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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2012 in all sections

  1. 10 days clean off the opis today. yehaw
    4 points
  2. i will say this about true romance.. tony scott almost fucked it up. i dont mean to talk shit about the guy so soon after his death, he did hook up some of the most enjoyable and prolific action movies of all time (top gun and air force one are only the first 2 to come to mind) but that cat was like the original michael bay: all style, no substance. true romance is not a bad film at all, and if anything its quite underrated if nothing else because of how few people really know about it. everyones heard of quentin tarantino and the majority of the cast in the film, yet many people have never even heard about it, let alone know what it is. it was tarantinos first screenplay, and it shows. its his style as pure as it can come: a comic book nerd goes on the run from the mob and the cops, heads to LA, tries to sell the stolen blow to a B+list movie producer, i mean its got that post-modern hollywood style locked down, its as authentic and flavorful as a movie can come. i often wonder what it would be like if tarantino had directed instead, he was too new, they never wouldve let him take on a project of that magnitude being so green. ive also pondered if he would ever remake, or rather reTAKE his own film, but ive decided that wouldnt necessarily be an improvement becuase it wouldnt have (you said it) the best cast of all time. one thing that definitely wouldve been a different and an improvement is that during the scenes of violence, it wouldnt zoom in on the subject and show them being shot in slow motion: the violence would occur so rapidly youd barely know what hit you. so yeah, the flick aint flawless, but it still kicks mucho ass.
    2 points
  3. I disagree. Throwback
    1 point
  4. I just bought a pair of handcuffs and some duct tape. What We Do Is Secret. From this. To this.
    1 point
  5. actually a lot of the pics I have I could prob get in shit for posting, I have a top secret security clearance and all, but I wouldn't ever show them. I'll upload some more tonight after walking dead. The military never gave much of a shit about taking photos, just so long as nothing in the photo would compromise operational security. For example, taking pictures inside the TOC (tactical operation center) was probably a bad idea, there is surveillance maps, routes, coordinates and high profile target photos. Those aren't something they want getting out. I have a video of a daisy chained IED taking out two of our vehicles, it was filmed from a helmet camera and if nobody told you, you would think the two guys walking in front of the truck died as the explosion covered the area in a plume of rocks and sand. Shit was crazy but they both survived. You ever see the video on youtube of the reporter giving away soldiers positions during a live broadcast? that's the type of shit the military is really worried about as far as visual media. But most of our cameras and shit were looked at after every mission, especially if we were out inspecting the fucking mess the Rangers made during the night.
    1 point
  6. stupid lookin bitch. she woulda been alrite without those tattoos but nope... my face is mad cold.
    1 point
  7. nah man i heard we're gettin like 5-10 inches or some crazy shit and i gotta work at midnight to 8am tonight haha. im stuck in that shit. the good news, my step parents family has a generator and tons of food at their house. the bad news, i wasn't invited.
    1 point
  8. Why I met petraus, he was cool with everyone I saw him with.
    1 point
  9. We all make shitty choices once in a while. I don't judge people cause I hate being judged. Congrats on 6months. That's awesome. Buttonhole tats rule.
    1 point
  10. It's just a geographical thing, 180's are trash to us here. Silvia's are pretty much reserved for Asians and hairdressers.
    1 point
  11. Got this little Viking dude on my thigh tonight. People love tattooing over old cutter scars. Really. I also got my palm touched up. And got to show off my 6 month CA keytag. Anonymity ain't my thang. The skull was done on a lady friend of mine.
    1 point
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