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Everything posted by MESTHREE

  1. my favourite part was when bush said something to the effect of "defying the international community is not acceptable" hahaha its so fucked up that its hilarious.
  2. all I can say is that the american version of the office blows in comparison to the UK one. no one can be Ricky Gervais. no one!
  3. experiment with liquin and different types of solvents. best adive I think is to pick up a book on colour theory. I know it may seem dry and boring but doing colour exercises in college is whats helped me most. oh and...dont ever use black paint. ever. mix your own dark colour...
  4. "you dont google every political term you come across"? no kidding. well then. maybe you should before you try and tell me that I dont know what I am talking about. ok im done with this thread. people want to get caught up in canada vs usa and definitions and other shit.....when the real issue is how fucked up that bill is. So fuck the geneva convention. Lets aregue about whose country is 'better'.
  5. man ther eis no such thing as an objective news source. The only way to get both sides is to read sources from both left and right. The internet is ruining people. Now we can just read shit that caters to our own beliefs and we never have to hear the other side of things. Funny... I have no idea how people can not be interested in the fact theat they are loosing their rights and freedom. ...oh wait yes I do.. thats how the bill got through in the first place.
  6. please google neo liberal and look it up. jesus christ. last time Ill say it "Neo LIberal" has nothing to do with the "liberal left" or being left wing. what fuck is wrong with you people.
  7. no. there is a difference between liberal as in the party and liberal as in the ideology. wikipedia it. liberal ideology has little to do with what most people think when they hear 'liberal',
  8. the trickle down effect is utter bullshit. wealth at the top DOES NOT tricle down. fucking neo liberal rhetoric bullshit and you people are buying into it. nevermind. im not bored anymore.
  9. well stop thinking of me as 'a canadian' giving a 'canadian' point of view and think of me as an individual, snivelling at the united states, who also happens to have been born in canada. I said I am glad I am not american. I didnt say Im so happy that I am Canadian. and.... by the way 'reaping benefits' and relying on the us economy are not the same thing. we are tied to the american economy. 70% of our exports go to you guys and 60% of our imports, or something like that, are from the usa. Now... are we 'benefitting' from free trade? hrmmm 'we' are not. the rich kids at the top are but not all canadians. Dont think the USA wouldnt fuck Canada over in half a second if it was feasible. The USA already gives us a hard time (eg. softwood lumber dispute). You fuckers got your eye on our fresh water. I know it. hah.
  10. I meant in the context of Capitalism we all exploit the third world. you can't tell me there arent SOME differences in the ideology of the two countries. As slim a margin as it may be canada is still slightly more on the socialist side than the usa is. Secondly canada doesnt have the kind of 'lets take over the world' mentality that the usa does. We didnt want to participate in missile defence star wars crap and we didnt want to be majorly involved in invading the middle east. it is my belief (NOTE the word belief...that means it is an opinioin of MINE not a fact) that had the 911 attacks happened here etc Canada would never have defied the United Nations. these things are what I mean by predatory foreign policy. When another country does what the usa is doing (ie...ignoring international treaties...obliterating civil liberties) Americans call it an offence against human rights and use it in part as justification for invading just like with iraq. Generally when a president sets it up so that he can PARDON HIMSELF of war crimes I think we tend to call it a dictatorship or fascism.
  11. again I agree. but at no point did I indicate (or even seem to indicate) that Canada doesnt have blood on its hands.
  12. I was kind of replying to both..... i agree with you. but that doesnt mean I cant say that I am glad to not be American. Im not saying Canada is some amazing Utopia. Um I live here.. I know that it is not. I know we exploit the same people Americans do BUT we do not have the type predatory foreign (and well.. now domestic, thanks to this bill) policy that America has.
  13. i dont know what you are getting at. that is like saying that... because china and malaysia have atrocious human rights violations that allow explaitation of labourers to manufacture the shit americans (and all of us) buy that we shouldnt critisize their government because we 'benefit' from being able to buy socks for 99cents at walmart instead of more expensive locally manufactured goods. Everyone who gets angry and feels the need to "defend" their nation are part of the problem. Nationalism is bullshit. The issues are bigger. they are about basic human rights and that is a global issue.
  14. What does the Quebec Soverignty issue have to do with anything? I did not claim that violence and moral trangressions never take place here. You say cowardly but maybe most canadians just do not want to be involved in a war that has nothing to do with 'terror' and everything to do with money. why should canada send troops? Why should we participate in missile defence plans?
  15. maybe thats because we HAVE the moral high ground. hah. Im kidding.... really though, im not claiming to speak for all of canada. we have uneducated, selfish, powerhungry, assholes here too, I mean we voted in Harper who is little more than a henchmen for Bush. But.... why not talk shit? What good shit is canada getting out of america fucking about in the middle east? We arent getting good shit. we are getting lumped in with the rest of the white infidels. And even if we were getting 'good shit' are you saying that Canadians should be thanking America for something? I said I was happy to not be american because if I lived in a country that was as flagrantly dismanteling its ability to be a humane nation I would be unhappy and frustrated (more than I already am). oh and... free health care.
  16. makes me sick. your country is fucking itself. it starts with a little crack in civil liberties like the patriot act, then hey why not disregard the UN, and ends up with essential obliteration of anything that means anything in the constitution. Im sure most people think the war goes on some place far away with suicide bombers and 'extremeists' etc but... at least half of it takes place in their own country and there are no bombs and explosions. its more a war of increments. incremental destruction of everything it means to be a good human being. People are so stupid. they want their freedom above anything else but freedom for freedom's sake is such a perversion of (what I think) democracy is meant to be. maybe this will make people angry enough to do something but probably not. People will most likely be content in the fact that the terror alert stays below orange. Bejamin franklin may be on the hundred dollar bill but no one cares or thinks about what he stood for: He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. (yes I know he didnt necessarily say those words but you know...) im so glad im not american. Canada isnt a whole lot better but at least we havent gone this far yet.
  17. When I was a kid me and my friends would douse tennis balls in lighter fluid, light them on fire and play hockey with them. Goalie was not a good place to be. We also had mercenary style fights with roman candles.
  18. believe me Ive tried. My courses are too specific and obscure. Plus the evil textbook corporations in collusion with my evil school like to fuck us over by publishing new editions that are essentially the same but... if I get an old edition the pages will all be diff and it will be a pain in the ass to coordinate. biggest racket ever since the oil industry. fuckers!!
  19. for all you yankees.....its called a double double.
  20. My Shitlist People who sit next to me on the bus/subway even though there are other empty seats What is wrong with these fucks? they are sociopaths. Doing that is breaking one of the unwritten social codes....get the fuck away from me with your B.O. The bookstore at my school lineups around campus. 2 hour waits for textbooks I need this week. Fuck that. I pay too much for this. Where is the service?? Cunts who sit and yap on aim/msn during lectures its cool that mommy and daddy are paying for your school and all but mine arent so get the fuck outta here with that distracting shit. When the losers I live with use the last of the milk and there is none left for my coffee This is truly evil and makes me cry. Also when all the cups are dirty. just do your fucking dishes. People who mince words when giving me bad news. out with it motherfucker. just say what you gotta say and stop fluffing me for some bad news that I probably wont give a fuck about anyway. People who grab my arm and yank on me to look at my tattoos asking is all good but just dont fucking touch me. Same thing goes for people who Ive met once who want to hug me..no. I dont know you. hugs are reserved for those who are not mere aquaintances. thats it for now...
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