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Everything posted by Kults

  1. Something about africa, ancient demons, witch doctors and plagues really did it for me. Also, James Earl Jones in a locust costume was hilarious in an offsetting way. Most hated it, I applaud them for trying something different. The sound Pazuzu makes too.. yeeesh
  2. Candy man and Cabrini Green terrified me. Miss the days where they shot on location in dangerous areas
  3. Close, central station I did work at the airport a lifetime ago in my early 20s though
  4. Reddit is just the evolution of forums. Congregates all topics in one place and standardized the “like” system. Odd that it’s creator offed himself. Smart dude
  5. Everyone thought fb would be the end all be all of social until IG took over. Just a matter of time until IG gets replaced too
  6. I haven't watched it. I think the 5 min format is perfect, I cant imagine watching an hour and a half of that shtick. Ya I think he did, took him awhile to break through.
  7. Keep em coming guys these are all great
  8. You’re right. I’ve noticed this too. At first I thought I had to log out and back in for changes to take effect but nope, still showing in the feed. Blocking is what got rid of them.
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