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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I just watched weather man. I have tried to steer clear of cage movies for the past couple years when i realized that nicholas cage plays himself in every movie he has ever done. I liked the movie. I thought it was pretty funny. I can definately see how it could be misconstrued as a comedy.
  2. i just dled this the other night. Havent watched it yet. Dont remember hearing anything on it either.
  3. oh yeah it was also telling me that most of it was in pal and not NSCT or what ever the american format is. So Maybe the real problem was that kinda conversion. I dunno. I thought these avi files were mpeg4 files too. One in the same. could the process be sped up by preconverting the avi files, and how would i go about doing that.
  4. Why does it take 2 hours for nero to burn a single movie onto disc? It also plays the movie while doing it. I mean shouldnt this shit be much faster?
  5. so it turns out that i have a dvd burner built into my computer. I just need a program to copy all of these torrent movies to dvd. There are a bunch of different ones. Some files are .R00 files and some are avi files. something about mpg4. I dunno whats going on. I cant play the video on any of the avi files. I dont even know what the hell all of these .R00 files are. Hook me up with some knowledge fellas.
  6. oh yeah and im having problems with my bank right now with online purchasing. So that is on hold for a while. Is there any other physical store i can go to get what i need other than compusa?
  7. Okay. I dont really know where to begin. Yeah I will be burning massive amounts of dvds. The computer isnt that old. I have around 70g of hard drive space, its getting used up way too quick. I have 5 free USB ports 3 in the back 2 in the front. upon further inspection it looks like i can burn cds with this drive, but there is no program to burn with on this computer. Perhaps my cousin sold that program for crank before i repo'd this machine from her. anywhoWhat info do you need? I could spend limitless amounts of money on this stuff but id like to keep it all around $400-500 if possible. I dont need terabytes. Thats a rediculous amount of space. Maybe around a 300g or so external hd.
  8. So Im looking at getting a few things for me computer. An external hard drive to store all this retarded amounts of music i have been dl and an external dvd and cd burner. Any suggestions on good products for me. I went to Comp usa and the nerds that work there kept talking shit to me like i dont know what a megabyte is. I hope you guys dont do the same.
  9. Re: Shit The Shit Thread Currently in Life Saving money at a dead end job that will end up killing me if i let it. Doing a few things to better myself job wise. Became single again and feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders. Still working plan b.
  10. mr.yuck

    Head On!

    haha i cant believe i havent seen this commercial.
  11. Sooo. While im listening to my jams, im not sure what is responsible but my folders just decide to delete themselves. The folder is still there but all the files in it are gone. Entire albums gone in a flash. I never had this problem before i updated windows media player. Any good substitutes?
  12. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Hmm. Thanks will give that a try. It's strange, I have never ever had a problem with firefox until now.
  13. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Im having problems with fire fox. I went to the popcap web site to play some games. It said i needed to dl a flash or java thing to play the games. So I did and installed the little program. So I go back into firefox to play these fantastic games and it says that i still need to dl a flash or java thing to play the games. The games play just fine in IE but nothing goes down in Firefox. Also I bought the version of the game so i could play it non stop for $20. They sent me my password and all that shit to type in so they can activate my game i have dl on my comp. well that doesnt work either. The connection my computer makes with popcap keeps fucking up and wont go through. Me thinks firefox is behind all this. What do i need to do to get this shit to work? I want to play more zuma.
  14. Re: Shit The Shit Thread mango salsa is the shit.
  15. Re: Shit The Shit Thread The girl that lives under me seems to play both the guitar and the piano. Right now it sounds like she is playing a dramatic tune from one of those old black and white movies with no sound. I think i am gonna start screaming into the floor for her to shut the fuck up.
  16. okay im on my way to va. good ridence to this shit hole. see you guys in a couple days.
  17. Im outta here for good in 30 -40 days max. Then comes the photo thread.
  18. Here is an awesome conversation i had with a fellow co worker today. You all couldnt be there so i will share it with you now. You have to read monteys part in an indian accent for added hillarity. Montey: One time when i was 20, you will not believe it, I was knowing this girl who is 15. She is putting the hand on my leg and i am like "Oh man. What are you doing" she is saying montey i have a question with the lessons. So I am knowing her from when she is a little girl and watching her grow up. But now she is 15 and having the big boobies. So i am saying i will teach her the lessons. She is taking off her shirt and i am touching the boobies and she is sitting on me with my pants on. So I am touching the boobies and like BANG BANG BANG on her.[dry humping i suppose] me: For real? montey: Yeah, and i am getting excited and make the big mess in the pants. me: Hahahahahahahahaha
  19. Yeah that has happend to me before. I dont like it.
  20. I forgot how old I was today. I had to back track and do the math. How awesome is that?
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