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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. seeking


    apparently you can't shell out for postage either. :rolleyes:
  2. seeking


    ya know, i dont know why the hell i went with 46. i think maybe i forgot what you said. we talked about two different ratios. screw it, i'll just get another one. shit was only $13 anyway. joker, that bike looks exactly like you; black and rugged. seeks/that was a 'just kidding'.
  3. seeking


    i was doing track stands today while bored at work. i didn't think i could really do them, then i realized i could. pretty easily too. then i decided that i really don't care about them at all. i'll sit there and watch dudes waiting at lights for like 2 minutes, and i just think...man, it would take a whole lot less energy to just stand there and put your foot back into the cage when yo start riding. i guess some people need to show off though. skidding is another thing i just dont really get. i'll do it when i need to stop, and occasionally i'll even do it when simple back pressure would suffice, but as far as being a 'sweet' activity, worthy of contests and such...i don't know, i guess i'm just too old. it's fun and all, but it's sort of fun in the same way that it's fun to dive and catch a baseball - cool to do once in a while, but if i did it every 5 minutes, i'd be like 'fuck, i hate diving for baseballs'. skidding to the side, or whatever name you gave it, isn't difficult. i learned by accident. remember how you'd do 'power slides' on your bmx bike with a coaster brake when you were a kid? basically the same thing. just put a little more weight on your back foot, a little less on your front, kinda push into it, and shift your body's weight so its leaning opposit of whichever way you want to skid. i like cars. they make life a fuck of a lot easier in most situations. right now im ok with riding a bike and knowing girls with cars. **none of that was to counter rubbish heaps feelings, just sharing my feelings on the subject. i'm certainly no authority on what's cool and fun in regards to bikes.
  4. seeking


    i kept having to stop myself from buying a new headset and seat post today. i don't need them really, but i think i like black better than silver. plus, i come from the world of cars, so realizing i can buy all new components for like $200, is blowing my fucking mind.
  5. seeking


    i'd been meaning to start riding forever, i just never had the means to get one. once i was in a position to, i got rid of my whip n copped a bike. i switched chain rings last night. 48, down to 46. shit feels way too easy now, i dont like it. it's nice for starting, but i don't have the power after i get going. i think im'a have to change back.
  6. seeking


    tandem bikes are seriously the dumbest thing to me.
  7. seeking


    huh? do i look like a gay ass fag? just kidding. i live in a small city that's flat as a pool table. no real need. if i lived in sf or someplace like that, i'd run one for sure.
  8. seeking


    i dont think you get more respect if you ride without a brake, i just think you get dissed if you ride with one.
  9. seeking


    http://www.sheldonbrown.com pretty much anything you'll ever need to know. depending on the drop outs (where the rear wheel attaches to the frame) theres a real good chance one (if not both) of the bikes you got will work. you'll need to strip all the gears, derailers and all that shit off the bike and either build, or just buy a rear wheel. i'd suggest just buying a whole set, since the wheels are probably 27", where as most fixed wheels are 700cc (about 6mm smaller than the wheels it's got now). stopping and slowing is just leg power. puttiing back pressure on the pedals. you can also lock up the back wheel and skid.
  10. seeking


    i take vicodin and recently came up on some codein pills. oh, oops.
  11. seeking


    i could post other peoples bikes...but i wont. im currently rebuilding mine. ill post pics when its done. or maybe i wont. we'll see. as for knees, i dont know. i have really bad knees. i had to quit playing hockey because they were so jacked up i'd just fall down sometimes without warning. ive never had any problem with them since ive started riding though. i ride a pretty hard gear ratio too (48/16). if anything, it still kills my quads. knees are all good though. nothing i just said was helpfull in any way.
  12. seeking


    your single speed must either be geared wrong or not adjusted to your height.
  13. young kids done lost their minds.
  14. seeking


    converting a geared bike generally takes a little more than just removing parts. school is starting back up in a week, the city here is quickly being filled with hipsters on bikes. it's bumming me out. i've already had to put on the 'just cause we both ride bikes, it doesn't mean i give a fuck about you' face.
  15. haha, it's nothing like violation (which is taken from the depeche mode album 'violator' and is generally used wrong, because people don't know about the 'option' trick with the font. /nerd
  16. seeking


    i like it for picking up girls, impressing dudes with haircuts, and being the perfect accessory for my cut off dickies. seeks/stylish as freshman lesbians
  17. you're ill for that shit. the dude on burning angel with the master shake tattoo is awesome.
  18. faygo is in KD now? *both them shits is hot btw.
  19. sorry, this old dog aint got no more fight left in him.
  20. ha. glad to see you're taking over for me. ;)
  21. seeking


    since 48:16 isnt around to be pestered with my bike questions tonight, if anyone has advice on a cheap yet decent wheel set, feel free to school me. i ride everyday, but never more than a couple miles usually. i dont care about being all fashionable (ie: no velocity deep v's) i just need em to deal with crappy roads and be something i can afford. OR, i suppose...heres my deal. besides the possibly cracked front rim mentioned earlier (dont ask how i dont know if its cracked, i dont feel like explaining), im also getting a weird loud clackety noise from my rear hub. its a constant sort of thing that never goes away and always annoys me. it seems to ride fine, its just annoying. i started toying with the idea of taking the hub apart, cleaning it, etc, but then i remembered i have no fucking clue what im doing, and the only tool i own is a philips head screwdriver. not gonna cut it. sooooooo, if anyone has a prognosis for my hub, or wants to give me an idea of the possibility of fixing it myself, im all ears. actually, thats a lie, im all man. im also very tired, so ill be reading any potential replies in the morning. god bless you, goodnight.
  22. seeking


    i believe i cracked my front rim, so if anyone has an extra they'd like to part with for a reasonable price, pm me. if you have a whole wheel set (fixed) you want to get rid of, i'd entertain that as well, seeing as my hub is noisy like a puerto ricanblock party.
  23. itf tattoo, are you the guy who was recently in 'crave'? (i believe it was crave anyway).
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