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Everything posted by seeking

  1. hecz, i've sat here for a bit trying to come up with a response, but honestly, i just sort of feel bad. i imagine you typing all that, desperate for some kind of excuse... some way out of it.... it was a classic, text book example of the 'grieving process': projection ("POST SOME OF YOU'RE KING STUFF") deflection ("WHO'S THE ONE THAT HAS ALL THE TOYS SUCKIN OFF ON WHO NOW?>??" & "whats so special about your letters?") rationalizing ("the reason those letters up there look busted after you take all the extras is simply because those letters were intended to be with extras... not with out them...") anger ( "I love being an asshole!! because I love to get hated on..") acceptance ("you win... I guess I've now been voted off of paperchase Island.") all you had to do was show us an example of a decent letter, painted on a wall (or train) but you cant do it...so instead you spit irrelivent insults. so what if kids are turning on you? they could turn gay and become dallas cowboy cheerleaders, you're 'letters' still suck and no amount of shit talking or excuses can change that. i won't make you go, but i promise that if you keep up your attitude, i will make it very uncomfortable for you to remain here.
  2. http://mywebpage.netscape.com/seekingoner/heczvsjyse.jpg'> "AND THATS ALL I GOT TO SAY ABOUT THAT! ;) :lol: :lol: " next time you try making an example out of someone, make sure you're not a complete fucking toy, sucker.
  3. not a chance in hell man. dont confuse being fairly competent with being a 'king'. i'm no where near close and i'm perfectly happy with that. i'm not some crazy style master. i do simple, legible stuff that can be read by a farmer across their field as the train rolls by. it's all i want to be. the days of 'kings' are almost a bygone era. few people take the time to master shit like they used to. no one has mentors...there is no heirachy so there can't be kings. you want to see real hot stuff, look in the 'bible' thread. you have to look at it like this. look at stuff you did the first couple weeks/months you started trying to do letters. at the time, you knew you werent a 'king', but you thought it was decent...then a couple months pass, and you look back at them, and you want to throw up. this same cycle will repeat for years. it takes a long, long time to be able to do stuff that you're still happy with in retrospect. you might think i'm real good now, but if you're still around in 2 years, or 5 years, you'll be able to see all the inconsistencies and weakness in my stuff that i do. graff is about evolving and taking things further, be it hitting balsier spots, or better letters. its about pushing yourself.
  4. the point of this whole 'paper' forum, is so kids can post their stuff and get feedback; constructive as well complimentary. but when it gets to the point where your whole graff 'career' is a box of markers and cyber-props, and you're just begging for attention instead of trying to improve, then you no longer belong here. hecz has not improved a single bit in the two years he's been posting on here. its the exact same regurgitated shit. if you wanna do the same stuff, over and over, atleast do it on freights, where putting up numbers means something. there is no 'heart' or 'dedication' in sitting on your couch in your underwear with a black book. and dude can't even front like he's actually putting in work, i've seen the quality of his painted work, it's complete shit. if you wanna be a drawer, be a drawer, but don't you dare criticise anyone else, or call their work 'wack' when they're trying to improve and you're not. i'm no king myself, i've painted plenty of shitty stuff, but every time i go out, i improve and every time i step up to a wall or a train, i do so with the intention to get better. when i work on sketches (which i don't do nearly enough) it's try try out new ideas and build on old ones; not to re-draw the same piece with a different color fill. at the end of his 'career' hecz might have alot more exciting sketches than me, but i painted mine thousands of times...he just sharpened alot of pencils.
  5. Re: ofcourse you like thick letters better than thin ones here we go again... hecz, i see you took a nice little leave of absence from this thread while i was checking it regularly. what's the deal champ, couldn't deal with some real criticism from someone that actually paints, and knows enough to point out exactly why you aren't good, and exactly why your attitude is bullshit? it's too bad i'm not at home, i'd pull that last sketch into photoshop, erase all your bullshit arrows and bars and expose for everyone just how fucking weak those letters are. that JYSE sketch is ten times better than yours. not cause the letters are 'thick' but cause the letters don't suck. his arrows and bars are shit, but the basic letter form is way stronger than yours. all you ever do is the same shit letters, with different arrows poking off of it. that Z seriously looks like a retarded dragon with a tumor. who do you really think you're fooling? a bunch of kids posting their very first sketches? you're a fucking joke. VIRS has improved 100% from when he first started posting here, meanwhile you suck just as much as you always have, yet have even more of an ego. enough hamburger pimpin...
  6. yeah, you're really going to want to change that name.
  7. omen, that's quite an ornate fill for a 'throwie'. you must have alot of time to bomb. ;) is that pink thing on top of the N an appendix or a feminen birthday hat? i cant tell. and you might want to make your letters a little less 'blobbular', they'll transfer to walls a whole lot better that way. seeks/not being mean at all, just trying to be helpful
  8. first thigns first. whoever posted the music in their thread, if i find your post before you get to it and edit it, you'll be condemned. quit qasting our bandwidth and our time. this is your only warning. secondly, there is a difference between influence as a means to improve, and influence as a diversion from having to learn. i dont know anything about kes, because i'd never seen him till now, but judging by his attitude, i'm gonna have to go with the latter. just cause you grew up around these cats, and they're who you looked up to, that doesnt mean its ok to do a horrible knock-off version and then front like you're hot. stealing like a madman while remaining totally humble is fine, but as soon as you start trying to claim that there is an ounce of your own personal style in that, you lose the argument. the only difference between your stuff and ges, is that you cant pull it off like ges does. i'm not saying it to slam you, i'm saying it cause it's the truth and if you give a damn about being good and working on your own stuff, then hopefully all bruised ego's aside, you'll accept that. just because ges hasn't said anything to you personally, does not mean that everyone else around you isn't saying it, it means ges doesnt have to; 'niggas know'. personally, i could give a shit less what you do, once i leave paper chase, i'll never have to look at your stuff again, but you will. i know you think you're all hot roddin an shit, crushin walls or whatever, eating up beef like cocktail weiners or whatever the hell you said, but really it just makes you look silly. find your own style or lose the attitude, cause you cant have both and expect any amount of respct. you can 'defend' yourself if you feel it absolutely necessary, but i will not entertain any sort of 'argument' about this. i dont care enough. i wont bother speaking on the subject again. gee, i wonder where hecz has been.
  9. as i started to read your reply, i was like...awe man, he's gotta hear talkin honkey.... and then i got to the end. album is good stuff. the little 'making of' video is funny too. buck's a strange ass character. yeah al, i can hook you up. you still got that sketch you did for me like two years ago? simple black pen on white paper? i've got a jpg saved of it, i'll post it when i get home.
  10. good try, but i saw the original reply before you erased it. ;)
  11. what up god? i've got a few limited edition posters from manoverboard. if you're interested in a copy, get at me.
  12. acidbath, you didnt really also write SOPE and NSK did you? tell me i'm seeing things. onescnd, deleted, thanks. if you see shit like that again, hit the 'warn' button and we'll take care of it asap.
  13. onescnd, who, and where? i looked for this usps thread but didnt find it. let me know and i'll handle it. acidbathtoyattitudeoner, i told you on the off chance that you were someone who understood the meaning of the word respect, and might appreciate some guidance. however since you obviously are not, i won't care anymore. i will however find humor in the fact that with an attitude like yours, you will NEVER get any respect, and will get crossed out and dissed by every single knowledgeable writer in your area (if you should actually decide to paint on walls, instead of paper that is). good day to you, sir.
  14. if you care at all, (which you should) there is a very famous EASE (FA, IH) from miami. just an fyi.
  15. onscnd, i posted some stickers in the sticker thread a week or two ago. mostly simple pencil stuff...handstyles and illustrations. i dont have a scanner and don't really sketch to much anymore. if you do a search on the site, you'll find plenty of my painted stuff though. i'm not really trying to be an asshole in here, but shit is just retarded. do a search for 'hecz' on 12oz..... dude is mentioned ONCE in all of brick slayers (hidden somplace amongst the 110 pages of a thread on his own city!), ZERO times in all of metal heads, yet there are SIX PAGES of threads that include dude in paper chase!! holy #2 pencils, batman! did you get sick of being the best writer on mommies refridgerator, and decide to take your black books worldwide? if he was all humble, on some 'yo, i just like to draw' shit, that would be fine, but everytime i make the mistake of coming in here, he's always flossing some new shit he just drew up like he's god's gift to prisma colors, complaining about how other cats arent posting good shit....atleast they're trying to improve, instead of posting the same contrived, mediocre shit for a year, gettin souped up off props from kids that don't yet know the difference. this is graffiti, not 2D, 3D design class, homie. show and prove, nah'mean.
  16. no by all means, i would love to hear your defense. i'd love to see proof that you can (and do) paint anywhere near the calibre that you (think) you draw at. how long have you been on this site, 'lording' over a bunch of toys (no offense guys) in paper chase, acting like it gives you any kind of real world respect. when i called you out on PG, you showed me pictures of two hollows done underneath bridges, two throw ups on trains, and two train 'pieces' (term used very losely) that were so sloppy, i thought you were kidding. yet still you hang out and let all these kids pump you up because you've got a big box of markers and can shade appropriately. where's your 3d pieces painted with real paint, on real walls? where are your 'burners'? show me proof that you're anything more than a black book commando and i'll gladly eat my words and give you credit. don't worry about being banned, this isnt seeking the moderator, this is me calling bullshit on your whole 'career'.
  17. f'real, especially when you can't paint for shit. does it make you feel good to sit here with a bunch of kids who suck, flossing how 'fresh' you are? what are you going to do when they grow up and realize you have no letters, 3d is a gimmick and you can't paint the things you can draw? mtlf, what kind of racially confused shit are you on, homie? hammer skins and kanji?
  18. Re: beef.... yall need to get a new hobby and quit arguing on the internet about stickers. you look so fucking foolish to anyone that actually paints, it's pathetic. this isn't an argument, it's a 'shut up and paint' reality check. and it's nothing personal to you 'damn', you were just being the biggest jack ass when i happend to stop in.
  19. freehand. i've always viewed drawing from existing images as cheating. philth, same one. communist, no offense, but i don't even know who you are. some older ones. been posted before, but whatever. http://mywebpage.netscape.com/seekingoner/stickers6.jpg'>
  20. just pencil. sorry for the shit quality. i need to get a scanner.
  21. the weathering on that gvsr is bangin.
  22. whole. (my new rule, is that anything i shoot, or atleast anything i present, has to have a non static variable. something that can, will and does move. thats all)
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