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Everything posted by dowmagik

  1. they don't have taxis in your city?
  2. a lot of people think ketamine is a 'horse tranquilizer' - its actually a dissociative anesthetic that is used on small animals. i once worked retail and did lots of k in the dressing rooms. needless to say, i wasn't much help.
  3. i have 10.5.1, and havn't noticed anything note worthy.
  4. steal some shit and sell it, then use the money to purchase an xbox live subscription. viola! free!
  5. you sound like my little brother when he tries to rationalize why he should drop out of school. props.
  6. dowmagik


    Twain summed it up well, "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."
  7. people involved with graffiti are pretty damn good at dying
  8. Carls Jr. currently has a Capn Crunch shake and hot damn, it's nothing to be slept on. Gitcha grub on.
  9. someone on ebay had a pretzel stick for sale that was "moses' staff".
  10. how can you hate on people that sell drugs? without them how would you...get drugs.
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ghetto scum bags
  12. awesome. at least he didnt have to worry about getting stabbed by a mexican.
  13. What's rad is that the Donkey Show is being very public that they think people are straight up stupid to spend so much money on a pretzel, they aren't putting up a front like they actually think it's a gift from god.
  14. http://youtube.com/watch?v=zpoMZ7hEaas Heres a video from a local news station - the pretzel also appeared on CNN.
  15. A local radio station show, The Donkey Show, recently came out of the woodwork with a pretzel that (some say) looks like he Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. The man who found the pretzel used to come into the 7-11 I worked at, and it likely the cheesiest mother fucker I had ever encountered in my life. A really nice guy, but corny as hell and would always have some semi-funny comeback to every greeting I would give him. Anyways... It was on Ebay, and reached over 2 MILLION dollars before Ebay took it down for violating their no-food policy. The 2 million dollar bid was legit, by a business owner that wanted publicity and had been in contact with the station. The pretzel is back on Ebay - currently a little over $5,000 - hopefully it will get back up to the big bucks it was at yesterday. http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Virgin-Mary-Pretzel_W0QQitemZ180217949919QQihZ008QQcategoryZ13771QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. fucking rad. my local astronomical society had telescopes set up, and i got to see some awesome views of the eclipse, along with saturn, whose rings were very visible. it was definately a good night. mars was also extremely visible in the sky, giving off a warm orange glow that could be easily distinguished from the stars around it. ive wanted a nice telescope for quite some time, but after playing around with the big boy toys some folks out had, its now a must. you can get shit that has gps and auto aligns you, and has a motor that will automatically move to a location set by a hand held computer. fucking sweet.
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