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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. You might as well hit it again homie. This cant get any worse.
  2. Hahaha. This is rediculous. I just read this whole thread.
  3. HAhahaha. Yeah dazzle is on point with the whole that bitch looks like she maybe just turned 13 point.
  4. It's not that we want to, it's that we have to. It's in the white peoples creed.
  5. So how long after you hit did it take you to find out she was 14. I mean from the way you are wording things it almost seems like you knew she was 14 before you beat the under aged cakes. The booze caused a lapse in judgement and you realized your fuck up when you were looking at Daddys little princess in your bed the next morning. I think you do feel bad about what happend otherwise why make a thread about it asking a bunch of strangers if you are a bad person. Tell us how you really feel.
  6. We're way more than a crew. edit. More like a social club. Haha. Cigars and stiff drinks after work kinda thing.
  7. So how long after you nutted did it take for you to find out that she was 14?
  8. I wont fuck with a girl unless i can see some fine lines, wrinkles and tits sag just slightly. C'mon. Two forms of ID and ask her if she remembers reagan.
  9. Yeah. Pitch black was my shit. You know what else was my shit? One summer i think back in like 2000 I spent around $600 on hardees spicy chicken sandwhiches for a $. I also support shooting at rival crews to the fullest.
  10. Ohhh fun. When I get a new cam i will document this small town shit hole that I ended up in. Its really depressing.
  11. Yeah its good. I second the motion about the guy getting hit with the grenade.
  12. mr.yuck


    I had more than a few art schools tell me that i needed to take 4 years of community college before they would accept me due to my highschool grades. I never understood that. This didnt even offer academic curiculum.
  13. So i went to add my ex and to my suprise, she's already a member. hahaha. Deet?
  14. Give him one of your enemies phone numbers. That could play out interestingly.
  15. I'd much rather lick a sweaty girls ass than suck her fingers.
  16. Taylor is still the undisputed champ of the world. Woooooooo.
  17. Damn that boy taylor is quick.
  18. Oh shit. Taylors first 15 blows were illegal to the back of the head. This shit is great.
  19. My box still works. :scowl:
  20. Vasquez wins by TKO. Other homeboys eye got split the fuck open. Waiting for the main fight.
  21. Im watching it at home for free right now. I'll give you a play by play.
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