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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. does your canvas have herpes? the white spots look like cold sores.
  2. oral, i highly doubt that crying about people crying is going to get them to stop crying. but what do i know?
  3. actually, i take all that back. people can suck all they want, not my life.
  4. oh. well seriously, who cares what you think?
  5. hey sleep, remember this? "i want to learn more...any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated..." "thanks for the advice... i really do appreciate it..." when every other cat in the city was hating on you, i stood up for you. you wrote me asking for advice, so i gave you some. now you turn around and dis me? for what? being the one cat who gave you a chance? ever hear of 'respect'? i gave it to you when no one else did and this is how you react...as i said, good luck.
  6. and ya'll wonder why older cats dont want shit to do with young kids. even when you know i'm right, you've still gotta be a cocky little prick about it. whatever son. good luck.
  7. i like that BEGE for some reason. a little constructive criticism... on those loaf and death block busters, the outline should have been almost as thick as the 3D, and the 3d twice as thick as it is now. spots like that are supposed to bang from 100 yards away...not gonna happen with lines that weak. also, a fill color that stands out from the background is usually good. bombing with krylon is like only slightly less pointless than bombing with chalk. foto, got your PM. on the real, keep hasseling me till i remember. sorry i haven't gotten around to it. no idea why it double posted, but i edited it.
  8. ha. 5 of your 7 posts were complaining or talking shit, then you want to talk about me? child, i'm not defensive, i'm laughing. irate, please talk some sense into your boy. honestly, the more you guys talk, the funnier it's getting. listening to 'manowar' trying to talk shit was icing on the cake. i should really post the the PM he sent me talking about how he had 'nothing but respect' for me and 'didnt want any beef', and how he 'likes the way' i 'put people in check'. ha. you fucking herb. what, you sore cause i called your friends biters? everyone calls your friends biters. your fucking friends call your friends biters. jesus christ man...reality check in isle rib. do you guys honestly think i give a shit what you say about me on the internet? think about it for a second...if i think a bunch of dudes are wack, do you think i really want them respecting me?! that's like having limp bizkit claim you're a big inspiration. no thanks. "the fame is really worthless, i'm pissing you off on purpose'.
  9. remember, orange just scares them away.
  10. you're up? that's cool. i've never seen or heard of you, but what do i know? you got any flics? it's not self promo if it's a request. it's always amused me that people spend so much time trying to tear me down when they're the only ones who build me up in the first place. i'm no more important than any of you make me. pay me no mind and it's like i never existed, ya know?
  11. wow, no offense but i had no idea you were actually talented dee. ha. those really are slick as hell. good stuff. what were they done with/on?
  12. yourmomslover, excuse me, but do i know you? do you even write? do you even exist outside of the internet? thought not. going....going....
  13. this is all just becoming diffiicult to watch. i'm biting my tongue till my mouth is full of blood and it's sort of starting to make me sick. it also further proves the idea that if you give a man enough rope, eventually he'll hang himself. folks should look up the word integrity then compare themselves and what they do, to cats like felon, giant, spone, etc. tell me again what you're all about? riiight. chances are good this will be closed soon. i really see no reason for it to go on. all it does is make the city, and the writers in it, look pathetic. i'd be doing everyone involved a favor.
  14. and while you're there, take all the free 'apartment finder' magazines, and all the copies of 'cat fancy' and use them in place of toilet paper. even more savings! after saying all that, i'm back on my stupid expensive jean kick. ha. i think it's mostly because i realized my levis dont fit like i'd like them too. if i was 5'10" and 165, everything would fit me awesome...but i'm not. oh well. it's funny how little i knew about jeans when this all started, and how ridiculously much i know now. i can break down company lineages, styles by brand (both guys and girls) and give the different selling points of each. i need a new hobby.
  15. personally, i think this whole thread should be dissolved and any future ones immediately locked, but that's just me.
  16. you and me both homie. this city has absolutely no standards...all it takes it thumbs. ha. luckily, it's such a joke that it's become easy to laugh off.
  17. i dont know dog, it does kinda look lik you. ha.
  18. im sure there are people who do care, but seriously what the hell do i care what another dude thinks about my clothes? you wanna suck my dick? then dont worry about what i wear. if people want to spend their money on the stuff, thats all them, doesnt bother me at all, but quit trying to front like theres anything more than a false asthetic difference.
  19. what you have to remember is that you're not making 'art', you're making a 'product'. one that while 'well done', is not particularly creative or unique. you're relying on peoples attachment to the celebrities to make sales, not on your personal approach to painting them, or your own fame. because of that, you're not in a position to be dictating what is acceptible. maybe your boys think a creased image of tupac is cool, but something tells me these are the same people that pose 5 deep in front of a backdrop of dollars bills and cristal bottles. that's not your target market. if you were homeless and schizophrenic doing these paintings with cigarette ash and mud, cardboard would be ok because it would add to the asthetic of the final product. you're not schizophrenic and homeless. :( anyway, i know it's a dead horse but please, listen to joker. dude sells paintings for the price of a mid sized luxery sadan, he knows what he's talking about. seeks/ok, i totally made that part up.
  20. ha, its ok. i just have issues with being mistaken for a juggalo, thats all. by todays standards it's not really quality, but back in the day it was ok. it's certainly not 'terrible'. it's worth seeing just for the historical aspect. sorry i cant be more helpfull though.
  21. god no we never did an ICP production. haha. there was an ICP piece down at the market. a cloaked wizard juggeling spray paint cans....done in probably 93 i'd say, but it was done by the icp guys, not by us. i know i do have pictures of it, but god only knows where. you'll be better off just going to look at it yourself.
  22. dow, after haggling with all this expensive jean bullshit, going out, trying on a bunch of different brands: seven, evisu, paper denim, etc, all between $140-$200, i finally settled on a $44 pair of levis 527's and couldn't be happier. i still wouldnt mind a pair of paper denim's, but that's just sort of vanity talking, and me thinking i'll be able to pull girls for rocking some underground shit. unless you're on some homo status shit, check out levi's, gap or express, then spend the remaining $100 on fried chicken, malt liquor and a stolen gun. thats the real shit.
  23. ebays not going to work. you need to hit people up locally. dont pull some cop out shit and stick with cardboard, trust joker on this. you're stuff is good, but it's not really unique. the fact that you put it on a half assed platform just makes it look cheap and unprofesional. you dont have to buy some big ass canvas, for one you could make it yourself and save an assload of money. or even cheaper, just get some decent peices of wood. trust him, and trust me, cardboard is wack.
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