full of shitty wall pieces, why would they want to see them scaled down, ya know? there are a number of writers i'd love to have work by. hell, i'd come out of pocket just to have a serf or jon156 paint marker 'throw up' on a canvas, cause to me, even though they're simple, every time i looked at it, it would remind me of the fact that every time i paint, whether its a piece or a throw up, all i want to do is be as fresh them. i know that sounds corny or whatever, but it's the truth. so yeah, if anyone knows serf or jon156, get at me. ha.
  12. i can't see the pic, but if you indeed write 'hence' you need to work on a new name before you work on a new style.
  13. i like death's stuff alot. dude has improved so much over the last several months, it's crazy. he's got some 'influences' but i've got a lot of faith in dude. if he keeps pushing himself, he could be real slick.
  14. i'm not trying to 'pick' on you, but c'mon bro, earth to the fake take...i'm accused of being too harsh, not blind. just let it go....maybe spend some time learning how to spell the words 'still' and 'canvas' or something. ;) tazztechnic, those are dope.
  15. as dude pointed out, i wouldnt have bothered speaking your name if you hadn't posted such a hillariously hypocritical image, encapsulating every single thing you just dissed 4 pages ago. ;)
  16. that's funny, i dont even remember painting 2/3rds of those. shit, those are bad... i cant believe dibs went over my 'metallica rulz' tag. that's beef.
  17. why should i bother trying to give advice? i'm sure everyone will progress much more quickly by sitting in a circle blowing smoke up eachothers asses. :rolleyes: it's funny, i saw the robot canvas and i thought 'wow, other than the cliche ass background, that's pretty dope, nice to see dude doing some different stuff...then i turn the page, and i realize that's not the case at all. needless to say i wasn't really surprised. "i think to many kids are doing canvases...its like the whole nike dunk craze where ''everyone'' wants to be down...when something is done 1000 times, what makes u think its gunna be fresh just becuase you made it...people are going spraypaint backgrounds with a 5 sec splash and doing someweird outline with a deco with no meaning behind it, and calling it graffiti art...it has to stop you guys are clowning yourselfs and makeing a fool out of your own art form and also a bad name for others...im not trying to down anyone...but ppl its just gross !... " shitty overspray/drip background? check uninspired cliche character repeated a dozen times with no variation? check nike dunk emblazed with same uninspired cliche character repeated with no variation? check sorry homeboy, but you should probably take your own fucking advice. you guys know why i'm an 'asshole'? because eventually someone is going to come along and have enough fucking heart to understand that learning is a painful process that never stops, and they're going to appreciate the fact that someone respected them enough to be honest. it's like telling your boy when he has spinach in his teeth before he tries kicking it to a girl. i started out like all of you, painting bullshit, trying to emulate the couple people that could do the 'cliche' shit without being cliche...then over a long, long period of time i learned how much of a waste of fucking time it was. if someone would have just been hoenst with me, i could have shaved (literally) years off the learning curve. but then again, you kids post work to get 'jocked', not to get advice. it's a waste of fucking time. you think cause little larry screen name, who still paints drywall in his moms garage says your shit is 'hot' that it means something.... wrong. little larry screen name doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground, yet that's the kid you're chosing to listen to, because it coincides with what you want to hear. if you wanna be lied to, by all means, disregard the cats who have enough experience to know what they're talking about, in lieu of those who don't, it's your integrity at stake. if you want to believe that 'as long as you're happy with it, that's what matters', go right ahead, but wouldnt you be happier if you could paint like totem? or like ewok? or like mode 2? guess how they got that good? by fucking busting their asses and not just being 'happy' with the initial bullshit that they made. shit takes time, dedication and sacrifice. it also takes a willingness to selflessly accept input from others. of course not everyone who criticises is right, but again, not everyone who jocks is either. eventually what you'll find, if you stick with shit for long enough, is that when you look back at your work, you'll just be embaressed for thinking you were such hot shit. everyone goes through that, unfortunately now theres the 'quote' button to remind you of your hubris.
  18. yellowman had a tumor or something removed from his face a few years ago, which is why he looks so jacked up now. bobby might be the only one who (possibly) remembers this, but several years ago (early 2001) while i was drinking heavily (while at work) i began a campain to change my name to 'yellowman'. ouija countered by trying to have me redubbed 'chainsaw' or something ridiculous like that. he then told everyone i was gay and posted a fake aim conversation that we (didnt) have. i took a one month vacation from the board and just sat back laughing. it was funny. seeks/_N_Y_
  19. dibs is way fresher than he gets credit for being. not even just in the city, but in general. dude was gnarley. RIP Q.
  20. i would leave that shit in the blackbook or on a wall and paint something else on the canvas.
  21. seeking


    yeah. you're boy guccicondom apparently really has it out for me. haha. of course dude. i was sure we were gonna blow out on the side of the road and die. ha. i really wish we could have gotten the tire off. it would have been a way better story if we succeeded. ha.
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