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Everything posted by ubejinxed

  1. eheh $700??? aha i have like 18K...half of that is my damn car... well whatever. i figure if i die with debt.. that's ok as long as i lived my life.
  2. oh man... i've done this before... in addition a femine thing.. then i had people over.. all the while forgetting to flush the toilet.. then a guy friend went to use the bathroom... he came back downstairs with a red face and told me ' i think you may want to check your toilet' that was probably the most embarrassing things ever... ahah. i hate when you are at the gym and running and either you have to fart or if someone else is farting near you, cus you're sucking in as much air as you can then someone lets one and then you're sucking in putrid air. yuuuuccckkkk airplane farting? who gonna know its you? you can hold that in, you'll get a stomach ache..
  3. if you're not exclusive to one and stated as such then seeing other girls is a go. in my past i found out a guy i was talking to/dating, was hanging out with someone else the next day.. i didn't care... not exclusive.... it's not like i wasn't seeing other people too. just be honest with them all. once you get to know them more, the one you want will probably become apparent. just know that if you are doing it, they might be doing the same thing, and if that's cool, then go for it. i could go into this more in depth but that would probably make me a bad person... i mean 5 is not even too many to handle depending on how close u are.
  4. yes i know you're kidding. sarcasm is hard to convey on the internet i couldn't imagine that on you in a million years.
  5. my boy has the most retarded tattoos, but that's ok he looks hot in anything. key that's such a great tattoo! i love it, do you show it off with muscle shirts? even hotter but what about petunia?
  6. i looove me some brazilian men. hellls ya
  7. if you give a girl a lot of material things in the beginning, most likely she will become accustomed to such behavior and expect it. start slow then work up to it, unless you want a demanding girl. if she's not happy with the slow begining, then you don't want that type of girl anyways... just give respect.. not necessarily cash. make her feel important in other ways. little things go a long way if she's not just in it for the money and benefits.
  8. i agree. i don't have many close friends.. i keep all personal stuff to myself and don't get close to people. but i have many aquaintences and party friends. they do make the weekend more fun.
  9. i make new aquaintences every weekend.. i try to get all my guy friend's girl friend's phone numbers.. ahah. i go to bars and get girls phone numbers so i can have new fun girls to hang out with... but seriously. i'm always inviting everyone whenever i go anywhere the more the merrier.. can never know enough people.
  10. i've never been in this thread b4. just thought i'd say hi
  11. makes me want one with something obscene just cuz i can't. .. ok maybe not.
  12. yes you can get laid on myspace... i have a girl friend on there, who gives it out... and i know guys that get it.
  13. fitness r me shit... in the last month and a half i've dropped 11lbs....planning on getting to the point you can see my ab muscles for summer... what i do: for breakfast: 2 cups of water egg whites a bit of goat cheese bowl of whole grain cereal with fruit and non-fat milk multi vitamin 2 cups of water -protein shake mid- morning average lunch: 2 cups of water bowl of pinto beans with a bit of cheese or tuna with celery and onion veggie burger no bun, just some katsup lo-fat cheese stick some dried prunes and an apple average dinner 2 cups of water tofu with broccoli and some sort of sauce... apple for dessert i don't eat sweets except for fruits and deid fruit... fruit is soooo sweet to me now.. maybe a tiny bit of nutella or rice pudding if i'm super craving sweet pretty much no carbs except for breakfast, and never any non-whole grain carbs. no oils, no fast food, no beverages except water... a lot of it i'm very very strict on this...except the tequila shots i have on the weekend nights...eheh i go to the gym like 3-4 times a week mix of 30hr weights and 40 min cardio 15 minutes stretching and abs
  14. it's been a long time since i've even been around drugs. it seemed to be much more prevalent when i was in high school thatn now... or maybe the people who do them, just aren't in the same circles anymore. glad to be good.
  15. hmm. that blows. actually i just had my purse stolen two weeks ago. i set it down for one second, turned around and it was gone! luckily i was only carrying my license, ATM, couple dollars and my cell phone. what really sucked was that i lost all my phone numbers, and that ruined my night. but that really blows that they got everything of yours... very bad. i've had people on the internet jack my debit card number, paypal account and credit card then used them to buy things. it is a serious pain in the ass to get rectified. just watch everything VERY closely.
  16. so odd she told a stranger.... those are the types of things that you just don't tell people unless you need to..
  17. today i have and will: - woke up on the floor at the boys house, stupid twin bed. - had breakfast with my sister at whole foods - went to sams club pick up flowers for my mom, for the hell of it - went to home depot get materials for my presentation board. - braved the DMV for the second time, and acutally got my license this time. rgh now i'm at home, debating whether to go visit a friend or work on my project. -later th girls are coming over and we're going out dancing and to see my friend spin. out til maybe 3am saturday -recover -work on project all day - go to kinkos and hope that all their equipment is working - get ready to go out -party til 5am sunday - finish up all construction documents and get ready for the presentation and the end of hell
  18. short summary a lot of drafting, and more drafting studying the gym a lot of tequila a lot of dancing
  19. DANCE DANCE PARTY PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. friday- get up late, do some drafting then go to work. get in an arguement with my boss, quit and walk out. get in a fight with my boy, meet up with friends, go out to 3 night clubs and have a lot of tequila shots and dance like a maniac til 4am. get picked up by a mixed gender group who all wanted a kiss from me..... then leave the club. meet up with other friends go back to their hotel for an after hours party til 6am head home and pass out. saturday - get up late, but earlier than i want as i'm getting harrassed by that boy who sleeps in my bed. chill for a while, cook lunch which took about 2 hours watch a movie. get in another fight. go to grocery store. debating on going out partying again. and decide not to. so i will be sleeping early. sunday. get up draft and do homework all day, perhaps head to the studio meet up with a classmate and work on renderings. do more work. monday probably more homework. -wheeee
  21. happy birthday my friend!!!! now you're as old as me... geezer status. 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA. the equation for Jan 24th. clown suit? birthday? well whatever he's cute smooches
  22. looks like a dust buster. maybe i'd give it a try. i just don't want an pee on my hands, thanks. and i think holding it as it got warm would be strange, and hard to handle when drunk. i think i just gave this too much thought.
  23. green tea. i loove it. i have it with breakfast every morning. celestial seasonings has some great green tea w/ other flavors now, that i'm enjoying.
  24. i thought it was no more party pants for you? eheh. i swear i loose things all the time, so i only carry my ID and some cash with me when i go out. never know what's gonna happen.
  25. yah, it says "hey ladies can you fire up the blender and make me a drink? then i'll take you to VIP party all night long"
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