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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. just a little bit of purple, and only in the deep shadow parts. white where the highlights would be. right now it looks totally unfinished. white border would be good. just dont make it straight edges, give it a little 'weathered' sort of feel so it has some texture where the green meets the white. you'll be surprised how much a border brings things together. stay away from black, its not a cartoon. hecz is just still pissed because i made him look like a complete fool. nice signature btw. ha. it's a public forum, everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how right or wrong it might be.
  2. i actually dont hate those faces. yeah i know, i'm surprised as hell too.
  3. for sure homie. hope everythings been going well for you.
  4. how about you just leave it alone? the world is a better place without this thread. if you just repost a bunch of old shit, im deleting it. forwarning.
  5. those light switch panels are fucking awesome. consider it bitten.
  6. i really like the contrasting letter fill. it makes the pieces stand out alot more. im not a big fan of graff on canvases, but you do it well and splattered paint background are super played, but that ones dope. that blue kills. good color combo.
  7. man, you guys have the deductive reasoning skills of a chipmunk high on fermented blueberries.
  8. how come that girl has a little midget hand? and where's her neck? did it go to the store for 40's and blunts?
  9. they dont really have eyebrows either, but who's counting?
  10. yeah i got your pm. my computers in the shop and im only here for a second. we can talk next week. whoever told you it was a virgin spot was either kidding or retarded. it's been done atleast a dozen times in the last decade. it's fighting with the 75/94 exchange (where irate & pluto have pieces now) for the second most played out spot in the city (no offense guys). the first, of course, being that god awful silver wall right there. that thing makes me sad. :nope:
  11. fuckthathoe, im not sure if you were really trying to fool anyone, but since all you do is act ignorant and threaten people under your regular name, it's not going to take a rocket scientist to blow you cover. throw in the fact that every post is displayed to me with your IP at the top and well....just do me a favor, stop making detroit look even dumber than it is. thanks tiger. ;)
  12. fiesta, russia, whatever. ;) i'm gonna write umbrella. or penguin. or bucket. or maybe sanford...how about mustang? polok? handsom? machismo? oh wait, i've been writing machismo/macho since 99. hmmmm. and yes, i too initially thought that all of that was lj stuff, which of course was going to send me into a tizzy, but then i saw the tgv and chilled. still kind of tells you something though. and now that i think about it, i believe i remember esau telling me he was writing flesh, but it doesnt look like your usual esau quality at all. hmmm.
  13. you're kidding right? MCCP who is that first piece? and the other 'wacky' ones further down? are they all flesh? what about the third one?
  14. yeah, great spot too. :rolleyes: i was amused when i saw the piano though. pretty funny.
  15. ryke, you should stick in some subtle drop shadows where the lines overlap. it would really make it pop out. people are steady sleeping on drop shadows.
  16. KOH, joker, old growth, beardo, seeking, you enjoy myself, johnny, cracked ass, last boy scout, heavylox.....it's gonna be a god damn moderator jamboree!
  17. crashingbore, i cant remember what exactly you asked, so just to cover all bases...they're acrylic on masonite, and no, the paint isnt thin, infact there are several layers. on the and red/black one, the red is translucent, so it's got a lot of depth to it. unfortunately the flash kind of murders the effect. SPF, i like your stuff. its not something id ever paint, nor something id like to see everyday (meaning, smething i'd like to see 100 different people doing), but it fits a certain 'niche' so to speak. i would def. suggest trying to push yourself though. a style like that could be repeated a million times and always be 'ok', but never progress anywhere. as for now though, i like it. verbal kint, im sorry bro, but i cant hold my tongue any longer. i made one big post then erased, but this one wont be edited. you have to be one of the most opporortunistic, worthless fucking excuses for an 'artist' ive ever seen in my fucking life. every single one of those canvases you posted was absolute shit. half of them looked like a 7 year olds finger painting mixing pallet. there was no design asthetic, no color theory, no nothing. it looked like a fruit stripes zebra threw up on a scrap piece of wood. do you have absolutely no integrity, or do you honestly think that everything you touch is fucking fantastic? two words bro: 'quality control' and while i'm here, lets delve into your pathetic little racket on ebay. listing 15 paintings a week that never sell makes you look like the worlds biggest tool. i'd like to extend a sincere 'fuck off' from every single person who's ever had to wade through half a page of your 'ill paint your name for $19.95 hustles just to get to check out a can of paint. i would almost come out the $20 just so i could leave appropriate feedback. seriously, i dont know why no one is putting you in check, but someone needs to. do you have any formal art training? do you have any formal home training? do you have friends? how the fuck are you getting away with this shit? i can handle bad art no problem, but you're like a bad art factory that's working over time on the back of child labor. get a fucking clue homeboy. im not professing to be some great art scholar, but even a deaf cat in a freezer could hear the flies buzzing around your canvases.
  18. didn't you get the PM? inside jokes between two dudes that have absolutely no relation to one another in any possible way is the new 'graffiti'.
  19. yo, son... http://www.drphil.com
  20. i dont know what i was thinking about. i do know of prints. http://www.gigposters.com/classifieds/deta...iteid=572&pre=1 you can also buy them individually off the bulesque site, but they're $20 each. here they're $50 for 4.
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