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Everything posted by MESTHREE

  1. believe me Ive tried. My courses are too specific and obscure. Plus the evil textbook corporations in collusion with my evil school like to fuck us over by publishing new editions that are essentially the same but... if I get an old edition the pages will all be diff and it will be a pain in the ass to coordinate. biggest racket ever since the oil industry. fuckers!!
  2. for all you yankees.....its called a double double.
  3. My Shitlist People who sit next to me on the bus/subway even though there are other empty seats What is wrong with these fucks? they are sociopaths. Doing that is breaking one of the unwritten social codes....get the fuck away from me with your B.O. The bookstore at my school lineups around campus. 2 hour waits for textbooks I need this week. Fuck that. I pay too much for this. Where is the service?? Cunts who sit and yap on aim/msn during lectures its cool that mommy and daddy are paying for your school and all but mine arent so get the fuck outta here with that distracting shit. When the losers I live with use the last of the milk and there is none left for my coffee This is truly evil and makes me cry. Also when all the cups are dirty. just do your fucking dishes. People who mince words when giving me bad news. out with it motherfucker. just say what you gotta say and stop fluffing me for some bad news that I probably wont give a fuck about anyway. People who grab my arm and yank on me to look at my tattoos asking is all good but just dont fucking touch me. Same thing goes for people who Ive met once who want to hug me..no. I dont know you. hugs are reserved for those who are not mere aquaintances. thats it for now...
  4. not particularly special for any reason...but i like it.
  5. my ancient chucks that are completely destroyed.
  6. Uniball Signo. the only tool I deem worthy of taking notes with.
  7. True. If I was a dude liking books would be totally gay. On that note, I bet you are quite intellegent.
  8. cats asleep on piles of books at the used book store. pretty much perfect.
  9. What missing wutang? unforgiveableeeeeee
  10. Today: work for an hour (get paid for 5 - dont worry bout it hah) Paint in some alley drink beer Sat: paint & work. Sun: same. my life is so interesting.
  11. Introduction to Microeconomics Process of Urban Politics Environmental Psychology Urban Analysis Urban Growth and Community Regional Governance Scientific Change all over the map. as usual.
  12. L'autobus Magique. that is all I have to say.
  13. when you get caught painting here all they do is make you drink moose piss till you puke. then you are free to go.
  14. fuck those little bastards forever and ever. still got marks. fuckers...
  15. Fri - Sun: Ottawa (graffiti & beer). that is all.
  16. oh and here is the bonus that I JUST found.... Anyone remember this? HAAAAAAAA!
  17. Here we go. My day. Yesterday: go for run then drink too much coffee fuck around, waste time then head down to 'the vortex' (fucking place on queen I always end up at...) for brunch with friends. think about gettin down to business on a little permission spot. (told you Id actually wear it) my friends stop by to chat... meh. ride home to de-filthyfy myself Just make it to the LCBO before it closes...yeah im a wino. so.. go to a gay boring house party...leave....someone gets up to no good. Pig out on Vietnamese at 2am. that shrimp was kinda scary though... nerd out for a while... Nerd out some more... Sleep time. wake up - do it all over again.
  18. hahah weapon you said 'Bargain Harold's' holy shit. hahahahaha does that place even exist anymore.. there used to be one in the dufferin mall.... I call nasty fat girls Beasts or car wrecks.
  19. anyone famous from canada. including ceine dion and neil young. also mike clattenburg or however you spell it.
  20. fuckyeah. that dog is awesome....fully bloodhound or part beagle?
  21. Anyone know why firefox all of a sudden wont allow me to download images or anything else for that matter? I have already cleared the download manager and it didnt help at all. shit is mega annoying.
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