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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Im gonna have to let you know tomorrow. It's the last one left to try. I guarantee im gonna like that one. It feels like it was the one I could smell when I opened the damn box.
  2. @Schnitzel Boulevardier — rye whiskey, rum, vermouth blend, campari, cappeletti, bigalett china china, bitters, barrel aged These things are dangerous. I could smash through a handful of these really quick.
  3. That's what Im talking about. That one you posted for 499 looked pretty sharp.
  4. mr.yuck


    Only white ones, though? Haha thats oddly specific man.
  5. mr.yuck


    @CLICKCLACKONER At least in the 90s anyway. Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The Saucony Jazz were the only thing going to rival the color ways of nike dopemans. This is an interesting topic in and of itself. Regional popularity of shoes and also regional nick names for shoes. When I first moved to VA people were calling low cut AirForce 1s DCs. In the midwest we called them OldSchools.
  6. Oh shit y'all. Treat yourself. By far one of my favorite movies. Or at least it was like 10 or 11 years ago. You know how things can age poorly.
  7. @Mercer @KultsIm working on a new concept I have in my head. You remember that movie run ronnie run where his homeboy clay keeps getting more and more fucked up through the whole movie and the whole time ronnies trying to appologize to him hes like nahhh its my fault. I was drinking too. I want to use a picture of the dude clay progressively more fucked up in each frame. Im trying to work out the basis of the formula and my initial reaction was somebody votes for something and the end result is them getting hurt so they vote harder to rectify the problem and get even more fucked up. Got any notes on this?
  8. @One Man Bannedi have a terrible time capturing birds in flight. I saw two bald eagles flying through a neighborhood I was working in several months ago. It was the first one I had ever seen out in the wild and they were fighting each other.
  9. @ndvi found one for like $150 but I think it was a citizen or something.
  10. I have some shoes for sale if anyone is interested All size 12 AF1 Real Tree Camo black AF1 Real Tree Camo White AF1 Have A Nike Day 12oz gets the homeboy hook up before I sell these somewhere else
  11. Niiice. That's pretty exciting man.
  12. Yeah and then the clear bottles were the rouge 540? Extract and edp.
  13. @swif1what was in the metal vials were both of those lumiere noire?
  14. mr.yuck


    @DecyferonI havent seen a pair of sauconys since I left the midwest. Your collection makes me homesick man. Keep em coming.
  15. @KILZ FILLZI wore the gucci out today and it actually settled down after about an hour. I changed my mind. I think its really nice. My wife says it doesnt smell mannish enough 😅 My mans @swif1came through with a smell good sample pack in the mail today. The entire inside of this box smells like straight fire.
  16. Am I too young to start calling other adults young man and young lady?
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