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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Maybe I’ll finally plan an official 12oz event. Three day barbecue.
  2. Haven't seen @diggity @RAZE_FA or @LastBoyScout in a minute. Also, @Tesseract @johnny @Aves one uw.ftk @seeking .
  3. misteraven

    Kidult ??

    It's wild how times shift. This dude made a ton of noise for a couple years and now, no evidence and a bunch of 12oz users that don't remember the name. Might eventually spawn a new discussion on the subject but been having a lot of conversations lately about how fractured graffiti feels these days. I have heard a few graffiti jams popping back up, but overall there's such little cohesion in graffiti anymore. Seems the young set are off doing their own thing. A few OG's (very few). Then you have a few more OG's still pulling off the art thing to varying degrees of success. Lastly, you have a few OGs still trying to work out getting paid after the fact for reputations built on putting in work back whenever. All in all, there's no real feeling of true community. No big congregations or real sense of community anymore.
  4. @Grassy Knowles @psm026 @august @akanyc @glorydays @6Pennies
  5. August release is now closed. If there's anyone here that still wants one, I try to hold back a couple for archive and promo. DM me before end of week, Friday August 15th and I'll squeeze you in. Otherwise, thank you again to everyone that got down and helped support the cause.
  6. Little time left for this months release. Don't think it'll make it through the end of day. Just sayin.
  7. And to everyone... I really appreciate the love and support. This isn't a big money maker, but it does help spread awareness and build things back up. I tried to make to as easy and as big a value as possible and hopefully its accessible to most, if not all. Anyone that can't sort out ordering, it's still a huge help to just spread the news. Either way, I appreciate all you guys. Thank you.
  8. @Schnitzel and any of the outside the USA people that needed a little help with the shipping stuff... Email me or send a DM so we can coordinate that.
  9. Video soon, but here's some photos from a session late last week that nobody has seen yet.
  10. So yeah... It's officially LIVE RIGHT NOW! T-Shirts: https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/12-12-12-series-august-2024 Banner: https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/12ozprophet-12-12-12-august-vinyl-banner Stickers: https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/12ozprophet-12-12-12-august-sticker-pack
  11. I have a good processor locally but want to learn how to do it myself since we’ll be raising cows. I know it’s a skill that has to be learned but I’m willing to try. Trying to not have to depend on anyone else and the $0.90 - $1.25 a pound to process that we save ads up when you have a carcass that weighs almost 2000 lbs.
  12. Please help spread the word. So far the program has grown from when it started two months ago. Hoping to keep it growing but need as much help as I can get.
  13. Maybe just ask a brand or site as a good starting place for a cooler / freezer. Unsure on size, but considering 8x14’.
  14. Hey, Any chance we have any commercial butchers here? Or perhaps anyone specialized in refrigeration, particularly commercial refrigeration? Had to skip raising cattle this year, but very much hoping to start in on it next spring. Was looking for information on semi professional setups for managing large carcasses, as well as info on the best refrigeration setup for dry aging, etc. Any chance any Oontzers recommendations on here have experience?
  15. not to derail the topic, but made me happy to see @!@#$%posting.
  16. Monday, August 12th at 12pm Noon EST. just reminding you all.
  17. Wonder if it’s actually just a lag? There’s no visual feedback on loading and as mentioned before, this doesn’t have the advanced caching that most finished mobile apps have.
  18. Curious to know if they trade off wiping duties. Kinda sucks either way… Either you’re always wiping someone else’s ass or someone else is wiping yours.
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