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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. what kinda dumb shit is that supposed to be?
  2. seeking


    seems to me you really don't know shit abotu bikes, which would be the logical first step in the hunt for the 'perfect' one. i get the feeling you're trying to build some fantastic super bike so all your bases are covered and everyone is impressed...a cool bike on the street that performs on the track, blah blah, whatever you said. if you can't find a store that has bikes to test fit, i really doubt you'll be spending much time in a velodrome, but what do i know. either way, take hesh's advice, get gears.
  3. seeking


    as for constructive criticism, i wouldnt want to ride a concept as a daily rider over city streets. i think you're gonna find the aluminum and the geometry to be super uncomfortable. but you're in the middle of fg centeral, talking about how you cant find a bike to test fit, so you'll be getting what you deserve i suppose.
  4. seeking


    BOP means breaking your own crews rules and then laughing about it with the guy who made the rules, like 'ha, that's hillarious, i shit all over your rules, son. BOP!!'
  5. seeking


    i could give a shit less about a movie about dudes who think they're awesome as shit riding their bike. ive tried to watch a couple videos on you tube and im always like...ummm...ok? i just dont understand what nerd gets excited by this shit.its not like skate videos with awesome tricks and cool terrain, its just...riding.
  6. seeking


    blah, blah, blah. everyone talks too much about what they're gonna build. ride bikes, don't talk about them.
  7. details screen print...21 screens, 18 colors. $260 if you want one.
  8. seeking


    i just ordered detroit 5950's to match all my outfits. seeks/black on the inside.
  9. i'm sorry, was i talking to you?
  10. bite me a little harder please.
  11. he pruposely avoids heads/faces on a lot of things. i think it's kind of a statement rather than a cop out. dude can defanitely draw some heads.
  12. yeah, the lettering isnt the most awesome i've ever seen, but it fits the band well.
  13. you wrote an entire paragraph explaining how you believe the yard should be painted. you offered alternatives as to where you think things should be done (burners in the other yards, or abandoned buildings) and you explained exactly why you feel simples should be done on the amtrak line. if you did not mean to imply that there was a 'right' way to paint that line, perhaps you should not have stated it in near-exactly those terms. i was not criticizing grim for going over a dissed piece. i have no problem with that. i was not criticising anyone for painting one color simples. i was simply saying that the idea that they are the only thing that should be painted there, which intended or not, was your point, was fucking retarded. do not put words into my mouth to make up for the fact that you're talking out your ass. as for finding my pieces in the city, there are still dozens out there (despite the fact i no longer live here). but even if i had nothing running, i've had more of an impact on this city than you could ever hope to. if you did not come up looking at my stuff, then the people you look up to did. i am not king, i'm just a dude who paints (and will still be doing so looong after you've stopped). now if you'd like to be a man, i'd love to get a PM telling me what you write.
  14. i am a little crabby, and i was probably a bit harsher than i needed to be, but there was just so much ignorance in that post, i couldn't really address it all with a single sarcastic comment.
  15. if you'd spent any amount of time painting up there, you'd know that the trains creep through slow as fuck. a burner would not speed past in a blur. infact, you're as likely to get stopped dead in front of a piece, as you are to roll past it. if you want to paint for the passangers, do something different for a change. there are 300 silvers already up there. feel free to share your opinion, but telling people (who i'll guarantee are better than you) what they should paint and where they should paint makes you look like a sucker. ordinarilly i'm fine with letting that ride, but this was a little much for me.
  16. seeking


    hesh hates all the right people, all the time.
  17. im not exactly saying i think anyone is 'biting' one another, more so just saying that people seem lazy. they don't really try and evolve things, or take them further. sometimes, i'm fine with it (like oar, i love oar's shit) and sometimes i think it's a total cop out. either way, it's just my opinion. if they're cool with what they're doing, i'm cool with not paying attention to what they're doing. don't get too high and mighty though, death. i could very easily say that you're not pushing yourself nearly as hard as you could. ;)
  18. when i'm scrolling down looking for this thread, i always see the 'RETARDED SPOTS' thread, and i think it's the detroit one. then i laugh.
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