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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. sign. you wouldnt happen to have his email address would you? my girlfriends dog just shit on my shoe and it looks pretty dope.
  2. how much was it unctioned off for?
  3. ummm, guys... apostrophe goes before the N, not after. and in unrelated semi-humerous observation, how you gonna do a 21 letter piece, and not make it e2e? ha.
  4. you get 'street cred' for painting stencils on canvases over there? damn, i'm for sure in the wrong country. ;)
  5. does IBS stand for 'irritable bowl syndrome'?
  6. isaac, please tell me you got the 'namesake' line. and thanks for the water cup idea, i'll try that next time im at mon jin lau. ;)
  7. i could talk about that, but eeeeeveryone and their mother is already talking about that. who's talking about sprite? nobody! and if i don't, nobody ever will. take the advice of your own namesake, and fight the battles you can win. ;)
  8. i don't live in the sudan, but i think it's current state of affairs is a tragedy. i also dont have a vagina, but i think female circumcision should be outlawed around the world. in addition, i think free refills should be a give-in, and this trend towards $2 fountaint soda's at restaurants is appaling. the restaurants frequently receive free soda in exchange for logo's on glasses and on walls, which means 100% profit off any sales. i don't mind them making pure profit, but what they're doing in this case constitutes fiscal rape, and i can't support such a thing.
  9. just, stop putting gay ass tags on those leaf paintings. ha. those are dope. i want an oolong painting from dee.
  10. where's the 'takt' pieces? cause that kid is stuck on suck.
  11. ha, i dont really care, i just think its funny that someone would feel inclined to randomly give my piece an extra shell. i just wish they would have done it a little cleaner. ha.
  12. what the hell is going on with that extra shell? that shit wasn't me. weird.
  13. just, just, just, just, just...why paint something that looks exactly like every other cliche ass illustrator design done for the last 3 years? you need to stop focusing on doing stuff that you know people will like, and that you can nail first try, and find your own niche. good art isn't safe.
  14. seeking


    that's exactly what i'd expect from someone from hawaii. garbage.
  15. seeking


    hmmm... i'd rather look at ich, than 99.9% of the shit that get's posted. maybe thats just me though.
  16. nati, not that you asked for advice, but if you're not going to roll the background, you should atleast bring an extra can of paint to do some bubbles or make a big rectangle or something so it doesnt look so cluttered. it's hard to look at the the way it is now.
  17. that's real?! ha. so basically what you're saying is that graffiti is the special olympics of the art world?! that all you have to do is show up and run (or walk, or limp, or stumble or in some peoples case, just ride on someones back) around the track and you get a hug? fuck that. that's not graffiti, that's lazy and it's an excuse. it's like joining a baseball team and instead of trying to actually play, you just run around the outfield like a retard. graffiti is more than just writing your name. it's being a part of something that's larger than you. something with a history and a tradition. read dondi's book then tell me style doesn't matter.
  18. first off, there is a huge difference between being influenced or mentored by someone and patterning your entire 'career' after them. you have bitten mhc and tgv down to the letter since day one. when they changed styles completely, you changed styles completely. when justo started writing wacky names, you started writing wacky names. when they totally abandoned conventional handstyles and letters, you totally abandoned conventional handstyles and letters. when they gave up colors in favor of silvers and blacks, you gave up colors in favor of silvers and blacks. every single phase of your 'career' was preceaded by something justo did. you don't grow until he grows. you're like a fucking crab begging for a shell. that is not being influenced, that is being a biter, flat out. you don't have an ounce of originality in anything you've ever done. if you were crew with them, it would understandable, or atleast ignorable, but you're not; they hate you. justo dissed you to your face. biting him makes you a sucker, no matter how 'up' you think you are. as far as you trying to call out the whole city on their influences...do you really wanna take it there? you really think you're in a position to be calling people out? calling your friends out?! what kind of bitch made shit is that? trying to brush the attention off yourself by dissing them?! ha. not to mention the fact that you're not even close on most the shit you said? tead biting trik? do you even know what trik paints like?! hughes biting amaze?! far biting esau? far has obvious influences, but it sure as hell isn't esau. loaf biting msk?! have you seen what loaf paints?! were you sober?! even if they have their influences (which we all do), what they've done and what you do are night and day. they borrow, learn, and make it their own (for the most part). you steal and make it look like shit. as for me, get your facts straight: i don't 'know' the transcend guys, they are my former room-mates and some of my closest friends. i am in the same crew with several of them. we've all influenced eachother, and yes, i've learned a ton from them, but i've never bitten from them, ever. me biting mh? find me a piece i bit off anyone in detroit, ever. i was influenced by justo/sect/dibs because i came up on their heals, but what i learned from them was heart, not how to steal styles. i've painted some grade-A bullshit, i'll be the first to admit it, but i've always pushed myself and 12 years later, i'm still pushing myself. how long you been writing now? 6, 7 years? and what have you accomplished? what do you have to call your own? you can say that originality doesnt matter, that the only thing that counts is ups, but if that's the case, why paint 700 shitty pieces in abandoned buildings? why constantly pattern yourself after someone else? why pretend you've got style? why bother? i gave up trying to argue with cats in this city and i'm not trying to show you the light, i'm mostly just trying to make you shoot yourself in the face. that probably makes me a bad person, but oh well. i'm sure you won't do it anyway, you've got 'camero' pieces to paint.
  19. no, it's ok, you can call him a biter, everyone else does. kid's never painted an original letter in his life. it's just sort of expected at this point.
  20. umm, no, i was being sarcastic. i was talking about the jime piece.
  21. my impression in one sentence or less? dee's shit is kickass, everything else sucks.
  22. please tell me someone isn't writing 'just'.
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