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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. mr.yuck


    That REMORSE is ill. How ya gonna rip it like that son?
  2. I just have a rediculous amount of free time to notice things these days. Are we talking length or girth?
  3. So how come at mc donalds the quarter pounder is like $2.50 and the double qaurter pounder is $3.50 when you can just get the single and add another slice of meat for $0.50? What a bunch of whack homos.
  4. Ahh. Good luck to you on your research and your wager.
  5. Nah man. Thats a picture of you from PCU.
  6. This is how i picture moogle looking like.
  7. Im pretty sure this has been discussed before, but i have never heard the final answer to this mystery. Okay. I woke up bright and early today around noon. I went to take a shower today to get ready for court. I took a shit and finished off the roll of toilet paper. I replaced it around 1 pm. Here it is almost 12 hours later and the roll is almost gone. I have only shit once today. My boy has been deep in this mario tennis game all day. I dont think he has even gotten up except now to eat. What the hell did his fiance do with all the toilet paper? Where did this shit go?
  8. I have two weeks to come up with $133 for doing 74 in a 45 and some time in march to come up with $400 for some drugs and paraphenalia.
  9. Ahh so I went to court for a bunch of Traffic tickets. I thought i was going in for some criminal charges. Life is good.
  10. Well Im off to court. Wish your boy some luck.
  11. mr.yuck


    These are fresh to death. Thanks Dame.
  12. mr.yuck


    I never tell anyone where i get my shoes from either. People kept asking me where i was getting my pro keds. I told them I know Dame Dash.
  13. What if you hit eject and it shoots the asian bird sars all in your shit?
  14. Hey at least you arent stuck out in my neck of the woods. There's always a silver lining.
  15. Dont get bummed out. Im just gettin started tonight.
  16. Good news. Vonage didnt cut off my phone. The little black box just needed to be rebooted. Thats fantastic news.
  17. I really like model cars. They are cool. On a totally unrelated not VONAGE cut off my phone. Seems I deposited my checks a little too late.
  18. I just dl bit comet. This is so much better than the crap i was using. That torrent site is cool too. Thanks mainter.
  19. I cant wait to serve our cyborg overlords.
  20. Hey. Quick question. I have been using torrentspy.com for all of my musical needs. Just today every torrent that i dl wont work. I cant figure out why this bitch doesnt work anymore for files that 600 people are seeding. Are there any other good torrent sites and what is the best torrent program to run out there?
  21. I stayed up until 730 am this morning. Thats for sure. I am losing it and am too old to kick it with these young kids.
  22. Fuck this. Im gonna see about getting some butt tonight. I might be back.
  23. Nah. Skating is cool. I like watching people pull off some shit that i dont know what its called or how in the hell the laws of physics permit it to happen. I can barely stand on a deck.
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