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Everything posted by Kults

  1. ^ I hate how I can’t get into that one. Def my kinda show I just can get into it. Went back 3x and every time just kinda lost interest. The cinematography in it is great
  2. Lol Ill take that back handed compliment. It was good but not a future classic the way his last one, Hereditary was. Its a VERY slow burn, the movie proper running 2:30 hours long and the directors cut almost hitting 3 hours. Simply too long for this kind of movie. The pay off at the end IS worth it but it will depend on each viewers patience with exposition how much they ultimately get out of that ending. Some really great, memorable parts though for those willing to make it further in. Could have been better, they also telegraph the ending the entire time so if you pay attention you know where its going very early on. I'd say its def worth seeing once but I wouldn't sit through it again. Solid 7.5 but if you haven't seen Hereditary Id def watch that instead. I was really hyped for this movie so felt a little little down but if you go in with no expectations it's a solid movie. They were heavily inspired by the OG wicker man.
  3. I love that movie seen it at least a dozen times, recognized it right away Next up
  4. Kults


    @DecyferonBodega X NB No Bad Days
  5. Kults

    Random News

    Not if youre a habitual offender. Eventually its just like dude enough. 3 felonies is def enough to know the guy isn't gonna get reformed no matter what. Best to take him out the game. I have 0 problems with 3 strike laws and wish we had a version of them up north. To be fair, not everything they consider a felony should be classified as one though, Ill give ya that. If its a non violent crime I dont think it should count as one.
  6. Kults


    Damn you cop a lot of em', that's cool
  7. That looks cool, can’t wait to find out what it is
  8. Kults


    I sent ya an invite awhile back. There’s two accounts with a similar name assumed they were both you. One looks to be from the ps3 era the other one more recent
  9. Good movies. The OG especially, the music is awesome
  10. Hadn't heard of that one. Thanks for the rec will def look it up!
  11. Not into super hero (villain) movies but this one Id watch. Phoenix was fantastic in Inherent Vice and You Were Never Really Here
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