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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. is that the one with evergreen terrace? i was thinking about it. get at me on aim tonight. we can plan outfits accordingly. don't worry, the white belt is still all you.
  2. dude...we have to paint together. waiting for you to finish your piece is the only free time i get during the day. if we don't paint together, i'll never have time to do needle point and knit sweaters.
  3. awwweeee, look who's jealous! don't you have a girlfriend to be painting a piece for or something?
  4. i'm alright. stomach is real fucked up. think i ate some bad subway yesterday or something. just waiting for work to get over so i can get the hell away from this desk. you?
  5. i'm wondering if the masons crew know that there's a secret organization that contains hundreds of thousands of members and dates back to biblical times. they don't really 'cut up' too many enemies anymore though. i think they're a little preoccupied with ruling the world now. ;)
  6. silver&black, was that direted towards me? if so, was it supposed to be taken as somewhat threatening? because i just found it to be kind of funny. if you were indeed being serious, well, i'm still just kind of laughing. slashing people?! before you go running around cutting people over some glorified, hand-me-down JA and saber stories of what 'beef' is supposed to be about, i'd suggest finding a hobby first, and see if that fills the void. how about graffiti for instance? **ahh, i just realized who you are now, i was thinking you were someone totally different. either way, i really hope you were kidding. detroit doesn't need 'beef'. this isn't the 'wild, wild, midwest.' it just doesnt have the same ring as the original. isaac, teeth is perfectly acceptible because of who writes it. dude could write guacamole or 'i fuck goats' and he would still get unquestionable respect. eggs however...not really my cup of tea. although i like alot of the people he obviously likes, so i mean, he's got that going for him. ;) 2for50, obviously i dont know who you were talking to, but i assume it was probably 3 or 4 kids with 37 names combined, right? i understand why kids are coming up with a bunch of different names, it does keep things interesting and it's just fun to think of the most ridiculous shit you can come up with, but it also keeps things from ever evolving much past the initial amusement of writing 'oyster' or 'platypus'. justo could get away with it, because dude had so many styles, it was silly. sadly, most kids only saw his later stuff with esau. they didnt get to see him doing technical style pieces, or the stuff he did with dibs back in 98-99. there was a good 5 years where it didnt matter what he wrote, you knew he did it. now a days i'll see shit and can't tell if it's him or someone just following in the footsteps. i'm honestly glad that people are really making a push to do simple styles, it builds a much stronger foundation for later on in their careers, but i think some cats are forgetting that simple doesnt have to mean 'the same.' i also wish some of them would focus a little more on looking at things long term, instead of just trying to amuse themselves for the moment. i think there are some decent kids painting right now with a fair amount of interest in doing things the 'right' way. detroit is a very unique city, one where it's very easy to make your mark and set yourself apart. kids should take more advantage of that i think.
  7. there are some people changing things up that i cant stand, and some people who do the same things, that i like, so i guess it's kind of subjective as far as i'm concerned. and usually judged more on the person painting rather than what they paint. attitude is what seperates learning from biting. either way, i know that when i start seeing flics and i can think of 5 different people who could have done it, that there is a serious problem. and that has just as much to do with people changing their names every 4 days as it does having 'generic style'. when tvg came out under several names, it had a purpose and was understandable. plus, you always knew it was them. now a days kids come up with new names just so they don't have to come up with new letters for their old names. they get 'bored' of doing the 'same letters over and over' again. which i suppose makes sense...till i think of cats like bates, swet, hense, sever, revok, screw, etc. these cats keep the same name and push the fuck out of it, they don't just pick new letters. if you get that bored, that easy, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. but that of course is just my opinion, which seems to go over like a lead balloon in this city. either way, atleast people are painting.
  8. there is some pretty liberal borrowing of esau's style going on these days. not 'biting' exactly, but some folks are certainly not trying to set themselves apart.
  9. i made this the other night, but couldnt get it up. gliko gave me a little hand. (if you know what i mean)
  10. you guys are sleeping on the BIS rollers. dude's done dozens and dozens of em...all in broad ass daylight. homeboy doesn't get a tenth of the respect he deserves. seeks/bis pwnes
  11. look at little ador getting busy. stuff's nice.
  12. if your only goal in life is to paint every single passanger system in the world, and this was the very last piece of the puzzle, then i mean, sure, go for it. but you honestly have a much better chance of robbing a bank and getting a way with it, than getting away with painting this thing, and thats no exageration. heres a link if your interested. http://www.thepeoplemover.com/ yes i'm active.
  13. yes, we could also run in with guns and hold up the garage just to paint a train that would never run and would heat out the entire scene, but that would be fucking retarded. maybe you don't understand what we're dealing with. there 4 cars in the entire system. 4! they run on a track 35 feet in the air that is a big circle. the entire track is less than 2 miles long. the 'clean train' system in disneyland is larger than ours. the cars are locked inside a garage at night (also 35 feet in the air). every inch of the platform is monitored by cops that will be in the station in under two minutes (i've seen it happen for people smoking!). the cars have cameras in them that are monitored at all times. if you stand on a seat while riding, a voice will come over a speaker telling you to get down. if you dont, a cop will be waiting at the next stop for you. trust me on this, they aren't worth the hassle. realistically, it's almost like the thing doesnt even exist. i havent ridden it in almost ten years. no one rides it. white people ride it from the parking garage to the hockey game, then back. it's a joke.
  14. omen, are even from detroit? not guilty, there is a VERY small monorail system, that has i think 9 stops, and runs in a circle. probably not much more than a mile of track, total. it also has cameras in each car (there are only 4 cars, in two sets of two), on every platform, and the cars are locked up inside a garage every night. ie: they can't be done. there are no lay ups, there are no back jumps, you can't do them in the station, and you can't do them on off hours. i suppose if you made it your lifes work, you could get a hollow on one, but i almost gurantee you'll get caught in the act, but if you somehow get away with it, you will have succsefully blown up the entire city, and everyone that actually paints will wish for your death. but by all means, come on through and try your luck. BIS is not tgv. BIS is a whole crew unto himself.
  15. recycling is a detroit tradition, fox.
  16. why arent you guys putting up handstyles along with your 8 stickers per pole? i guess i just dont really get it.
  17. http://www.msprotege.com/members/RAAZ227/wrc.gif'> if i could only find one of a dragon, i would be in business!
  18. HECZ, back to picking on little kids huh, you fucking sucker? didn't i already make you look like a big enough jack ass? do us all a favor and take your paint marker pieces back to PG. if i see another unecessary comment from you dissing some kid just to be an asshole, you're done here. no one needs that shit...especially not from someone that doesn't even paint, just fronts on the internet.
  19. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v296/vanilla1/ludwig.jpg'> yo heres my entry for the ludwig throwy batle!
  20. yo i wana git in on the battle with hecz an papa smurf yo wuts the word we battlin wit an what we doin bombs r peaces or wut?
  21. tite yo im gona enter both them batles! yo the grief batle is we coloring them or just pencil skech or what man let me know so i know what to do! yeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww!
  22. yo can i git in on this batle? any word yo just tell me wut it is an wut were doin bombs pieces tags wut?
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