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Everything posted by MoeLarryCurly

  1. MoeLarryCurly


    i'm posting the Nike Total Air Pillar because, 1. it's my favorite shoe of all nikes and i've owned half the stuff in this thread...dunks,airmaxs, air trainers, af2's, jordans etc...but this is the cream of the crop for some reason, and 2. i've spent most of last night searching for the style/name and pic of this damn shoe, haven't owned a pair of t hese in 5+ years....if anyone knows of ANYWHERE where to cop these you'd be the shit.had the blue and yellow ones, then copped the grey ones a good 5-6 years ago when i was last in SF. memories...
  2. one of the greatest fucking shows from back in the day. my boy went to college with little pete...actually, little pete's got a band now and they tour and shit.. http://www.jounce.org haha ARTIE THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD...a.k.a The Nobody Beats the Whiz guy in the Seinfeld episode....
  3. who's the dude with the crippled all dead ass arm that hides it all the time? dj paul i think....anyways sip on that syzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. bun in the oven.... if you smash...one day that the prego chick's son will ask why he was poked in the head so much before he was born
  5. Re: squirt? - The Kaiser of Love oh shit..i just spotted Belladona...props for holding the snatch and taking the catch
  6. i don't know why i'm responding to this buuuuut, renting a p.o. box requires you to provide valid and real information when renting one of those boxes. a place with post office boxes isn't simply going to take fake info when it involves federal shit (united states post office delivery).
  7. what was this thread titled? "first fight". you are a witty one. must be easy to vamp fools when one looks like the dude from good charlotte....:scrambled: shit, i love fighting to this day, things dont change. all good just making light of the situation, minus the lol's
  8. yes, but there were no sally jesse raphael or gabriel type shows back then, but they definitely have on t.v. within the last 30yrs.
  9. wow...the same exact thing happened to one of my best friend's cousin about a month ago, minus the seizuring. xanax and yay, along with booze were involved. uppers+downers and booze are never ever a good combiniation before falling asleep. it is really fucked up considering the kid's apartment that he was in was his best friends, who found him all blue, unresponsive, the next morning. and we all know who sold him the yay that night, motherfucker is nowhere to be seen. real sorry you had to actually see that shit go down man. i've seen that shit happen to a few people, but they were lucky to come out of it.
  10. table tennis is played with a bat?
  11. my anger management tactics have gotten me into trouble over the years... on another note, looking back on it, i think it's bad that i habitually used end up punching someone during tense situations, in the face every year from elementary school and on.
  12. i'm surprised i acutally remember this shit but, i was one of the few kids to actually get suspended in pre-school. i punched this kid evan straight in the face and bloodied his nose while we were in one of those playground fort/hut things. i remember all the snot and shit coming out of his nose and shit. on another note, i remember pistol whipping some kid in the with one of those huge ass super soakers, needless to say i've become immune to people crying.
  13. this one was just too good not to bump. they actually have books like this one that deal with familiarizing kids with that shit if their parents are launchstrip lickers..:tongue: :tongue:
  14. wow, this is actually fucked up..R.I.P. Croc hunter
  15. the terrible thing is....i am related to one of these individuals....
  16. In true Buyrning Man fashion, you should have taken some more titty/naked chick pics. That is all.
  17. Re: i need os x 10.4 (pretty please) haha...i was just thinking the same thing...
  18. you must be doing some heavy duty compter networking with those yellow cable crimpers...
  19. exactly. couldn't have said it better. "Hi, I'm Peter Griffin. We've had a lot of laughs tonight. But I'll tell you what's not funny. Killing strippers. Strippers are people, too. Naked people who may be willing to pleasure you for a price behind the curtain of a VIP room. Besides, there's no need to kill them. Because most of them are already dead inside. Good night, everyone."
  20. just wondering if that's the east coast daver, top right, doesn't look like it
  21. wow 15 yr old hawaiiasian titties..if i had a nickel for everytime i've seen the brown circles on websites i'd be a fuckin millionaire:scrambled: :scrambled:
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