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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. seeking


    being a thrower and not a cutter, im not sure if you care what i have to say, but im with you man. ive been having one of those months. tonights a good one for bombing.... stonethrower#1
  2. seeking


    lets say i was 6'3" and needed a cheap bike that doesnt suck. any help? what size frame etc? and dont give me none of that fixie crap. i'll wind up killing myself which will completely nullify my need for a bike. hook a brother up. stonethrower#1
  3. seeking


    hey DIBS, just wanted to let you know i rode a bike the other day bro. just riding around the town shit, but it was bout 3-4 miles in total, on a 18" purple girls frame with a broken gear shifter so i couldnt change it or it would come off track. shit was wicked fun. im working on trying to come up with a bike (since my car blew up) but im too broke to get something decent and not really trying to ride a huffy. fuck it. just wanted to let you know i finally went out... plans are in the works for a 4 hour trail ride once i get a bike... someday... leave it up to me to have to 'plan' for a bike ride. take care bro... oh, ps, what size frame should i be looking for?
  4. i cant ride a track bike but i have incredible lips and pretty eyes. that must count for something...
  5. nor do you send emails http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'>
  6. i'm 'unconventional' looking. even before the hair and tattoos, i dont look like most people. which is either a good thing or a bad thing depending on who's doing the judging. my sense of fashion is minimal, although tastefull. a dope pair of shoes, jeans or cargos )word to harpo) and white t'shirts. its the classic sort of look that girls go for. sometimes i wear glasses when i really want to 'wow' them... im told that im intimidating, so i put 'em on to seem more 'approachable.' if im in big crowded places (bars etc) i usually put on my 'mean' face and walk through like i hate everyone there. i dont know why i do it, but it makes talking to girls somewhat difficult. then again ive yet to meet a girl in a bar thats done something good for my life. if i can talk to a girl, i can get her. im amusing, entertaining and have no end of stories to tell. plus, as beardo can attest to, i have stickers... and once they know that 'ansiq loves you, boo' they cant help but drop the panties... please believe it...
  7. seeking

    Yard Safety

    i dont live in Ct but i know people that do, and im not trying to ruin it for them. i swear, i would almost think you were a cop. youve been in the game so long and you dont know what the fuck a lay up is? dude... i really truly think your a cop. now that i think about about all the posts of yours ive read, you dont sound like a writer at all... lets see where your ip traces too...
  8. seeking

    Yard Safety

    i wont even bother to explain this, cause if you catn figure it out yourself, your just going to ruin it for everyone else...
  9. seeking

    Yard Safety

    what are some bullshit words to throw around, if you do get spoted? you said act like a railfan... what do rail fans talk about? are they like trekkies? should i wear a conductor hat and overalls? kidding, but seriously... ------------------ everywhere i wander to know where art is
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