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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. A lot of places around here have stipulations like 1 kid eats free for each adult entree purchased. If they don't have this rule in place, I say you be the reason they put it in place.
  2. I went to a Korean buffet with all you can eat crab legs years ago with my boss. The crab legs was a $2 add on. We sat there for an hour and a half eating nothing but crab legs before the waitress came up and dropped our bill on the table and said "you finish, pay now!" My boss was about to argue but I reminded him that neither one of us know karate.
  3. Jesus's tits, my man. If you can find a cheaper option than USPS, let me know. You can bounce shipping off me through another carrier if that makes more sense than $100 added to a Tshirt. Shipping to me then shipping to you might be just as bad though. @Schnitzel
  4. @NightmareOnElmStreet The only movie I have seen on that list is Pink Flamingos.
  5. I might give it another go. It's been what over 20 years since the last time I watched it.
  6. Imagine getting the taste slapped out your mouth by Captain Cuck Man on live TV.
  7. Personally, I hope this turns into a 90s style East/West Coast rivalry.
  8. Lol. I like to think Will Smith has just had enough of people talking shit about his old lady and is setting a precedence for all of hollywood that you too can talk shit and get hit!
  9. Not gonna lie... I watched that a lot.
  10. I can't believe I didn't jump on a bunch of those back in the day at $20 a pop
  11. Tom Selleck is a flying pizza gangster.
  12. This movie was explained to me as an example of "Classic American Existentialism" and I believe this whole cinematic encounter ruined movies for me for several years.
  13. @LUGRyou have to call me Star Baron. The Honorable Star Baron, Lord of light and Intergalactic gentleman of leisure at your service.
  14. I'm gonna buy a bunch of stars and then monetize them. Make the aliens pay light rent and shit!
  15. So I just stumbled across this dope ass site where you can buy your way into royalty. It's not expensive either for that lower tier nobleman life. @One Man Bannedmaybe you'd like to be knighted and claim the title Sir. https://sealandgov.org/shop/
  16. @One Man Banneddo barons wear any kind of particular hat? I'd like to work that into my repertoire.
  17. bb57c0e701905807e0b20b6415de4764.mp4
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