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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. dude, you better chill. kooter is a king. he'll dis you on the internet. he's awesome.
  2. kooter, maybe you missed the part where he said 'with style'.
  3. next time i'm in ny, i think i'll pose for terry richardson. that dude is funny. i will not be sucking any super hero dick though.
  4. wow. paper chase is like a completely different world. i hope kids are using this as a chance to learn, and not as a chance to bloat their e-ego's.
  5. johnny put me up on harbourfreight the other day. what are the good brands on there? and if im looking for a grinder, what's the lowest voltage i should be messing with? i dont want to bother getting something that's just gonna suck a dick.
  6. ok, let me be a little more specific here. ive got a late b-day present coming to me... roughly $100. i know i can find cheaper, older, used tools at garage sales and pawn shops, but this has to be a new and from a store. i make everything so god damned difficult.
  7. i totally understand the idea of getting real quality tools the first time around, but for the applications i'll be using the stuff on, getting a $200 drill is like dropping atomic bombs on a country that's already attempted to surrender....kind of unecessary. i'd rather have a couple less quality tools than one real good one...unless that one real good one can do a bunch of wicked shit of course. and no telo, there is no faggy glass carving involved. there is welding and fabricating. real manly type shit.
  8. i've got a dremel. shit is definitely the jawn. http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000050FBA.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg'> that's the type shit im talking about. now, i know that stuff isn't 'A-TEAM' approved, and i couldnt build a whole house with just that and a leatherman, but fact is i really don't need to. i do simple things like make frames and fix the bathroom door. the stuff wont be used that much, so quantity is more important than quality....oh, and i'd like to keep it under $150 too, cause i got car parts to buy, na'mean.
  9. it cooooouuuulllldddd be...all depends on the tools i'm working with, i spose.
  10. yo. i'm not only a man, but i'm becoming an 'old' man. 'old men' like power tools and looking at very young girls. i've got the very young girls thing on lock, but my power tools are limited to a couple choice items purchased off crack heads outside of bars (no joke). i think it's about time i started getting serious. sooooooooooo.... i'd like to start with a good cordless multi-tool. one of those things that can either be a circular saw, a drill, a sawz-all, a vw beetle, a donkey that shoots cigarettes out its ass when you lift it's tail, or any other number of things. if anyone is into shit like this, and knows what i'm talking about, hook me up with various manufactures, kits, etc. thanks.
  11. jyse, its not bad at all man. just keep working on stuff like that, bending the letters different way, trying different bars and angles and see what you coem up with. you're in the right direction, you just have to keep going.
  12. why are you even asking for constructive criticism, when clearly you've already learned everything there is to know about graffiti? i've painted more pieces in the last two year, then you will in the next 5, believe that. i've painted in more cities than you've watched roll past from the back seat of your mothers minivan. keep living your life and finding your 'truth' on the internet. keep your finger on that 'search' button so you can try to make your irrelivent and ficticious rebuttles, meanwile i'll keep painting (like shit) with your hero's, in the real world. look me up in google, you can find more shining examples of how much i suck. seeks/all i ever wanted was to pick apart the day and put the pieces back together my way...
  13. kooter, which part of 'quit playing yourself' are you not understanding? you're seriously coming off as nothign but an whiny little brat. whats the matter, still pissed cause mommy didn't let you go for pizza and milk shakes with matt and jeff and stacie after your soccer practice? did she take away your credit card? won't let you drive by yourself with just your permit? die. this is graffiti, it's not junior high art class. no one is under any contractual obligation to give a flying fuck about your feelings. if you think i'm being a dick, wait till you get sick of tagging your local dairy queen's pay phone and actually visit a city with real writers. wait till you get vic'd for you paint, cause you were in a yard you didn't belong in. spend a day in the real world, then let me know how 'unfair' it is here on the internet.
  14. THE RULES 1 You suck until further notice 2 It`s gonna take a long time before we even acknowledge your existence, even longer before we can bear to look at that foul scribble you call your name. To speed the process of acceptance you can (A) Choose a clever name that defies the norm of simpleminded slang. An example of a good name is "ARGUE." It looks good when written, sounds cool when spoken, and conveys a combative attitude. On the other hand, "ENEMA" (actual name) looks, sounds, and conveys a shitty attitude. BE CHOOSY. (B) Use paint, gain knowledge of nozzles, be bold, learn a style of writing for every occassion, fuck permission walls, write your name bigger everytime you go out, don`t use stickers, and resist the urge to write in dirt. 3 Jealousy is a disease for the weak. -ESPO cry me a river small fry. when i responded i was OBVIOUSLY doing so with the idea that virs had done that sketch. had i realized it was not him, and some no name little piss ant who can't take criticism and has to get all defensive when someone with TEN YEARS more experience tells him flat out that it was not good, i wouldn't have wasted my time. quit trying to insult others, quit trying to play the 'quit jocking seeking' card, and accept that the sketch you posted sucked. some of the other stuff you posted later; the death simple, and especially the hands, i really liked...the virs sketch, as stated right from the begining, was in fact garbage though. i could point out exactly why it was trash, but i won't waste my time. you'll think i'm just 'hating' on you, when really the truth is that i could give a fuck about you. now go ahead and get all crabby, tell me i'm a hater and explain how you talked to all your boys, and they agreed that your sketch was the fucking awesomest and i'm stupid....do 50 more just like it. copy them on the xerox machine at school and wheat paste the ugly shit everywhere, i could give a shit less, it's your rep, not mine. "whenever i get too simple it looks like shit but i am trying to practice every day... all your comments have motivated me to try even harder " doing simple letters is a hell of a lot harder than people think. when you remove bars and 3d's and fancy fills, all that is left is the letter, and theres nothing to hide behind. either it sucks, or its fresh. try copying fonts, or product or sports team logos....anything that gets you working on basic, highly legible, yet slightly styled letter forms. it's good practice and while it might not seem like 'graff' to you, i would rather see one simple font style pieces, than 100 hacked, boring wild style knock off pieces.
  15. virs, go back to your other style. that thing was kinda garbage in just about every way. mgun, i'm such a sucker for pencil sketches of girls...nice shit. as dude said, try to keep it a little simpler. trying to add a bunch fo arrows is just gonna trip you up till you get letters solid.
  16. f'dupafro, does that say SWEK? newmexicorepresent.
  17. it's sad that someone can't appreciate something, without someone else trying to dis them for it. the fact is that there aren't many people who know what they're talking about that spend any time in here. truth be told, it's sometimes pretty fucking hard to do. so many unecessary ego's and petty defenses. most kids dont want to learn, they want to be told how fresh they are. that's why so many older cats completely ignore kids coming up, because kids now a days have no respect. they have no concept of learning things in steps. they see graff on jnco and tribal shirts, and they want to jump right into the finished product, not realizing how fucking difficult it is to get there. having good, solid letters is NOT easy, and no amount of artistic ability can guarante success. ive met plenty of kids that could paint you the sisteen chapel, but couldnt come up with a decent straight letter piece. it's just kind of sad, and ten or 15 years ago, it never would have happend. thank you internet. anyway, im totally on a tangent. if dude got something out of what i said, or what anyone said, then that's dope. i don't talk to read my own words, i do it because i was just starting out once, and if someone would have even told me simple things, it would have helped me out a ton. but i had no one, so i stumbled around in the dark, making every conceivable mistake possible. the little advice ive been able to squeeze out of people has made a world of difference, so i guess this is my way of trying to 'give back'. also, understand that the 'advice' i give isn't even mine, it's the advice that older cats have been passing down for 30 years now. it's what jokers mentor told him, and he told me...it's the things i picked up from ouija, kema, xide, mpower, aves and all the other people i've been lucky enough to paint with. if you dont know who those people are, you should take some time to look them up. all incredible writers. i appreciate the fact that some of you appreciate me trying to take some time, but really, its unecessary. no more of that. from now, if you want to 'thank' me, post a sketch and ask for criticism, then once you get it (from not just me, but everyone) try and understand where we're all coming from, and go back to the lab and work soome more. don't get frustrated, be stoked that you're working towards something. graff is as much about the process as it is the product. it's about painting with your friends, and devoting yourself to something that no one else will ever possibly understand. ok, enough blabbering. post some sketches. i'll try to get some hands or something to post later on tonight or tomorrow or something.
  18. too good to sketch? fuck no. try too lazy. too uninspired. winter doesn't do much to spark desire....spring however, is good for stuff like that. all i've really worked on for the past few months is handstyles. which i suppose, if i could find a scanner, i could post some of. don't hold your breath though...they're all just mutated boston/MUNE styles anyway. i don't really trade stickers or do books, sorry. i'm not very good with packages in general. unless you're a girl, it's gonna take me 2 years.
  19. i very rarely sketch and when i do, its just real rough stuff just to get ideas. i don't even remember the last time i did a 'real' full color black book page. just not really my deal. if i put the effort into coloring something, it's usually little illustrations like the stickers i've posted in the past. if i can come across a scanner though, i'll try to come up with something.
  20. jayfo, to be honest, im not the person to talk to about bars. i don't add anything to my stuff, i've just been around long enough to know what's good and what isn't. just work on making your letters solid, then add in little things to fill spaces and create movement and form. look at stuff like that nathan. look for stuff by SPone and AVES. both guys who do fairly simple styles, but do it solid as shit. just make sure all your letters are perportional and even. if you make letters with some parts fatter than others, make sure they balance out. find a couple older writers you like and try to do your letters in their same style. once you start to get an idea of how they do it, and what makes their letters good, you'll be able to transfer that into your own style eventually. more than anything, just take your time and learn things the right way. make sure you have a decent hand before you spend too much time working on letters. when you do work on letters, make sure you can do good simple letters. to practice those, just pull up microsoft word, type your name in a bunch of different fonts, print it out, and literally just redraw them. if you post some more stuff, i might be able to be a little more specific.
  21. m.gun, all the dopest emcees are the ones that take outside influences and weave them together. it's why redman is fucking brilliant, because he'll take some totally random shit that your average emcee wouldnt even consider, and make it hot. "fuck your e class, i ride a giraffe'. haha. shit kills me. anyway, i look forward to seeing your stuff. apoc, it's funny, that A and C are both killing it, but i hate the PO. not that you're asking for a critique or anything. besides, im not trying to dis the PO as much as i am pointing out how much i like the A. spellbound, shit's real slick. two N'? you're ten times the man i am. i can't even make one N look right. perfect example of solid letters with things added to make it more interesting, not to make up for weak foundation. every kid that flips through here and doesnt try biting that sketch is stupid.
  22. machine gun, i'm not saying you're biting anyone at all, i'm just saying that just by your technical ability, i can tell you have more potential than to just spit out regurgitated cliche images. i mean, no offense to anyone, but it seems like all anyone wants to do anymore is come up with a little iconic image and run it into the ground. its the dalek syndrome. you get one thing people like, and then beat it to death. it's formulaic. you make a little face, give it some funny teeth, crazy eyes, distorted perportions, then put it everywhere. people recognize it, its sweet. ten years ago, it was kind of cool, but after felon, and twist, and dalek, and tofer, and giant, and 85 million european kids have done it, it's not nearly as cool. granted, this is totally just my opinion, and by no means some law to live by. not everyone can be good 'technically' speaking. if you can't draw, you cant draw and no amount of teaching can really fix that. for those people, i think it's better to do one thing well, than 100 badly. but if you can go further, i think it's a shame not to. i assume you're young and going through the begining phases of things. i did the same shit. when i was 18, i was drawing the biggest shell toes in the world....my characters had fat laces so wide you could build a condo on it. they had funky hats and b-boy poses....technically they looked fine, but they were fuckind dumb and once i realized it, i never looked back. i dont want to seem like i'm trying to dictate what's good. there are probably people that still like tribal gear...those people have no taste, but they might be nice guys, who knows. i just think if you looked outside of hip hop for influence, and took in a much wider array of ideas and images, that what you'd wind up spitting out might be a bit more innovative and ultimately fulfilling than what you're doing now. maybe i'm wrong though. as far as letters, if you're working on simple stuff and building off that, you're on the right track. you should post something.
  23. seeks 4 second advice column: quit with the typical, cliche 'hip hop/graff' style characters. you have way too much talent to be dicking around with that shit. (not talking about the luda and banner, talking about baggy pant, hot topic style characters. it's overly obvious you have way more potential. the sooner you get out of that rut, the better off you'll be.)
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