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El Mamerro

12oz Original
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Everything posted by El Mamerro

  1. I'm gonna be fucking RICH when I make these. *You're right. Way too ill to be showing around.
  2. Re: Cats.............................................. .................or dogs Both are pretty ill for their own reasons. There's many more dope dogs than there are dope cats though. At the same time, a dope cat is usually doper than most dope dogs... they're just extremely hard to come by. RIP Gistro
  3. El Mamerro

    MR ABC

    Actually, fuck that soviet hat. I already have the illest fucking hat in the history of the planet: OOOOOF
  4. Also, does anyone have those episodes in another format? I really want to see them but they take forever at home and I can't sit down and watch them at work where they download quickly. I'd love to put em on the ipod and take them home.
  5. Can I be the zombie-looking dude on the top right?
  6. It's kinda hard to get across what I'm trying to say. In quantity, yes, without a doubt there is more advertising today than there was a long time ago. That's a fact. When I say pervasive I mean how much it infiltrates a person's life in terms of how many things that person is exposed to. Back in the day people were exposed to MUCH less information and stimuli, but the little they got was incredibly influential in how these people led their lives. Posters, flyers, newspapers, these all existed back then and they all had massive amounts of advertising. The thing is, those few mediums and the influence they exerted over people back then are comparable in proportion to the influence being exerted by advertising today in the myriad of formats and mediums available. When you take into account the amount of overall external information available back then, and the overall external information available today, you'll see that the percentage of that information that would be classified as advertising is about the same in both. Personally, I think a lot of advertising is fucked (and I work in advertising). However, I do not think that the evils being attributed to it in this thread are part of some secret conspiracy masterminded by some global conglomerate. I think it's more of a consequence of the nature of advertising rather than a set goal of the industry. This is an industry where in the end, the client rules, and clients are too busy trying to lure consumers away from their competitors to really come together and lay out such a plan. Overall, yes, they definitely do want to keep a consumer culture going, so that's a factor, but they play nice with each other much less than you'd expect. Right now the advertising industry is undergoing some serious radical changes due to the change in lifestyle of the consumer itself, because a LOT of people are saying "fuck advertising" and they are now empowered with the ability to do something about it. Believe it or not, we as consumers have more power than you think. I think you're gonna see some changes in the next decade where advertising is going to be something you actually have to go look for, instead of advertising looking for you.
  7. This thread might help.
  8. El Mamerro

    MR ABC

    I found these: ...but not in that ill brown color. Also, if it was off to the side, much iller. I don't know why I'm excited about these. None of these fucking fitted hats fit my miniscule head anyways.
  9. El Mamerro

    MR ABC

    ^It'd be real fucking ill without the CCCP letters, just the logo.
  10. Those are some pretty fucking smooth sunglasses.
  11. Dude, that shit took me exactly 9 minutes and 42 seconds to do online. It's so fucking easy. I get like $320 back, but it's something.
  12. El Mamerro


    ^I don't know if you're aware of what happens to most donation money.
  13. Fuck glue, and fuck stitches. Regenerate planarian flatworm-style.
  14. I'm jealous, dude. Cuba looks fucking amazing.
  15. El Mamerro


    . The whole concept behind this game has made my pants pointy in expectation. Screens:
  16. Crossfire would be good if people had more tolerance towards different points of view. Problem with politics is, it's hard to disagree with someone and NOT think he/she is a complete fucking moron. It's a miracle if a thread doesn't eventually devolve into insults and mockeries, and both sides are at fault. It's really up to people to not let themselves get carried away, and they don't succeed often.
  17. Re: BOOKS/READING! This is my nigga right here.
  18. Last girl I was with would just break up and cry really hard as soon as I was in. It was terrible.
  19. I just watched Waiting, and I found it to be hysterical. Now I'm going to do one of three things: A) Eat ice cream. Ice cream is fucking delicious. B) Read a book. Reading is awesome. C) Play Panzer Dragoon Orta until my eyes roll in the back of my head and the controller slips from my hand. I think I'm gonna go for that ice cream.
  20. Just to give you an idea, on Saturday I was having a rum and coke next to a fucking emu. This is not a hyperbole for an ugly woman, I was having a drink next to a real live emu. Just hanging around, you know. With an emu. Jesus christ, I need to go to bed.
  21. I've been entirely too fucked up this weekend all over the fucking place. It actually feels good to be home and sober.
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