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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. ok, guess who has a story? yeah, me. anyway, that dubl... earlier in the day, me dubl and farms went into the building with the intent to do the windows, then all of a sudden we find that there is a rabid dog loose inside the building, and it's trying to eat us. shit was seriously no joke. so we take off, climb out the window, down the fire escape, we're walking out of the alley right as (who i assume was) the building owner comes around to the back and is staring at us all crazy. turns out i think it was his dog, and they were inside doing something. later that night dubl went back and did em without us. thats all.
  2. dude, you have no idea how hard i've laughed about this all day long. haha. from the moment i did it, till right now, i've never stopped laughing. haha. this shit rules.
  3. even better, is that so far, dude has no fucking clue what he's talking about.
  4. lesson 9 1/2: changing names because you're too undisciplined to work through 'writers block' is no way to learn. for ayem...don't give up so easily homie, the struggle is the reward.
  5. egbert, you got mail. when you dis someone with the letters you bit from them, it just makes you look dumb twice. that's funny.
  6. no, but i've moved several times in the last couple years, and every time, the first week is spent looking for a grocery store that carries it. most places only have 2 litres, but some have 6 pack cans as well. i once went on a road trip and brought several cases with me, just so i wouldnt have to ever go without. what's the chance someone might want to post a picture that isn't dfw or mp?
  7. yeah, but you see the way i slipped 'dopest' in there? that's cause i keeps it gully.
  8. if you'd left off that little qualifier at the end i would have taken it as sarcastic, but by throwing in the 'pet peeve' part you ruined it for yourself. since you're having a hard time getting your 'sarcasm' across to those of us at home, i present you with my '5 lessons of e-sarcasm.' lesson 1. go over the top. if what you write can be taken as serious, make sure that it could only be taken that way if you were a complete fucking retard. ambiguity will ruin the joke for everyone. lesson 2. if no one cares what you have to say in the first place, don't bother being sarcastic, people will just think that you're a complete fucking retard, no matter how obvious it might be. lesson 3. when in doubt, just reply with 'haha, yeah.' lesson 4. yellow card and fi-fi dobson are not good, and even best buys ultra-low everyday prices do not make them an acceptible purchase. lesson 5. upon moving to a new state, one of your first missions should be searching for a store that stocks vernors. if none are available, consult with the management of your favorite establishment and have them special order some just for you. i know the last two are kind of a stretch, but whatever.
  9. thats a pretty useless thing to waste your time being annoyed by. 'canvas', applicationally speaking, is the blanket term for the surface to which any visual medium is applied. it's an 'industry term'. and if all you took from that article, was a renewed frustration with it's usage, you completely missed out on one of the dopest interviews i've ever read with a writer.
  10. well i know that. illiteracy was proven by everyones inability to comprehend lesson 5. ;) you guys should read this. seeks/hate you not you hate
  11. why are there flics from a philly writer, done in philly, in a thread about detroit?
  12. lesson 1 was kind of a joke (bot not really)...you know, one of 'those' jokes. when you're young you want to hang out with as many people as you can and have fun. once you get older, you realize that life can't always be fun, and that it's better to have one or two folks that truely have your back, than a whole team of cats that may dessert you when the party gets rough. seeks/eat sleep hate
  13. lesson 1. hate everyone. lesson 2. only paint with people you would happily get punched in the mouth for. lesson 3. take shit too seriously, but don't take it personally. lesson 4. 'pieces of me' by ashlee simpson is the summer jam of 04. lesson 5. dont borrow from writers that hate you. lesson 6. if you take the easy way out, you'll never get anywhere. lesson 7. graffiti existed 25 years before the internet. find out what it was like back then and act like it still was. lesson 8. you will never be doper than SPone, accept it. if you don't know who SPone is, you will never be dope, period. lesson 9. there is no prize for being the smartest kid in special ed. lesson 10. if you're in a crew with 5 dudes that suck, you suck too. and don't be fooled, ive painted a lot of garbage. when you're constantly trying new things, failures are pretty evident.
  14. it's difficult to tell from the pic, but there are 5 different shades of grey in the second piece. it was done between the GRATE BATES 'wild, wild west shoot out' piece, and another bates production. (if you're familiar with bates work, that will make sense, if not, you should be looking at his thread, not this one).
  15. how about this. i'll meet you half way. here's some stuff from other cities/countries. first two are denmark, last is philly. all from last summer. http://mywebpage.netscape.com/seekingoner/ansiq_denmark.JPG'> http://mywebpage.netscape.com/seekingoner/ansiq_kpnhgn.jpg'> http://mywebpage.netscape.com/seekingoner/ansiq_philly.jpg'>
  16. if i had gotten pics of the stuff bis did today, i'd post it, but i was so wrapped up in taking flics of my pieces that i just plum forgot. sorry. :(
  17. ummmmm...i painted with bis today. his name does not start with a G. thank's for playing though.
  18. we don't have a lot of them, but there have been cases of folks being bitten by them here. i had a friend when i was younger that got bit in his leg. he almost lost it (no joke). heavylox made a thread in ch zero a few weeks ago about them. some ill ass pictures. d.krackhead is my favorite shit ever. dude kills.
  19. you guys are all apparently completely obliviious to sarcasm, huh? etib, the only poisonous (not venomous) spider we have is the brown reclose, and those things are no joke. you're lucky you didnt wake up a week later to find that your whole side was gone.
  20. i don't really mind jlaw too much. ok, that's a lie, dude sucks pretty hard and i really wish he would stop writing for a while and spend some time with a pencil and some paper, but whatever, this isn't about what i want. i've seen him use some col ink, and while his name blows chettah ass, atleast it's not 'cope3' and he's not biting either esau or tead. of course if he did bite a littel it would probably do him some good, but whtever. theres no reason to hate the kid until he comes on here being cocky. once ego's and internet get involved, then it's time to strt hating. this message was brought to you by tim hortons super sugar filled donuts at 4am. seeks/murda dem
  21. http://iheartfreights.concrete-scholars.com/fr8s12/tead2.jpg'> http://detroit.concrete-scholars.com/images/detroit/26.jpg'> http://iheartfreights.concrete-scholars.com/fr8s6/tead2.JPG'>
  22. http://tinypic.com/236ro'> this is a joke right?
  23. what the hell was that thing?
  24. rip, you need to be on AIM more often. i ended up out of town last weekend, and theres been nothing laid up recently anyway. pickins are mighty slim. :( i had considered widdling down the thread, but decided i didn't care. threads are reflections of the city, i can't change either one.
  25. i'm not 'not' relaxed. you gotta understand bro, i've been living/writing in this city for ten years now (on and off). imagine how many times i've had people mover talks. before i even had a single piece on a wall, i was trying to figure out how i could paint that fucking thing. it's the great white elephant that looms over all of our heads (in far more ways than one). i know things come across poorly on the internet, but i honestly wasn't trying to insult you, just give you some advice that was given to me. 'sall good.
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