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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. yeah, regardless of anything else, dude is definitely a nice guy and technically, probably the best painter here. his aptitude as a 'teacher' or 'mentor' is subjective and largely irrelivent. riku, what was the 'concept' behind the photos?
  2. its not really difficult, it's just proved to be more hassle than its worth. i used to try and talk about shit and it turned into too much drama. it's like being a teacher in a school for delinquints, nobody wants to learn, they wanna yap and show how cool they are. it's not really worth my time or effort. yeast, teachers are judged by the accomplishments of their students. who has fel 'taught', and what did they really learn? (thats not being an ass btw, that's an actual question.)
  3. i think originally it was 'fucking/fearless vandalds', and was often written as FVE, the E standing for 'empire'. we also wrote FVK alot too, which comes from 'fearless vampire killers', a bad brains song. "The bourgeoisie had better watch out for me All throughout this so called nation We don't want your filthy money We don't need your innocent bloodshed We just wanna end your world Well my mind's made up Yes it's time for you to pay Better watch out for me I'm a member of the F.V.K."
  4. farms is definitely not justo (but, coincidentally, he did just call me while i was typing up the following...) do you want the history of detroit graffiti, or do you want a list of every person who wrote their name at least once? cause there's a big difference. ...this has always been the biggest problem with detroit graff (in my opinion). there's never really been much interaction between older cats and younger ones...because of that, you get shit like this, where your only knowledge of our 'history' comes from alt tags on photos on the internet. back in the day (and im sure sect will agree with me) it wasn't like that at all. there was alot more 'schooling', and a lot more appreciation for anyone who could teach you something new, even if you had to eat shit to get it. for instance, justo generally hated us all, but i think we all kind of learned from that regardless (atleast i know i did). he was like the king of 'tough love', except there was really no 'love', ha, just our determination to prove him wrong. of course again, maybe that's just me. either way, i think all of us had just as much interest in 'graffiti' and everything it meant to be a writer, as we did in writing our own names. maybe that's the case now a days, but it generally doesn't seem like it too much. oh well. you forgot pest, he was a cool kid. DUBLEWISEFARMS
  5. ha. slap is actually what i was thinking of when i said silk. that yellow and red throw up on broadway! that was one of the first pieces of graff i ever saw in detroit. at the time shit was like magical to me. id been running around in the suburbs tagging up the backs of grocery stores, an this motherfucker was doing two colors on the side of a street!! ha. i couldnt believe it.
  6. alot of those are indeed the same people under several names. some others are just people who came up with tags for the hell of it, but never had any interest in actually being a writer. older ones you missed. (some more dedicated than others.) zen, snuz, jeru, jstarr, jedi, sun tzu, verses, bum sticky, new wave, epod, laz wunz out, hazard, game, BM, aero, silk(!), b dogg, ogre, deco, iago, cypha, ques... i know there's a bunch more i can't think of right now, some i even painted with. hopefully sekt will remember. i've also left out the dozens of side names me and past crew members have used.
  7. my bad dude, i didn't mean to cap on your girl. plus-sized models are still models, nothin to be ashamed of.
  8. by the looks of it, atleast two of them were busy eating. probably why you didn't get paid...the 'models' had 50 pound feed bags written into their contract.
  9. what program? tablet? (just pretend i said nigga a bunch of times as well)
  10. ummm...what happened to his body? why is it a bad 3d piece? what did you do that with?
  11. i mistakenly read 'whiskey bar' as 'whiskey Jar', so i drew a jar of whiskey. obviously it was bit too yellow, but my color choices were limited. also, the cobra is not crushing the jar, it's simply enveloping it, poised to strike. all snakes can wrap around their prey. not all snakes have laser eyes though, which is what sets mine apart from the rest. like che guevara with bling on. here, this has absolutely nothing to do with graffiti, petty beef, bickering or dissing people but not leaving a name, but you'll just have to deal with it (ya heard).
  12. yeah, theres a lot of anonymous capping going on these days. pretty grimey indeed.
  13. no beef?! where the fuck you think you is? india?! nigga, we battle like cattle! mooooooo, muthafucka!
  14. yo man, when it's beef im like the iron chef! get my benihana on, workin two pots, naw'mean! chop it, bag it an tag it. ;)
  15. YO WHISKEY JAR, that's you gettin crushed motherfucker! spilln yo guts, nigga! you see them green eyes? motherfuckin lasers, bitch! ZZZZZZZZZZZ!! fry you up like bacon, WOOP WOOP! ya nah waan test me, nuh! original don dada! straight whip'n house niggas like they spilled tea on the mas'ah!
  16. naw small white child, YOU dont know who you're fuckin with. we crazy in these streets son, slither like a rattlesnake an choke niggas out like anaconda's ya heard!. step up an you're whole fuckin crew playin it like ice cube '"YO, THERE SNAKES THIS BIIIG OUT THURR"?! god damn right. big ass snakes on them big ass thangs, with big ass straps that make big ass bangs! what you know about that shit?! how you want it, my jeans is $300! these aint diesel, nigga, these is evisu! top is ROC, you know the rest! quick draw mcgraw, i went to art school! amomamal, nigga, what?!
  17. shit nigga, i aint teh one talking all this yang about how i'd burn the cobra, you is! shouldnt'a opened your fuckin mouth if you wasnt ready to rumble, ya heard?! dont start none, won't be none, niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  18. yo, just post your sweet ass hand, nigga. BRING THAT SHIT.
  19. how come people still complain about eminem, but no one EVER mentions the fact that paul wall is white? do they all not know or something? like...is it a secret?
  20. 'killin shit'? sure you didn't mean 'dying of aids'?
  21. i dont even know who the hell that is, or why he's getting involved in beef that aint got shit to do with him. that shit was between me an philm. dude said he could burn the cobra with his handstyle, an still i aint seen shit outa him. yap yap yap. next he'll be sayin it wasn't him dissin the cobra, it was his 'secret friend'. yo, i gotta secret friend too, his name is 'where the fuck your hands at, sucka'?! what up, you scared or somethin?! can't handle the realness?! that grimey ass bombay to calcutta beef?! WHAT?! bring that shit, let's rumble on some king of the jungle shit, ya heard?! metro sexual ass, green cobra bullshit. fuck that fake shit, i got fangs like elephant tusks, nigga what?!
  22. red, dont sweat it homie, you know i agree with you. i also know that you were refering to more than just the lines. it's the influx of people after you that i'm refering to.
  23. dude always had sick hands. easily some of the best ever in the city. i learned flare tags by biting his. edit: FVC!! ha just noticed that. they don't even know about HPO.
  24. ha, dee, shouldnt have opened your mouth. you can't have that one, cause it's in a bound book that i made as a 'portfolio'. it was the first semi-realistic animal ive ever done. i was planning on doing more though, so i can definitely rock one for you.
  25. philm, if you have no need to be in their business then you're 'secret friend' sure as fuck doesn't either. since puto missed the obvious, i felt i should set the record straight. i remember a year ago when i was getting slammed for painting 'too clean'. now everyone's tripping over each other to hand out crowns?! :rolleyes: i hate to burst everyones bubble, but kosek, army, malt, dibs, justo, myself and especially fel, all paint as clean, if not cleaner, than anyone mentioned. really not that big of a deal.
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