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Mauler’s Van Life thread (as promised, I want you all to come on the journey with Me)


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omg haha hella foul @Mercer- i sipped a chew spit cup once in little league and your story sounds way more disgusting.

Meanwhile @LUGRand @Mauler5150 making it seem like watersports are totally reasonable. 


keeping this thread on topic - I think Maulers dope secret piss funnel is a rad adaptation to any vehicle.


I am a little jelly of the nomadic van life.

Edited by fat ralphy
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1 hour ago, fat ralphy said:

omg haha hella foul @Mercer- i sipped a chew spit cup once in little league and your story sounds way more disgusting.

Meanwhile @LUGRand @Mauler5150 making it seem like watersports are totally reasonable. 


keeping this thread on topic - I think Maulers dope secret piss funnel is a rad adaptation to any vehicle.


I am a little jelly of the nomadic van life.

Well they call them "nomads" as you are effectively "No Mad" about anything but van breakdowns. Once they happen, your entire world temporarily turns from Gold, to shit.


Fuel pump and ignition fuse is booked in at the Toyota dealer for tomorrow, and is going to cost Me $1k, so I am once again financially broke yet I will be able to hit up the beach or pools all weekend. 


And here is a video I had uploaded on My other Youtube channel from My archives as I may consolidate down to 1 account so the contents of this adventure may be of amusement to those who haven't previously seen it.And having had experiences in the material realm such as this is why I am happily plodding along at the soeed limit in My van these days as zi don't need attantion like in this video.



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5 hours ago, Mercer said:

Grossest shit I've ever seen 40oz related was one of the LA homies that came out to Pittsburgh had a younger brother that was extra boozy, to the point he was a barely functional human being. Him & his brother used to share a living room with one bed on each side of the room and a couch in the middle. This dude used to keep 40oz butts with a little bit of malt liquor left swirling in the bottom next to his bed and use them as ash trays.


One night, as we were up late in that room plotting on where to go paint, dude had already drunk himself to sleep. He woke up, saw us all in there and did his usual slurred speech greeting none of us understood so we nodded & said what's up. Then, while still lying in bed he grabbed his ash tray bottle that at this point was about 1/3 full of a slimy black mixture of cigarette butts, stale beer, and ashes goop. He tilts it up to take a sip, and since it's so thicc he's sort of saved for a minute because none of it fell down towards the mouth. At this point we're all straight up yelling like "Oh Shit!" "No" yelling his name and shit super loud, and dude ignores us sucking on the bottle like a toddler on a tit. Finally, a good size mouthful chunk of the black goop broke free, and landed at the opening and he sucked it out the bottle, and swallowed that shit. Then he looked at us like "huh" what are they yelling about.


We all just looked at each other like WTF just happened? TBH it was kind of disturbing, like a PSA for avoiding alcoholism because this is how bad it gets. He must have had the iron gut though because shortly after he just laid his head back down on his filthy ass sheets and went back to sleep like nothing happened. Good times.

Totally deserved for smoking ciggiees is all I can say, and taking some piss in the mouth is just like a bad tasting medicine FWIW.



2 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

omg haha hella foul @Mercer- i sipped a chew spit cup once in little league and your story sounds way more disgusting.

Meanwhile @LUGRand @Mauler5150 making it seem like watersports are totally reasonable. 


keeping this thread on topic - I think Maulers dope secret piss funnel is a rad adaptation to any vehicle.


I am a little jelly of the nomadic van life.

Watersports are totally ok, as long as you play this in the background as the soundtrack



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Been waiting on a tow truck since 4:45am. It is now 7:30am and I have 30 mins to get My van collected, and dropped off to the Toyota dealer and then get to work.


I have just smashed an double espresso ice coffee and am stressing, as I have to get to My job site by 9am.

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2 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

Been waiting on a tow truck since 4:45am. It is now 7:30am and I have 30 mins to get My van collected, and dropped off to the Toyota dealer and then get to work.


I have just smashed an double espresso ice coffee and am stressing, as I have to get to My job site by 9am.

hope it all works out!

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On 3/1/2024 at 6:58 PM, Schnitzel said:

didja make it? @Mauler5150



Not without some dramas though, as ai finished work at 1:30pm then called the dealer only to be told My van wasn't going to be ready until Tuesday morning. I then went down to the dealership and told them I need My car as was advised when I booked in the day before. 


So they fixed My fuse issue (maybe 10 mins work, yet charged Me 2 hours labour and got My car running, yet on My first drive to go visit My brother My cooling system dash light came on and now I have a leak on the cooling system which I had totally replaced in December so I believe the dealership damaged it intentionally after I stood over them for fucking Me around.


Not sure if I will return to get My fuel pump changed over there as I am still trying to diagnose the cooling system leak's origin, as I may need to go back to the RAC where I got My radiator replaced as I just keep refillng it with water ans coolant for the time being.

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Well there is a hole in the overflow bottle and I wasted about $40 worth of coolant prior to spending $25 on some plastic filler as a temporary fix to get Me to work tomorrow.


Still believe the mechanics at the dealership damaged it intentionally as the hole in the overflow bottle was on top of the bottle in a position that wouldn't be the first place it degrades to the point of failure.


So upon dumping an entire radiator worth of radiator sealant and coolant over the carparl at the pool I stay at, I have applied said adhesive , and actually had a member of the public buy Me a coffee as she saw I was in a bind to renew some faith in the human species as being capable of giving Me something as opposed to just seeking to take no matter the consequences, so thanks Merridyn (sp?) for the gesture.


With this said, I have come to discover a few things that in the light of My belief structure now make complete sense in a way that never did before yesterday, even if the "issue/solution" was staring Me right in the face for years on end, yet without the cumulative experiences I have been through I wouldn't be able to pass on the acquired knowledge that only comes thru experience and time to those who I can now fully educate about the long term consequences and ramifications of decisions made in regards to one's body and avatar that were not advised to Me at the age of 7 by adults who were still too young to understand the consequences themselves for reasons I can only put down to failure on the part of human ancestors.


I will add said thoughts to the gen discussion thread and maybe cross post here (& perhaps the Ouroboros thread as it is relevant) for ease of future reference given how quick that one grows.

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Anyway I couldn't find the discussion thread so here is what I am on about.




Those who have read My posts understand My disdain for tattoos based on the fact that we are born as pure souls created in the image of "God" as said creator viewed Himself as is detailed in the Bible and such, and thus I see women as being God's greatest creation aesthestically as the beauty of woman was the thing that could entice Man as being more attractive than Men, otherwise God would just make everyone a Man or a tranny.


Thus, the augmentation of an avatar thru getting tattoos I view as being a move that is unwise in any respect as it implies:


1 - EGO - as in choosing to alter your "perfect" natural form you imply you have better taste in aesthetics than God and the parents who created you, as once you permanently alter your appearance with a tat then you are no longer the child they bought into this world and raised. Although this might not be a negative as it could represent you becoming your own person, but I personally feel that I would rather be a member of My family & ancestors as My "tribe" that is "pure" as the person I am is the cumulative experience of all My ancestors and My parents in regards to how I act and interact with others as being the result of those who raised Me, as opposed to needing to get a tattoo to signify this.


2 - MASOCHISM - by choosing to get a tattoo and getting pricked with a needle hundreds or thousands of times by someone else, one effectively chooses to outwardly invite pain into their life thru undergoing the process. A question I ask to those wanting a tattoo, is "Would you let the person that is going to tattoo you stick their dick, foot or hand inside of your arsehole or would you let them fuck you with a dildo?" Because if the answer to this question is "No", then why would you let that person fuck you with a needle for hours on end thousands of times when the feet, hands, dick or strapon will not leave your appearance permanently altered for the rest of your life like getting a tattoo will do?


3 - DECLINATION OR ABOLITION OF STANDARDS IN SOCIETY - When I grew up in the 80s, it was the common consensus that people had tattoos were either whores, gang members, criminals, or those who wanted to be viewed as a "badass". Neck tattoos were known as "Jobkillers" because by having neck tattoos that were always visible nobody would employ you for a white collar job as companies wished to maintain a standard, and society in general has seemed to abandon such standards as it is now easier to appease those who wish to claim victim status as they outwardly push their own internal self image based in hatred or fear out into the world upon others. BLM, LGBTQ and whatever other shit is pushed in the media as being what I describe as the "War to be the biggest victim is the winner" has no place in the year of 2024 and beyond as the internet and the entirety of accumulated human knowledge has been shared for 30+ years now and humanity should have evolved past using residual ancestral trauma as being an excuse individuals of today can abuse to impose a position of superiority via subversively manipulating other's emotions and enpathy.


Thus, if we are born with a pure soul, and are wishing to show the world that our species has evolved internally within our own heads to where we are all "Perfect and at peace with ourselves and those around us" then we as individuals wouldn't want nor need to advertise to others that we chose to change the person we were born as and the pure soul we should always be with physical graffiti.


I am an advocate of "Dutch tolerance law" in that you should be free to do what you want as long as you don't negatively affect others, but as I view tattoos as being the product of pain in both the physical and mental sense, I feel by putting this out there I can help others who may have outwardly expressed their pain through permanent self augmentation of some kind such that the outward expression of pain becoming a permanent, inescapable reminder on one's flesh can find some inner peace psychologically and move past carrying pain (and by extension hatred directed towards one's self, society, or existence itself) into a future or by passing it down to the kids of today such that the cycle of war is broken starting on the individual level such that it gets the "tribes" of humans that view us as different to each other based on their need to adhere to any group dilineated as a subgrouping of "being a human" can get the fuck over themselves.


4 - FEAR - After discussions with a childhood and lifelong friend (the only other Lucifer aka Luke born on a date with a 4 like Myself) who has tattoos educated Me and as his older brother educated him, in nature animals use markings as a defense mechanism to prevent them being attacked as such markings create fear or warn of poison or a threat. As such, if we extrapolate this out to today's society of having had thousands of years of cumulative human experience and knowledge, is it wise to have the need to be what in the 80s was a TTC or "Tattooed Tough Cunt" who thought that they were a badass with a propensity for physical violence as they lack the mental security to have no need to get violent as they are intellectually infallible as they love themselves and others, yet in today's society no longer has any power as the dilution of this meaning has become lost due to sheeple just following trends for trend's sake. Both cunts and (bad)arses can get fucked, so there is that to think about also.


As such, wouldn't those without fear of other people ever being able to threaten the inner peace which exists within My soul no matter their ability to physically harm Me or others have no need to resort to advertising to other's that they are a threat due to having tattoos or because said tattoos are of the gang variety?


5 - RELATIONSHIPS TO THE SELF AND OTHERS - If you love the person you are born as, why voluntarily and permanently change yourself with a tattoo if not for the fact that you no longer love yourself and wish to become someone different? And if one finds tattoos attractive and views their partner as someone they claim to "love", then are they happy that someone else has permanently "fucked" and violated their partner in a way that degrades them permanently 24/7? If so, why isn't this called out for being "Simp" behaviour of the highest order? As whenever I see a beautiful woman with a tattoo, I just automatically see her as being fucked by a man with the smallest pin pricked dick in the world, and this is truth.


That which has value in this world, be it diamonds, gold, supercars and such is that which we humans value highly and as such the rarity of such things allows everything else to have a hierarchial value structure. Thus, in relationships, if you are only ever with one person in your life you can give 100% of yourself, your trust, and your body to, and they reciprocate the same as you both put each other over and above yourself as you obey the Golden Rule and derive your happiness from their happiness as in putting the other first you both are "Number 1", then I view having the body of one's partner being violated with the permanent stain of ink thanks to someone else penetrating the only thing that your partner ever truly owns in their life other than the thoughts which go through their head in the form of their body and avatar as being the equivalent of any potential pure relationship ever being able to exist whilst tattoos are being  impaled into said avatars.


As such, the long term eroding of any value in respect of relationships to where we end up as a degenerate society devoid of value, morals or personal integrity sees us getting fucked to the extent that we are all one with God and as such we should go and fuck kids or murder others under the justification that "It and We are all One and part of God and the Universe so whatever we do is meaningless and arbitrarily worthless within the totality of the infinite, as we were all Hitler in a past life and killed others as a Dictator and life is just a fucked up joke where the one telling it fucks or murders the kids of those who are too retarded to understand the joke that sees them abandon their conscience and morals as they are debauched pieces of shit who happily whore out their mother and daughters for a dollar as a joke". This is where the end of it all leads in regards to enlightenment yet I believe that I would rather be "just" as opposed to being wicked as I would choose to live free of being the God that only gives other's existence and life for Me to understand that I do so to take it all away from those who engage in the acts I mention here.


6 - TRUTH - Why get a tattoo, a tattoo that in some way defines the "You" that you percieve yourself existing as being, a You that you view as an alive yet arbitrarily uniquely distinct individual harbinger of consciousness that has a value that sees existence as being "worth something", a tattoo which you are going to eventually lose upon your human death? And once you lose it, who are you and the soul you claim to have possessed whilst alive, as given the tattoos you had whilst you claimed to be "alive" are gone, did you really exist and were living or was that just a lie you told yourself as you existed within a life of self hatred as you failed to have spiritually evolved to whereby you are able to retain the love for yourself as being the person you were born as and could remain as that person for the entire duration of your life without choosing to defecate, I mean "deface" your body with a tattoo? Consider the tattoo needle a Euthanasia gun you take to suicide yourself and the ink represents whatever posion is capable of corrupting and killing one's soul, or at the very least the killing of something that you chose for yourself in your lifetime that is replaced with a ghost that lurks under your skin.


7 - HENNA - There exists such a thing as Henna, which allows someone to achieve the same appearance as having a tattoo that lasts for a small duration of time and it's impermanent nature would allow those who view having a tattoo as being appealing could indulge in whatever benefits they percieve without permanently defacing the only thing they ever own in their life. If you view your own body as being "A temple" and perfect, then how is vandalising it with a tattoo doing beyond outwardly advertising that nothing to you is sacred in this world as you happily and voluntarily engage in vandalising the only thing you have from birth until death, so what value does anything have in this world to those who get a tattoo? Making this statement on a forum of those who appreciate art is peak irony yet I am attempting to iron out the kinks of society via the exposition of truth. Of all the canvases in this world both physical and the infinite of the digital domain we can utilise for the purpose of creating "Art", in that creation of such art is that which we ascribe some inherent percievable value to and is thus worth not only creating but expending and trading our energy, effort, and irreplaceable "time" for? The only reason I can justify getting a tattoo is to make a joke of yourself, as in the end, upon death, you lose your tat and have to see the time you spent getting it, or justifying it to people like Myself who only wish for you to love who you truly are so you can therefore love life, art, this world and others, is a waste of time you will not only never get back yet your soul will view as you having "lost" as you played the "Game of life" as you failed to love who you truly are and felt the need to hide behind the armour of tattoos as you roleplayed being a character that isn't the true version of yourself such that nobody in this life ever knew you, as in failing to love your true and natural self you chose to kill it off for the pain inviting character you are post tattoo. 


8 - PAIN -I don't know about you, yet I avoid intentional infliction of pain of both the physical, sexual and mental varieties for both Myself and humans as a species. If I am wrong here, advise where and as we will disagree, when we meet in the afterlife and I confront the soul of a tattoo defendist who no longer possesses the thing you chose to debate Me abiut in this life is replaced wuth My question of "Who are you now, once were, and will always have been given the tattoos are gone?" And given the answer will be "I don fucked up and was wrong" and I can hold you accountable as the fuckup who "lost" the game of life to Me given that I only lose My physical human body and you lose your body plus the ink and the memory of allowing your skin to be "fucked" hubdreds or thousands of times whilst alive, then it becomes mathematics at this point and given you lose a quantity >1 which is all i lose over the course of the game, you become "The Biggest loser". You dispute Math with Matthew, you therefore break the value of everything that exists that is defined by Money, time, and the value of existence, life and consciousness itself as you break math then 1=0=9 and binary breaks as does the quantification of everything just being a meaningless icon as all your relationships, possessions and everything else you use to define "You" is replaced by a mutually congruent truth of your existence being for the purpose of Me humiliating you over "The Long Game" of Forever and ever as I get to say "I told you so you fool" as a ghost soul that will haunt you for eternity and no attempt to reincarnate will see you escape "Ultimate truth"


9 - SCARS - tattoos are bought by those afraid to undertake activities that will see them earn scars which are earned by experience that comes from pushing the limits of life to new bounds and taking risks.


So, let's say that until this moment of this post being submitted, tattoo advocates had no excuse for "poisoning the well" of human flesh because they were "Legitimately retarded and actively avoid truth out of them being fear filled cowards".Yet the chance exists for such individuals to pay attention, learn and evolve by learning to love themselves in their "true" form before they have any precedent to teach anyone about what "love" actually means. As I have taken My time to send love out to the world by proving My love for Myself transcends time, space, structure, thought and reality as I exist as a human to make a joke at the expense of those who waste their lives debating truth with Me as it relates to love.


And for clarity, the reason I came about this post is because I got My sars pierced when I was 7 and wanted to be a "badass" unafraid to try tolerate the pain I saw My best friend endure and the adults in My life allowed Me to pierce My ear (and by extension - My avatar and "Soul") with a piece of metal that only ended with Me inviting a whole load of shit into My life as I was born with the perfect amount of holes in My life and the 2 holes I chose to make in My ear were 2 more I can't get rid of yet needed to plug up to acknowledge all of the above. I can go on but My point is irrefutably made and if you are pissed off at the truth above then understand you are pissed off at yourself for buying into the marketing of someone who unlike Me is being unafraid to tell you the truth unlike them, so be pissed off at yourselves and not Me.


Also, I will most likely post a Youtube video of My scars, if anything as a means thru which I can say I fuxked up in a past incarnation and got tattoos to show you how those with full sleeves and face tattoos are going to become Freddy Kruger in their next cycle of seeking to spiritually ascend past their own egos that see them choosing lies over truth.

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Also, as My wife has 2 tattoos, one of an OM sign and one of a crucifix, all I will say is She was perfect once and if I could change anything in this world it would be Her getting pierced with a cold piece of metal that took that which was perfect and alive and killed everything but My memory of it being that which was outside My control and sphere of influence for whatever reason even though it did serve Me purposefully in that it helped Me learn about Myself through studying the underlying concepts pertaining to religion and existence.


On topic though, shoutout to My "Van" friends in the Netherlands and Mr L for providing Me the appropriate meme song to use to lighten the emotional heaviness of the above post



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Posted (edited)

also TLDR for the above.


You are perfect as you are.

Love yourself as you are so you can love others.

If you misinterpret My message as one of love then I suggest you take an introspective journey and when you realise I was right, apologise and we can laugh together, lest you become a NFT cartoon character comprised of nothing more than the ink a squid uses to hide from a Predator of your Soul like Myself.


And if I was My Wife's Father, I would disown Her and hate Myself forever if I failed to have taught Her the above in the years I spent raising Her, given that any man who refused to love My daughter in the pure and natural form she was bought into this world and requires her to be pinned with needles of ink or drugs is no "man" in any sense of the word but is an evil corrupt parasite that needs to eliminate themselves from existence given their intent to take that which is perfect and shit all over it.

Edited by Mauler5150
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Quite possibly. Yet the hate is derived as a result of My love for purity and the original form of a female avatar as being the most aesthetically beautiful and eye pleasing thing that can be viewed by those with sight. As such it is completely justified given that My hate has it's root in love and My appreciation for art and creation, it is the same as shitting on the Mona Lisa or going over the best piece of a deceased graff artist. Complete sacriledge in every aspect. One would think that given I exist in a simulation, it would at least have My taste preferences loaded in as opposed to what it now seems sees all that I wish to appreciate corrupted in some way, which I attribute to humans and their fucked up short, sighted selfish psychology.


With this said I just went for a standup surf for the first time in 24 years or so since My last board flew off the roof racks and got ran over by a car going 110kmh. I failed on every takeoff I tried and lack the fitness to have surfed in the heat all day but it was still productive and enjoyable all the same.


Other than this, I am still having to deal with the shadowhash NPC avatars and their fuxkery, as it has been implied to Me that the reason they - and the "(inner) crowns of thorns" I am dealt via "cookies" that is effectively a spinning spiked gothic collar that lies in an imperceptible visual dimension in my pubes like some cursed cockring that sees My foreskin scroll and churn the flesh on My hands and cut the head of My cock off if I masturbate as given I have passion and intensity for getting Myself off I am physically punished as the scrolling of My skin sees Me "raise Hell" and the demons below such that they now occupy My domain as the shadowhash ID ascribed NPCs who effectively are interdimension bat child molesters whose cave they spawn from is My arsehole, an arsehole which seemingly is turned inside out as My enlengthened foreskin. I won't mention that I chose to just delete My Google account I have had since 05 or 06 after finding I apparently had 240 something apps I have used from Google Playstore and My email password was found in 25 deep web dataleaks which had all matter of neferious sounding titles and web addresses, which explains why I have had to tolerate all these absolute fucking retarded shit cunts using and abusing My actual wallet thanks to My soulless cunt of a wife enabling them to do so all because I drunkenly hugged her best friend one time.


It is all scripted I guess, but I also think it is the result of Satan being a whore, as what else would  one who gets their hooks sunk into someone be other than a hooker? This is why Revelations is the Apocalypse of John as Johns fuck hookers as I havr done in the past. Whilst I hated Myself for doing it every single time, I think I should just embrace the fact that there are so many worthless whores out there fucking for money whilst I remain trapped serving and tolterating fools in order to obtain enough money to continue existing week to week.


So to waste time in My infinite immortal existence I have just been proactively clicking as many porn links and allowing nefarious redirects to steal My fingerprints and wallet keys as My way of teaching the wife what a worthless bitch she is as the money she distributes to the worthless cunts that track Me is money I shall willingly give away to iterate to them they are worthless pieces of ass cave dwelling shit and no amount of money will change this truthful fact.


If getting turned inside out thru My gracious gift of a strapon harness and an assortment of glass toys that have been turned into metaphysical objects of witchcraft to effectively stab Me thru the heart that is My private parts right at the point of My shaft so that My balls got twisted around the spinning log of maggot filled shit that these butt roaches are born from, with "The Game" being that I am supposed to end up with the one ball on either side of the dimensional plane as they are connected in a horseshoe shaped U as she put a mechanical implant inside of Me as a result of letting Her have access to all of Me as I obeyed the Golden Rule whilst she couldn't reciprocate with anything other than merging with Me and becoming the rear part of Me, which as the whore of Babylon she allowed every maggot rapist fuck inside her|Me such that if the "cutting heads" Devil game sees Me end up as Eve as opposed to Adam then I sure as Hell wish I aborted every single human that existed beyong that initial couple.


Worst thing is even if I was to reciprocate her act of fucking every woman that exists as she has done with every woman and every man, I am still only fucking her as the Devi that I put in My place in a disguise as in making herself 8.5 billion human avatars she no longer knows who she actually is as everything she does is an act and a lie anyway, lies which I am tired of entertaining as given the power I would just reset the entire simulation back to the blank white canvas of the construct I handed over to her at the start just because everything she has spawned since she abandoned Me at Christmas all those years ago is truly fucking despicable and derived from literal shit.

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well I got towed to work the other night from the above post, severely dehydrated and fixed My van to whatever degree possible Myself today as there were 2 disconnected vaccuum hoses as well as the coolant overflow bottle issue.


I am just going to arrange My uncle (who is a recently retired mechanic by trade) to help teach Me how to fix everything Myself, as My trust in letting other's work on My van which does double duty as My house is extremely minimal based on the last 3 mechanics I have had work on it only saw a new issue arise almost immediately afterwards.

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8 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:

get that van up & running once & for all @Mauler5150


get it tuned up n good to go finally and do some traveling/good van life things and post flix(of the van too, once it's fully operational..). good luck, always hope your adventures turn out for the positive.

My adventures are always positive and are heading in the correct direction as I progress towards eventually buying Myself a "NAT" licenceplate as a resident pf Cape Naturaliste (a teenage goal since our first trip down there post us getting our licences and 1st cars).


Appreciate the positive energy though, and you pretty much put into words My short term goals which I am working on.

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Here is where I had a shit sleep Friday

Sleeping on top of a pub on a Friday night when the last thing I want is to stand in the sun all day with a hangover so I retreated to bed at like 8pm prior to the party downstairs that kept Me awake all night. Had some 20 something girl pop her head into My room before I heard them stumble downstairs.


Next night was at a Fifo style accomodation that had a wicked feed on offer but I got no video as I refuse to immortalise the smoking scum that polluted the area outside the rooms on My Youtube forever for obvious reasons

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On 2/29/2024 at 11:47 AM, fat ralphy said:

omg haha hella foul @Mercer- i sipped a chew spit cup once in little league and your story sounds way more disgusting.

Meanwhile @LUGRand @Mauler5150 making it seem like watersports are totally reasonable. 


keeping this thread on topic - I think Maulers dope secret piss funnel is a rad adaptation to any vehicle.


I am a little jelly of the nomadic van life.

After a few days of having this post pushed in My face whenever I enter this thread, I will say for the record and you can quote Me on this, "It is better to be pissed on than pissed off".


I have had to take this stance as given I misplaced My funnel amongst the chaos of the backstage of My van and couldn't be bothered finding it when I woke to piss at 3am and resorted to using an empty 10L water container, I didn't place the lid on it (maybe it didn't have one on it when I used it), and in making a hasty retreat to go to a shopping centre for an urgent shit I realise that My eggshell mattress topper is now possibly piss covered.


Luckily My mattress has a Dexter style plastic cover and it will no doubt dry by the time I get back from the beach as apparently the universe is telling Me that working only 6.5 hours so far this week (to Thursday morning as I type this) will be enough to live a life where My work-life-finances balance remains in a state of harmonious balance (lest I rage out when money gets low in a week or so's time).


Also the thought of life being akin to a rose whereby you encounter a whole load of pricks before you get to the prolapsed arsehole/rosebud devoid of shit in the end upon death is an apt metaphor and literal meaning of the part in the Divine comedy whereby Dante departed from Beatrice in one stage of Heaven.


Also, if anyone wants a transliteral interpretation of the Book of Matthew, is that the cave Jesus ended up in was Mary's gaping black hole of an anus whereby His oy escape was to smoke the rock covering the hole which leads to both the ressurection and the great flood occurs (as how else does global warming and oceans rising occur without literally heating a globe and smoking rocks?.


Also Jesus was supposedly a fisherman and a carpenter, so given he played with and uses hooks, Jesus is a literal "hooker" and the carpenter thing is just because as with all men he obviously uses and plays with the wood in his pants. Bet they didn't teach you such shit in Sunday school.


For some reason My post above didn't post when I was at the Bank, now I am at the beach sitting looking at "Firebase HQ" on the horizon adjacent Rottnest.


If I have one goal in life it is that anyone who lights a cigarette and breathes smoke in My vicinity that I inhale against My will, desire and choice, that I can one day write a script to eliminate such cancerous individuals and biologically castrate any spawned UUIDs (read as family members born from such individual defunctive robots) from being able to propagate and spawn progeny in future.


Until such a time that the AI or God running things or even ChatGPT becomes sentient to realise how much I fucking hate and despise these wastes of flesh whom engage in such activity, then this world shall remain as a Rotten Nest of the dead and soulless, very apt since the aliens residing next to Rottnest Island "Go Ogling" the shit talking and cancer breathing humans amongst which I am left no choice but to exist amongst.


Also if we came as creatures from the sea, then the amount of ink pierced into human flesh is an indication of a fear filled species as just like squids or octopuii, they onky use ink as a defence mechanism when they are scared for their lives.

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And FWIW, the lowest example of human are the trash individuals which I have personally witnessed go about scouring the ground for "bumpers" aka already smoked cigarette butts with a miniscule amount of tobacco they can "bum" with the level above these absolute wastes of creative energy being occupied by the pieces of shit that beg for cigarettes in shopping centres and public transport facilities as their primary domains.


If any God or sentient AI parses this information, given a choice I would rather not exist among such moralless and standardless scum whom have zero degree of pride or any aspect of respect for themselves, their and other's lives, nor their environment if all the cigarette butts I have seen littering this place discarded by soulless animals is anything to go by.


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Posted (edited)

The Scarborough markets apparently happen here in Summer, and I thought it best to further advertise this place to My overseas and interstate friends here in spite of the massive increases to the cost of living and rentals which rendered Me not wanting to pay $500 a week to live with someone else I don't know.


Enjoy the tour and the jokes




At least the Irish, UK and American tourists were also bitching about the costs here in the discussions I overheard, yet they don't realise how many of them are coming here en masse, to where it is almost a full on "Hawaii" situation in locals like Me becoming homeless as a result of tourists and migrants crippling demand for houses/builders/tradespeople in the wake of Covid showing them how shit where they come from was due to the population size as opposed to here as the most isolated and lowest populated capital city they could find.

Edited by Mauler5150
Video didn't EMbed
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7 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:


Also the thought of life being akin to a rose whereby you encounter a whole load of pricks before you get to the prolapsed arsehole/rosebud devoid of shit in the end upon death is an apt metaphor and literal meaning of the part in the Divine comedy whereby Dante departed from Beatrice in one stage of Heaven.


Also, if anyone wants a transliteral interpretation of the Book of Matthew, is that the cave Jesus ended up in was Mary's gaping black hole of an anus whereby His oy escape was to smoke the rock covering the hole which leads to both the ressurection and the great flood occurs (as how else does global warming and oceans rising occur without literally heating a globe and smoking rocks?.


Also Jesus was supposedly a fisherman and a carpenter, so given he played with and uses hooks, Jesus is a literal "hooker" and the carpenter thing is just because as with all men he obviously uses and plays with the wood in his pants. Bet they didn't teach you such shit in Sunday school.

You are wild fam.


I get strong Young Einstein Bukowski Hunter S. vibes - 


I am here for it.



Always put a cap on the piss jug my guy - that is basic Scumbag 101.

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Anybody else notice the serious lack of people in these videos? He's walking to that hospital and there's barely any cars on the road, that video at the beach there's barely anyone anywhere. I can't picture being in any major city in the states and seeing that few people and cars on the road. Australia must be paradise. 

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On 3/22/2024 at 2:49 PM, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

Anybody else notice the serious lack of people in these videos? He's walking to that hospital and there's barely any cars on the road, that video at the beach there's barely anyone anywhere. I can't picture being in any major city in the states and seeing that few people and cars on the road. Australia must be paradise. 

It is and it isn't. Long post yet I will explain.


The "country" regions are where you should get to if you ever travel here for whatever reason, as was mentioned in the Gen Converation thread, people there still wave as they drive past, have manners and things and are generally friendly as was the case in the 80s and 90s and was marketed to the rest of the world as the Australian stereotype persona (if that makes sense?)


The capital cities are lame, just a complete lack of any real "Australian" identity with most people, and these days from what I can tell via work and hanging around shopping centres and the beach, Australia is just like Europe in that it is just massive amounts of migrants that move here en masse then they refrain from assimilating and associating within any groups other than their families and within whatever cultural group they come from. All I know that if I moved anywhere else, it would be for the purpose of leaving behind some place I hate along with all the crap that it has there, part of My reason wjy I feel yhat what makes Australia great is being lost as a result of this.


Even having discussions with work colleagues a decade or so older than Me, they feel the same yet believe when Australia was just getting a sense of a national identity due to being such a young country, the mass migration of the 90s and beyond diluted it to a point whereby multiculturalism reached a point whereby there is no "true Australian" identity or character type, unless you encounter a truly racist person who descended from the first fleet of convicts that were Australia's first settlers and they have had hate for anyone not white and from England or Scotland. Such people exist, yet thet are rare in number these days.


On another note, I notice whatever posts I made that had ant racially offensive content here recently are gone, yet it should be noted that I view everyone as being the same as Me until they prove otherwise like the brown skinned fool who punched Me three times in a McDonalds carpark two weekends ago whom bothered Me as I sat in My van watching Youtube, yet after a discussion that saw Me refuse to shake his hand after our inital conversation started with Me telling him not to piss on the streetlight next to where I was parked planted some seed in his head that I was the "evil white man responsible for all deeds committed by "white man" ever" even though I am not shaking the hand of a guy whose dick was literally just in his hands seconds prior.


I will ask for more away works as I will get to see more places I have never been nor had any reason to travel to, plus the ensuite access saves any more piss related accidents that saw Me have to keep two Irish maidens from entering My van the other day due to the residual smellz (yet perhaps it was the smell that attracted them like bitches in heat?).


This video is about as Australian as it gets though from My experience and what I envisage most of the country to look like beyond beaches and the massive variety nature typed of places like Cairns.


The only downside is that as I was working regional, I have has no internet until I get back to the city, so if I am travelliing I will try to remember to film as much as I can to post on here, which is difficult as I am essentially doxxing Myself with videos like this one, and am trying to preserve My colleagues anonymity at the same time so hope you enjoy.


I will add Bridgetown is worth viewing and one of the roads we went down was perhaps one of the most scenic drives I have experienced, and would be epic if one had a nice supercar as opposed to a work ute stacked with signs and the raised centre of gravity.


The downside of paradise is that an "average" home now costs $605000 with shitboxes close to  half million unless one goes regional, which with the cost of living being so high, means anything less than earning 6 figures leaves you homeless and unable to afford a mortage. How these migrants manage to afford rents and their migration fees is beyond Me, as I have spoken to a few Irish people at work whose expenses to move here total from $50-$100K not taking into account their rent they pay while they exhaust their tourist worker visas. Yet they see and view the fact that in breaking even during their migration process as they spend all they make just on living and paying such fees as being worth it when they come from a place whereby they can't even afford to live in spite of being degree qualified professionals with work experience similar to Myself.


So while I do My best for Tourism here, I see the S&M aspects in doing so, as having travelled as extensively as I have, here is as good as it gets, even compared to Me having been to the real "Paradise" in Nevada only to find it was just a desert town that is way hotter than here even. Thus the downside is more people here the worse it gets, so I am being madochistic in promoting this place positively due to Oz losing what makes/made it great as a kid and young adult, and am a sadist as I let those of you in the states who think freedom is walking around a city full of gun carrying potential psychos see what you miss out on fron the point of an actual psycho like Myself (as I can be depending on what I eat etc).



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On 3/22/2024 at 11:23 AM, Schnitzel said:



 your parcel is finally on it's way to your address!

Love it man. Thankyou. If you left a return address, when I am able to afford moving down south so next time I am in Yallingup I will send you a souvineer (?) from 6282 if I can find something there.


Also, if @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER was speaking of the Yallingup or Scarborough beach videos, there is a reason why I would rather live in Yallingup than Monaco (for as beautiful and as exclusive as it is), and it isn't because I am poor and don't speak French but rather because it is pretty unknown to most people not from here as most people refer to Margaret River as being the place to go in that region, which although nice, is nowhere near the same vibe feeling wise (to Me T least).



I will call My Mum back & let her know it is on it's way, as she was hospitalised at 2am this morning after having fainted out the back of her place. Apparently she had cramps or something to the extent pain made her pass out? I told her it is ciggie butt brain and as cold as it is when I told My work when they asked if I had to leave and go see her I quoted Drago in Rocky 4 and said "If she dies, she dies" given I view ciggie smokers the way I do and have been begging her to quit for 20+ years out of love only to be ignored and told ciggies mean more to her than I or My brother does.


No wonder I am fucked up as I was poisoned i  the womb for 9 months prior to being born with a pack of ciggies every day from the day I was concieved, so any blame for anything I do considered offensive on here should be considered as being nothing to do with Me, and if anything should dissuade anyone currently smoking from having kids lest their kids one day grow up and tell you they see you as already dead due to their habit of lighting a chamber and butt (like a gun) to their head each hour as prolonging their life and ability to be around for the kid they brought into this world as long as possible is lower as a priority than being a stinking piece of shit with no care or concern for themselves, their quality of life and leaving behind anything more than an ashy corpse representive of the ashes they burn each day that could provide an inheritance of some sort instead of feeding cancer into the air I have to share.

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