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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Trouble shooting help. I have an AK 47 I'm having problems with. When I fire the rifle the spent cartridge is getting hung up in the ejection port. I have to manually clear it and then the next round cycles in with no problem. I disassembled the rifle to inspect the parts for burs that might be causing any mechanical hang ups and everything looks to be moving fine. This has to be something stupid im overlooking.
  2. @misteraven Wow man. I can tell you that I 100% took this entire project for granted. I never gave a single thought to the time or money invested in making this place. For the past 17 years I have been stranded in an artistically void black hole of shit. There is no graff scene here, there are no open mic freestyle battles, there's nothing. It's all military salute murals and beach themed arts and crafts projects for tourists. I was really feeling shitty about this and how I had put art on the back burner for the better part of the past 15 years. So I decided I would stop by and see who the new NightOwls were or what the new wonk saggin was on the way to check out the art side of the forums. What I found reminded me of a night out with 2 of my crew from over 20 years ago. We were out walking the city late night catching ups on everything in our way. We must have walked about 30 blocks before our mops ran dry and our paint was out. We doubled back to revel in our mayhem and noticed it was all gone. It was like the buff was a few blocks behind us the entire night. Everything we had done was gone. It never occured to me that our shit would catch the buff that quickly, I never imagined a world where 12oz wasnt in full swing. That being said; I stopped checking my facebook a year ago, Ive never had an IG, I could never make sense of twitter and I dabble in reddit. Also, reading a lot of the original comments in this thread I found myself to be guilty of just about every one of these social media flaws. I did catch myself in full on fuckboy mode and it was so personally embarrassing; I made the decision to unplug completely. But I digress. Im obviously in favor of 12oz because here I am 20 years later, unpromted and excited for the next chapter.
  3. Yes boss. Back from the dead. What happened here? I see these massive years long gaps in some of these threads.
  4. posting on 12oz for the first time in 5 years.
  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo You know what sucks? When your man doesnt pick up his phone and you got people blowin up your phone all day tryin to give you money.
  6. im looking for these albums too hard to swallow ridin dirty dirty money and super tight some one made off with my ugk collection id like to replace for free. torrent or if you can make a rapid share file or some such shit would be awesome.
  7. halloween 2007 hahaha people wantedd to fight us everywhere we went.
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread When i read what people say on this board, everyone has their own little voice. Its pure fuckin comedy how some of you sound to me.
  9. mr.yuck


    yes thats whats up. lack of a real camera makes it hard to take good pics of glowing shoes.
  10. mr.yuck


    I just copped these yesterday before they put them on the shelf for everyone else to look at. glow in the dark with lime green gum soles.
  11. Dear sneakster, when i visit my family in fla i will come drink wine with you and your wifey will act as our real life /no homo crust-ums
  12. dear skilla, the weedman is not a bank yours truely, weedman.
  13. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread well thats whats up too. i have some outstanding school debt i need to get on
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread paid it off or paid to keep going?
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread im sittin here fuckin off like i didnt have to be at work an hour ago
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread i had no idea sears sold diamonds
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD I cant imagine how that didnt end in disaster.
  18. Dear back, Please stop sprouting hairs randomly throughout yourself. You are starting to look rediculous. Yours forever, Matt
  19. mr.yuck


    greedy genius... the new bapes oops
  20. dear chubby girls, i love you. Eat another treat. love matt
  21. im almost sure it has been posted before but i dont remember where buuutt........ what kind of program do i need to convert pieces of mpg or wmv into animated gif?
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