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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. no, i just assumed since between your two names, you had every one of my letters (in proper order), that maybe you'd just cut out the middle man. ;) but no, never been to berlin, and more to the point, wouldn't rock such a weak hand.
  2. you're not really writing monster are you?
  3. colors has been my secret shit for years. that magazine is awesome. one of the only ones i still buy pretty regularly.
  4. i guess that's a decision i'll have to learn to live with. :rolleyes:
  5. i like pak's simples and throw ups.
  6. dude was one of the few people who i really checked for on here, and one of the only people i've ever gone out of my way to hook up and paint with. definitely honored to have shared a panel with him. RIP
  7. oh, maybe i'm wrong then. ha. my bad.
  8. labrodent, are you who i think you are? get at me, your numbers disconected.
  9. there are a couple on ebay right now i think. a little pricey, but that's how it goes. i'll holler when the others ones i posted go on sale (the super ornate fillagree ones).
  10. the mogwai print sold out in 30 minutes. check ebay. they're going for about $150-$200.
  11. ha, atleast someo one got it.
  12. they're neither mine, nor horkeys. they're one of the guys that works at the printing shop.
  13. is motosoul down or something? ...9 countries, 49 states.
  14. i should point out shit is ALL done freehand with pen and ink. no illustrator. its scanned into photoshop, but thats it.
  15. so amo is going over esau? for what? and i think in order to 'punk' someone, they need to know you exist first.
  16. so was that the artist statement that accompanied your installation? were you graded on this project? if so, did your professor give you a critique? what kind of things did he/she say? how do they feel about your desire to overthrow the system, but your inability to spell 'our'? i won't bother to mock you, that would be far too easy and serve absolutely no ends. i do believe you genuinely think you're saying all the things you claim, but i'll be honest, your talk is much larger than [although just as incoherent as] your walk and ultimately just makes you look ridiculous. you're very sincere, which i can respect, but your 'vision' needs a whole lot of revision. to anyone with even an iota of familiarity with art, politics or current events, your work reads pretty much like the ramblings of a spoiled, misguided 14 year old kid punk rock kid. you're unhappy with your life, probably feel a bit neglected at home, don't really fit in or feel like anyone understands you, low self image, etc. you have this giant hole in your 'soul' that needs filling, so you gravitate to 'hip hop' and graffiti and politics because it gives you a sense of self and something to belong to.... sound at all familiar? problem is, you care a whole lot more about belonging than you do about really understanding any of these things. your deep symbolism is about as deep as an upside down spoon, and your 'repetition of form' is simply reposting the same image over and over. that's not what 'repetition of form' means. i'm sure it was a landmark experience when you realized you could set some tapes on an undeveloped sheet of photo paper and turn on the enlarger, but to the rest of us, it's not much of an accomplishment, and your piece as a whole conveys none of the things you intended it to. if you want to create art that moves people, you need to be far more in tune with the viewing public, and unfortunately for you, while most of us are ignorant sheep, virtually all of us can spell 'sense', and again, know that the word is 'our', not 'are'. i'm really not saying this to be rude. if there was something positive i could focus on, i would have, but (as i'm sure your instructors have told you) it's just not there. again, i respect your sincerity and your drive to do things, i just really wish you'd put a whole lot more thought and energy into understanding the things you represent and present them in a way that will actually convey their message, not make a cliche mockery of it.
  17. by '2son' i assume you mean arizona, yes? very weird. if you've got any pictures, i'd really like to know which yard is sending shit out that way. i assumed everything was pretty much east coast/canada/south.
  18. seeking


    the other thing with black people is that they wouldn't even like the shoes, they'd just need something to match the silver jacket they just got. you know how much white bitches like to do coke, smoke parliments and drink shitty beer? well that's how much black people like to coordinate. **those shoes up there would be cooler if they said 'frank the tank' on the back.
  19. what do you mean by 'repetition of shape, deep symbolism and political statement'? which shapes are being repeated, which symbolsim is deep and what are the political statements it's making? this is a sincere question by the way.
  20. i was talking to death. i have no idea who you are, so i would not make assumptions about you.
  21. not really. i dont know anything about amo, but if you're implying that amo is mocking esau, then that's just...i dont know, dumb? it's really pretty sad that you have to constantly be taking jabs at a guy who is the epitomy of what graffiti is about. he doesnt run his mouth, he doesnt post his own flicks, he just puts in work. he's 'all city' in a city the size of rhode island, if there's something 'funny' about that to you, i'd love to hear it, cause as far as i can tell, it just screams jealousy. i don't know if you're mad cause you don't get the respect he does or what, but seriously, give it a rest. i'm not some dumb kid who doesn't understand what's going on. at one point you respected me enough to ask for advice, and apparently you still respect me enough to keep asking me to paint with you, so do me a favor; respect me enough to not insult my intelligence.
  22. so if you can 'punk' someone, does that means it's ok to bite them? for the record, i dont think it looks anything like esau, i'm just trying to understand the rules here.
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