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19 minutes ago, LUGR said:

Shard of glass from what?


I think he was talking about the teleprompter getting hit with bullet.   


In the initial video, I thought I seen something fly out like glass shattering near the back of his head.  Initially that's what I thought what cut his ear.

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No teleprompter was hit. That was one of the initial false narratives the media report trying to downplay the event as to continue their biased coverage of Trump. In the first 30 minutes they reported Trump was "frightened by a loud sound" etc.hit by a shard from a teleprompter. Etc.



Neither teleprompter was even scratched, both remain fully in tact.





The second blatant lie the media reported, and I still see them reporting it, was that the kid who shot at him was a MAGA Republican. Dude was defiantly not a conservative, MAGA, or a Republican. He just registered as one to vote against Trump in the Primary as did many democrats, and left leaning people in majority Republican voting areas.


No matter the level of cognitive dissonance denial one could be in, there's no way they could look at this photo and think this person is a MAGA Republican if they're willing to admit it out loud or not.



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8 minutes ago, One Man Banned said:

But in other news do we actually know what hit his ear? I haven't heard it referred to as Trump got shot.  I've heard the teleprompter theory, people referring to an assassination attempt, but no one using the language that he was shot or hit by a bullet.


Fox and Trump are the only ones using, words like, grazed, shot at, or loosely used, 'took a bullet'.  


@Mercer thank you for the clarification on the teleprompter, I didn't go into all of this any further.   This is why I love the Oontz, it's a correct source of info. 



This just in!  Biden Just Dropped Out!  


^^this needs confimati9n though 

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2 hours ago, ndv said:

Yeah, it's confirmed.  Biden dropped out, endorsed Harris.


Wow!  It just keeps getting worse for the DNC.

I don’t really understand the Dems mutiny against Biden to turn around and endorse Harris. Should have just gone 100% on Biden after the bad debate and brushed it off. If Biden won and something ended up happening to him, they would get Harris anyways. Now the Dems just look like clowns.

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2 hours ago, ndv said:

@LUGR I don't get the strategy as well.  Not sure what the angle is, who's her VP choice, it's all going to be rushed and look that way all the way to November.   Not a good look.


Yeah, seems like a very shook, self destructive, checkers level play. To me, that play only made sense of they had some new jack broc top hot shot to run the ticket. They basically just folded when they should have thought to themselves….”how would Don T plays this” instead of imploding.


I don’t know about y’all….but I’d rather be voting for either of these dudes instead of Harris.357B7FF9-95D4-4DE5-A87C-31FEF22B3E99.jpeg.435a37c74e2a94f4fb45384a6ae02a7c.jpeg77D7CAF6-EA29-4615-9DD6-A61558E44691.jpeg.f2dc5034e3a776de0ef5472d02d4b3fd.jpeg

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There are some politicians that become powerful because of their platform, message,  and performance gains popularity with voters. Biden was never that guy. He gained power by forming backroom coalitions, you scratch my back I'll scratch yours. His entire career has operated like this.


Even though everyone knew he was unfit, to go against him in the Democratic party was a massive risk most weren't willing to take because you never knew who was still backing him and how they'd react of you went against him. It took a massive buildup of political pressure after that terrible debate to finally make people break rank and start suggesting he step down.


Unfortunately they waited too long to make him step aside, it's a bit late now to mount a campaign after most primaries are over, and not have the time to build those back room coalitions needed to solidify enough political clout. Popularity wise, I don't think Kamala, Hillary, or Newsome have what it would take to come back from this far behind. Had Biden stepped aside earlier there's a good chance they could have won the general election.


All the Republicans have been saying it won't be Biden for quite some time. This video is from 258 days ago.





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I think the problem with DNC started in the Benning of the 2nd Obama term, it was coming to a close, instead of accepting it, denial was their best defense they thought was going to eventually work out.  


I also believe it happened to the RNC during the 2nd term of Bush.  However, the RNC had just slightly more candidates with the same repretior but appeared more appealing, but Trump came in and they let that ride for the parties sake with saved them for another 8yrs, now 4.  But after Trump RNC is gonna be in the same cell with the DNC.   


2028 is gonna have a bunch of trash running, which may give Independent party a solid rise. 



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2 hours ago, ndv said:

I think the problem with DNC started in the Benning of the 2nd Obama term, it was coming to a close, instead of accepting it, denial was their best defense they thought was going to eventually work out.  


I also believe it happened to the RNC during the 2nd term of Bush.  However, the RNC had just slightly more candidates with the same repretior but appeared more appealing, but Trump came in and they let that ride for the parties sake with saved them for another 8yrs, now 4.  But after Trump RNC is gonna be in the same cell with the DNC.   


2028 is gonna have a bunch of trash running, which may give Independent party a solid rise. 



That’s why they pushing the young VP.

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10 minutes ago, ndv said:

I think the problem with DNC started in the Benning of the 2nd Obama term, it was coming to a close, instead of accepting it, denial was their best defense they thought was going to eventually work out.  


I also believe it happened to the RNC during the 2nd term of Bush.  However, the RNC had just slightly more candidates with the same repretior but appeared more appealing, but Trump came in and they let that ride for the parties sake with saved them for another 8yrs, now 4.  But after Trump RNC is gonna be in the same cell with the DNC.   


2028 is gonna have a bunch of trash running, which may give Independent party a solid rise. 





I think the main problems with the DNC in the 2016 race was they fucked over Bernie who was wildly popular with their far left base. Personally never liked anything remotely socialist having lived near the iron curtain so them fucking over Bernie never really effected me. The other problem the Democratic party started back in 2013 when they repealed important parts of the Smith Mund act, nullifying the parts that prevented the government itself from lying through mass media domestically. This was when most people like myself started noticing the official propaganda & lies.


Most likely they repealed the anti-propaganda portion as a response to occupy wallstreet, followed by the left sort of "waking up" after Obama didn't even try to accomplish a single part of his platform during his first term, and instead backed all the banking/military industrial ruling class heavy. This is basically what snapped me out of believing in/trusting Democrats. Especially Obama's continuation/expansion of the Bush wars. 


My hope is that Trump 2 will be so terrible most of the non-right wing, higher end of the IQ bell curve Republicans will defect from the Republicans. I'd eventually like to see more than two parties in the U.S. and I don't think the Socialists have the clout needed to split the democrats. I also think Libertarians don't have the clout to split the Republicans, but if Trump does as poorly in his 2nd term as I'm sure he'll do, that might change.

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Either way The DNC is August 19th -24th giving anyone who wants to exactly 1 month to gain political clout by teaming up with Kamala or promoting their own ticket.


This should be interesting to watch.

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2 hours ago, Mercer said:

Either way The DNC is August 19th -24th giving anyone who wants to exactly 1 month to gain political clout by teaming up with Kamala or promoting their own ticket.


This should be interesting to watch.

You could replace boobert’s face with Harris’ in that other pic you posted and my weiner would probably vote for it.

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2 minutes ago, LUGR said:

You could replace boobert’s face with Harris’ in that other pic you posted and my weiner would probably vote for it.


AOC did cross my mind but I don't think it will look political.   The campaign would just look like mom and daughter are going clubbing all night night. 


Hillary, nah, everyone knows never put Hillary that close to the oval office. Kamala hanged herself, Hillary wins. 

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😂 They already risking enough by putting a women as presidential candidate. No way they are going to also push a female VP 😂 


Harris & Newsom


can relive their SF glory days 🤮 

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2 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

I don’t think newsome touches this. I bet he waits til 2028

For sure, he ain’t jumping on no sinking ship. He is just the only dem I can think of off top of the head who isn’t aged out…….lol.

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3 hours ago, Mercer said:

Do you think the shooter was a MAGA Republican?


I'm still waiting for the FBI to find the faraday bag in his anus so we can have all the info.  Until then, it doesn't matter to me either way, but Id be interested to know his motivations when a full picture emerges.

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