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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Don't eat seed / vegetable oils of any kind. Cut refined sugar and processed foods out of your life. If you make it that far and want to refine it further, cut out processed foods entirely. Best bet is only eat whole foods... In other words, if it has to list ingredients, then don't eat it. I've been carefully scrutinizing ingredients for years and it's amazing to see just how few foods don't include nasty shit, generally disguised under pseudo-scientific or misleading labels. Example, "Natural Flavors". That's just a scam considering what the FDA allows to be called "Natural". Rest if it is largely preservatives, which are also a misnomer since these days most the stuff dubbed preservatives are actually engineered to trigger cravings versus expanding shelf life. Also a lot of fillers... Shit like "cellulose" added to grated cheese and so many other products. Cellulose is exactly what you think... Wood pulp. They literally get the industrial waste from wood processing and boil / distill it down to a sludge, bleach it, dehydrate it and mix it with cheese under the guise of making it not clump. Reality is you're eating industrial waste as a filler because wood pulp is cheaper than cheese, so cutting it with crap brings down the cost. So long as you're eating an intentional diet, you're better off than most of the country. But yeah, if you can limit to whole foods and cut out all seed oil and refined sugars, you'll be doing well for yourself.
  2. Moar stickers... (Getting pretty close to releasing a bunch of stuff along with the https://12ozprophet.com website.
  3. Just curious, what are you guys interested in seeing from a 12oz Podcast? I mentioned a few directions I was considering in previous comments, but basically an "insider x everyman" type approach to broad array of topics largely focused on the creative community. Example, graffiti, art, graphic design, brands and fashion, etc. Not saying all poured into each episode but rather, have episodes dedicated to all things creative with each episode diving into a particular subject or representative of that subject. I think the reason Rogan is successful, which was the precise formula that Oprah pioneered, was creating content for the everyday person. Oprah choose subjects and had a POV and approach that was pretty much what you'd get if you could sit with friends and invite some celebrity and just discuss. Rogan, essentially did the same from a male perspective. Anyhow, it's super simple, but my thought was to identify compelling subjects and then just explore them. Some might be directional, but the goal is to make them interesting and accessible to people outside the specific demographic the subject would normally appeal to.
  4. Lot of household names are looking kind of rough. Was shocked to see Clint Eastwood. Likewise, just as surprised to hear about someone I know, my age or sometimes less, and they die of natural causes. Crazy…
  5. wait, what? you feed a script into the AI and it voices it out in any voice available? So for example we could do a three way interview with Paris Hilton, William Shatner and Cope 2 for example?
  6. Just an update... We're still waiting on the next major forum software release. Was supposed to be in March, then rolled into April and recently found out that it'll be a bit longer. Since they blew the original deadlines, they aren't setting a date due to all the complaints, but if I had to guess, should still be something in the summer. I'll keep you guys posted, but just wanted to mention this so you don't think it's fallen in the cracks.
  7. Pretty wild how dude thought this was a good idea. Guess you could say the same about most of these, but this one hits particularly bad.
  8. @T4M* Yeah, there's been some issues with Amazon Web Services that borked the four a bit last week. Should be sorted out.
  9. Last nights solar storm views from my yard in NW Montana.
  10. Own lots of land. Turn as much of that land into productive land as possible (farm and livestock). Build a custom house from scratch. Be secure, free and independent.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6R2tbXSAeE/?igsh=MW52ZXFocTN2MmV2Nw==
  12. Nice, good to hear! And glad to see you around again.
  13. Adding a little romance into my off grid thread.
  14. Going to be truly fascinating to see how the administration and MSM respond to Biden losing. At this point, is there even a chance?
  15. Have a lot to catch up on this thread but this sin't really a response. Likewise, I also don't think what is happening here is a consequence of capitalism. Rather, its the abuse of capitalism and a system that not only doesn't do what it claims to do (looking out for people's health), but doesn't even come close to operating with any meaningful consequence or responsibility. There was a time when the USA led the world by example, but here's yet another example of how we've not just fallen short, but how government and industry are going out of their way to not just cut every corner possible, but intentionally making moves that they both know will eventually compromise health and kill humans. Some of it overtly without shame or subterfuge (because people are also systematically dumbed down and trained to the lowest common denominator), but just as much is literally bending rules and truths until they no longer resemble anything of the kind. Example, citric acid being shopped as if it's vitamin C and healthy. When in fact it's processed derivative of black mold that has a similar molecular structure, with the all the extras of being super fuckin bad for you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6097542/ Here's "Fact Checkers" skirting the issue by calling false on the fact that the food industry isn't conspiring o kill you, LOL... https://fullfact.org/online/citric-acid-black-mould/ Call it irony (or maybe simply, not surprising) that Pfizer came up with this shit... https://www.peacefulmountainmedicine.com/post/citric-acid-a-common-food-additive-with-an-uncommon-source https://ldnresearchtrust.org/inflammation-mutant-black-mold-and-very-common-ingredient At best it's described as preservative, meaning they seek to make something last much longer on a shelf than it should. Thanks to the miracle of science, it doesn't seem to spoil as quickly. Not only is that in itself, already kinda not the best idea (same with chemical ripening of fruit and vegetables), but doing it with a known inflammatory while adding pictures of citrus or callouts of "Vitamin C" while doing so is absolutely misleading.
  16. Ah, forgot about this thread. Maybe this needs to be combined with the crack pot theory/ conspiracy thread?
  17. https://www.businessinsider.com/gucci-kering-income-decline-stock-down-hit-china-sales-slump-2024-4
  18. I would love if someone could please break down how any of this is the problem of the United States? Ethics aside, which clearly in this situation there is virtually no ethics from wither side... How is a region that has been warring and conquering itself for millennia... Literally from before biblical times, so at least two thousand years... That still can't seem to get along... How is it our business or responsibility to step foot into that area. Honestly, maybe there is a viable reason on why we should be policing the region, bit if so, I've never heard it. "Spreading democracy" isn't a qualification that merits the responsibility or cost. Is there any other reason? At this point, I'm willing to even take the loss for anything that we tried to do or failed to do or planned to do. But considering recent history with the pullout of Afghanistan, the quagmire that was the GWOT or the long history of the USA pretty much failing at everything since WW2, why are we still there? Left or right, does anyone really think we should be fucking around in the Middle East, poking China and North Korea, running a proxy war with Russia or any of the other dumb shit that is happening. If you think it's a good idea, can you explain how or why?
  19. Whoever that dickhead economic adviser that fumbled the questions in the video floating around... Only in today's world is there no consequence for that incompetence. Dude should have been publicly humiliated from all sides and angles and fired. If there was any integrity in politics, some of the people he reported into and responsible for hiring him should have been publicly castrated until they stepped down. Instead, it just serves as another talking point for people to argue about, while we keep driving towards that cliff.
  20. Bumping this for lurkers. @simon sandleshit you still around?
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