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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. at the risk of being ice picked to death.... feis, the word is 'come', not 'cum'. 'cum' is a slang spelling used solely in the sexual context ('solely' means 'only', 'context' means 'manner', 'manner' means 'way'. it can also mean 'ettiquete', like when your grandmother tells you to 'mind your manners', but that's different). i can let most rap-spellings slide, but this one is a bit much. quatro, i generally view it as people being too lazy to learn, so they stick to this wacky, overly simple shit and pretend that it's an accomplishment. not to say that everyone doing it is wack, there are a handful that have been doing it since '01, but anytime i see a 'new' name, with a crew beside it that i recognize, and i think 'oh, _______ must be writing that as a side name', only to find out later that it's a totally different person....i have a hard time respecting that shit. mostly i just think there's a lot of people that should thank their lucky stars that justo and esau made it cool to paint wacky shit, cause it really seems that when they came out, alot of people were like 'fuck yeah, now i don't have to try'.
  2. i thought this said russia. the amount of recycling that's going on with some of these cats is bordering on...pathetic. please stop arguing amonst eachother. please stop with internet tough talk. please stop entertaining the threats of junior high students. thank you.
  3. seeking


    naw, i tend to think that fixed gear tricks are gay. then again i'm very old.
  4. wow. this is next level awesome.
  5. seeking


    where the fuck are you posting from?! haha. robs banging some girl upstairs. pizza made my stomach hurt like crazy.
  6. seeking


    i do a lot of tricks on my fixed gear. 360 skids, one foot over the bar, no handed skids, etc. alot of real radical, cool looking stuff. seeks/psych, i think that shits hellof gay.
  7. i thought feis was death. /more crews than writers.
  8. seeking


    that fork is maybe the ugliest thing in the world.
  9. seeking


    apparently you haven't been paying attention. ha. i should send an email, you'd be proud of me.
  10. seeking


    why don't you just let it go anyway? it's the internet, it doesn't matter.
  11. seeking


    why the fuck'd they use silver nipples on those wheels? makes no sense.
  12. seeking


    i'm, 6'3", tiger. ;) im not talking about large frames, i'm talking 'tall bikes', ie: when you take two frames and weld one on top of the other. shit might as well be tattooing a gay fisting tantasy scene on your back in terms of no-turn-back homosexuality.
  13. seeking


    i fucking hate 'bike art'. i hate tall bikes. hate, hate, hate.
  14. oar is still fresh to me. seeing esau burning amaze is awesome.
  15. last i checked, getting influence from your crew/family was not considered 'biting'. ya'll have been around alot longer than me, and know alot more about graff than i do though, so i guess i'll just take your words for it.
  16. seeking


    deep v's are super over rated and super heavy. unless you're 250+, just stick with the cxp 22's.
  17. are you guys all too stupid to remember a password, or do you just like making new names for each bitch made shit talking post?
  18. seeking


    bought my first 59fifty today. i feel like i finally fit in now. detroit, what?!
  19. seeking


    KOH, you do realize that getting your dream bike will completely remove any possible excuse that you have for never ever ever riding anywhere further than the 4 minutes to and from work, right? just checking.
  20. seeking


    i'm putting a brake on my bike. then im riding that thing i said i was gonna ride a few posts ago, that i forgot what it was.
  21. seeking


    i just hate australian writers. australians in general are ok with me.
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