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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Holy crap. I didnt know that you could check who the top 10 posters of the day are. Dumy is comin in #1 at 79 posts followed closely by Cash at 49. I was expecting to be up there for sure but i guess not. I cant compete with 79 posts a day. That's insane man.
  2. I recently achieved my goal too. It feels good, eh? Hang in there Cash. You can do it.
  3. mr.yuck

    My Big Mouth

    Hahaha. You could possibly get some waves blessed by God on your legs if you do it right.
  4. I havent liked teenagers for a while now. Everyday my patience for them diminishes exponentially. on the plus side though, this is the first remake of a movie in this genre that i have been excited as hell to see. Ever.
  5. Here goes a little bit more server space, upping the sites total post count, in my undying loyalty to make Raven #1.
  6. You're wasting my time with your sub-brilliant observations. That's the real crime.
  7. Thats fantastic about the whole lowfi thing. Everything is back to normal for now. But why would it switch on me automatically? Either way im gonna give fire fox a try and see where that takes me. Right now Im trying to get rid of 280 pieces of spy and ad ware and other crap on the ol puter.
  8. I took greyhound one time.. One time. I went across florida. It took 10 hours.
  9. IE. If this has something to do with this shit... its strange. Nothing like this has ever happend before. It keeps saying at the bottom of the screen "Done but with errors on page."
  10. How come when i come to 12 oz now the background is white and all the text is in black? All the text is centered. This is beyond strange. Every other page I go to is like this too. What gives?
  11. mr.yuck

    My Big Mouth

    Our household is fully equiped with large quantities of cocoa butter. If this doesnt work you might want to try something more viscous... like pomade.
  12. mr.yuck

    My Big Mouth

    White people dont get ashy all over though. I wouldnt even consider it ashy as i would crusty. Mostly elbows and knees. Strange.
  13. Hahaha. Yes I am sexually confused. I mean I love women, but i could also have a very fulfilling relationship with myself. Now there is something for you to put that in the homo overtones thread boxcars.
  14. I have been using IE since i have been using computers. No wonder every computer I ever get my hands on fucks up. Why has my shit slowed down to a crawl? It IE to blame for this. Why isnt this a sticky?
  15. I dunno. I don't know how shit gets to these kinds of levels. If kids said some crazy shit, most of the time it was funny and i would laugh and then let them know to never say that shit again. If they did it again, the boy got cracked and the girl got snatched up and thrown in her room for undisclosed amounts of time. The key is, you give kids shit that they really want, not because the want it, but so you can take it away later.
  16. Its like when they kidnapped the dolphin in Ace Ventura. That fool went ape shit.
  17. I wonder what kind of riots are about to explode. It's always fucked up when some one kills the team mascot.
  18. Hahaha. I love it when people create their own dialogues for situations. It brings the story to life. You should go slay this girls anal lining for lying to you. I bet she wont ever lie again. Even if you go down, think about all the guys that you would be saving in the future. You would be a martyr.
  19. Im just fuckin with you any way man. This shit coulda happend to anyone. I recently found a 10 year old on one of my boys pages. I have yet to bring this up with him.
  20. hmm...I think you are struggling at this point.
  21. Like I told you earlier man... At least you have a large pool to choose from. Its slim pickins out here and im sure the gene pool is rather shallow too.
  22. Hahaha. I cant believe you gave that bitch the $2 holler. Just enough for a transfer and a box of juice. Hahaha.
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