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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. no, i know, i didn't take it like that either. just a deep philosphical discussion between two grown men about dinosaurs and turtles. animal stickers, like all stickers however, are indeed useless. especially when compared to the welding and screen printing that i'm now working on. seeks/much bigger fish to fry.
  2. infamousecraze, shut up.
  3. i still do animal stickers too, just none lately. it takes me a good hour atleast to do one, and i just haven't had the time to devote to something so useless lately.
  4. quick little paint marker jawns i did. why plants? i dont know, cause i wanted to go for the most benign, boring, non-graff thing i could think of and then count on the irony to make it awesome?
  5. squrrl, dude, that was my april fools joke. just cause i got the flic though. painting plants is the new turntablism.
  6. yahoo, yeah, i like that. im not sure how i feel about the hand in the corner. i wish i could see it better. wise one, read the dialogue we've been having the last few pages. all the criticism you need has already been handed out to others.
  7. oh christ, it's over. i been talking about getting Sdot's since the day they came out. now i got noooo excuse.
  8. holy shit, is that 'zek' of 'tek & zek explore taggerz alley' fame?! that shit is not half bad at all.
  9. i've got a flic of it. i've also got a solo end to end from last night and 5 pieces from this weekend with tead, piano, stori, heist and others. i'll post them in a few.
  10. not from a site. it was taken by a fellow mod who was interviewing him during the hanging of the show.
  11. i'll probably regret this later, but here's the 'right' way to do drips, overspray, etc.
  12. we're all still learning. well...most of us are still learning. i did a couple simple little illustrations on old rusty paint cans last night. i was gonna get pictures and post them, but instead i painted trains. why i couldn't just do both i'm not sure.
  13. ha, ive done plenty of stuff with over spray and drips. infact, i'm in the process of designing a poster (for screen printing) right now that has both. the difference is that they're just minute aspects of a larger whole, where as many people use them as the basis of the art itself. see, it's not that they're inherently flawed, they do look fresh. the problem is that ANYONE regardless of their lack of talent, can push the nozzle down and create them. the fact that every single person who posts some 'yo, this is my first canvas, tell me what you think' shit, ALWAYS has the same background. it's like 'that' toy hand, that every single toy has when they start...you know the one...same sort of thing. i have nothing on my work computer. i tried to upload some illustrations/stickers the other night, but the internet kept crapping out on me so i couldnt post them. i'll try again tonight. lately i've been concentrating on sculpture welding, so i've spent very little time painting canvases. and even then, the only time i ever really do them is when i'm stressed out over girls. i'll try to find something though. and i feel you on not wanting to catch a case, but really man, markers arent that expensive at all. even if you just get a couple, do a whole lot of work in the same colors, who cares? it's an excellent way to push yourself to get creative.
  14. my first idea is get deeper pockets. racking art supplies isnt really stealing. god actually approves of it. i havent bought a pen, marker or tube of paint in years and i have a pretty healthy collection of the stuff. i dont know what it's like over there, but it can't be impossible. even if you buy two or three markers and steal 5, you're still coming up. secondly, you're free to do whatever you want, if you think that drips and splatters are the culmination of 10,000 years of artistic exploration, then don't let me stand in your way. all i'm tryingto point out is that there is very little difference between generic and fresh when it comes to work like this, and personally, i'd feel a little more comfortable distancing myself. KOH is lying, i was this critical before i lived with him, it's what brought us together. he just managed to take what i had naturally and crystalize it into a deadly weapon (like a two bladed axe).
  15. ok, can anyway say self indulgence? i can (sorry in advance for this being so long)... justone, bro, you need to work on your reading comprehension, not your letters. i was not in any way 'hating' on you. i said that everything you did was good. i said that IMO, you could not have done that canvases any better than you did. now, if you perceive that as some sort of 'hate' then that's all a part of your persecution complex and not my fault. why exactly would you have to spend a hundred pounds on a 'coloring book'? and would you consider dondi or daim's black books to be 'coloring books'? black books are one of the biggest things getting left behind as graff moves forward. back in the day people actually cared about them and put effort into them. you werent a 'well rounded writer' if you couldnt do decent black book pages. now it's seen as 'toy' to draw. fuck that. there does not need to be a seperate thread just for graff canvases, if there was, i would be sitting in it telling you all the same shit: 'thing outside the box'. i don't know why you're fighting such simple advice. is it really that intimidating to be confronted with the reality that any monkey with thumbs can press down on a can and create these backgrounds? that these 'masterpieces', in all reality, are only a fraction of what someone could do with even a slight bit of effort? i'm trying to get folks to see things in a broader spectrum and all you can do is tell me im 'hating'?! if you came from an 'art' background, why cast it off and regress to mindless graffiti shackles? why be so resistent to outside ideas? wiseone, you're kidding right? leader, why say it sucks? i love stuff like that. negative space always gets an instant A in my book. post more. mr peanut, that's real slick. how big is it? be hiphop, the animals are probably the freshest thing you posted, those are dope. actually, i like the tree branch alot too, but the animals are awesome. i like the red textured piece as well. what did you use for the texturing? just thick ass acrylic? are the colors in the pic pretty accurate? i think i'd like it a bit more with a darker, eerier shade of red. but that's just cause i hate myself and am secretly goth as fuck. the first is 'good' but i think in a year you'll look back at it and kind of cringe. trust me on this. and no, i'm not really an 'art student'. i've had classes in a whole lot different mediums (amusingly, i've never had a painting class) but the classes have always been a joke. and just so it's stated, i do not think i'm some authority on art nor am i trying to make this thread into a soap box. these are all just my opinions...some i'm pretty confident and emphatic about and some are just personal preference. in either event, i'm just trying to help people see things differently (and more self servingly, remind myself of things i believe). if you're perfectly content with your work, then just pay me no mind and i won't bother you (unless i really, really think you suck balls and you're presence annoys me beyond a realistic comfort level). thats all.
  16. i really don't care about the 'evil' of advertising, that wasn't my point, it was just that once you turn your painting into an 'advertisement' like that, it changes things completely and throws it into a seperate catagory with seperate rules. my 'problem' (for lack of a better word) with yours, and specifically the last one, was that it didnt look like an ad, it looked like a canvas that needed something to fill space, so it got turned into an ad, know what i mean? it just seemed like an after thought. i actually like art that mimicks other things, be they advertising, fashion, whatever, but in order for it to work (IMO) it has to be designed with that goal in mind. that make sense? anyway, this is all just my opinion.
  17. i'm not really into characters a ton, so it's hard for me to judge unbiasedly, but these seem decent for what they are. i like your backgrounds. it's alot of the same spray paint tricks everyone else does, but you did them 'right'. i just wish you saved them a little higher res, the artifacts (the splotchy, blocky shit) really jack up the colors making it hard to get a good feel for the subtleties and shit. i'm kind of not huge on making paintings into 'advertisements' unless they're intended to be placed in the street, or they're whole point is to be a mock advertisement, but that could just be me. it just sort of seems like you threw it in there as an easy way to 'complete' the piece...which it does, just not in an entirely awesome way (IMO). i guess the only thing i can really say is that i'd like to see something a little more 'art' and a little less 'graffiti inspired art', but that's just because it's more of what i'm into, so i'm selfishly trying to push you that way.
  18. painting abandoned cars should be a judged sport in this city. army is fresh.
  19. that's dope. i dont expect people to stop putting graff on canvases, i just hope that maybe after all my nagging, that one of them will sit down and say 'alright, let me try something different this time around just to shut him the fuck up'. :) i think alot of it has to do with people being afraid to fail. most of them probably aren't 'artists' by trade, so to do a canvas is kind of a daunting task. i know stuff like that has always hampered me. it's one of the main reasons i don't paint nearly as much as i should. to further my rant, look at that justone canvas. that thing is just about as good as you could ever hope to make a 'graffiti style' canvas. the hands are decent, the colors are good, the composition is ok, blah blah. it is 'the' graffiti canvas. but now what? you just do 50 more? that's boring. look at the writers that do canvas work, totem, ewok, daim, joker, etc. no matter what style they paint, they all have one thing in common: none of them bother with marker outlines over top of over spray backgrounds. it is possible to do it well (ryke, zone, etc) but again, it's sort of a glass ceiling. once you reach a certain point, theres really no room to progress. blah.
  20. someday my belly aching will produce results and atleast one person will get half way through a canvas, realize that the whole style is played out, white wash the canvas then spend a week staring at it, trying to see something a little more interesting and exciting. at that point, i'll go live in the mountains and catch fish with my bare hands. do you guys put this much effort into your black books? i'll bet you dont, huh? you probably think it's a waste or something. meanwhile, producing cookie cutter canvases is a worthy endever? i hate to sound like a broken record, but i hate even more to watch someone sit around trying to play a broken record simply cause they don't realize it's broken.
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