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Ahead of mail-in ballot Presidential election: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a major GOP donor to President Donald Trump, removes mail sorting machines from post offices


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Published on: Wednesday, August 12, 2020

by: Common Dreams


'A Conspiracy to Steal the Election, Folks': Alarms Sound After Postal Worker Reports Removal of Sorting Machines

The removal of key equipment from Post Offices should be viewed as nothing less than "sabotage," said one observer.


by: Jake Johnson, staff writer


The head of the Iowa Postal Workers Union alleged Tuesday that mail sorting machines are "being removed" from Post Offices in her state due to new policies imposed by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a major GOP donor to President Donald Trump whose operational changes have resulted in dramatic mail slowdowns across the nation.


Asked by NPR's Noel King whether she has felt the impact of DeJoy's changes, Iowa Postal Workers Union President Kimberly Karol—a 30-year Postal Service veteran—answered in the affirmative, saying "mail is beginning to pile up in our offices, and we're seeing equipment being removed."



"I don't see this as cost-saving measures. I see this as a way to undermine the public confidence in the mail service." 
—Kimberly Karol, Iowa Postal Workers Union



Karol went on to specify that "equipment that we use to process mail for delivery"—including sorting machines—is being removed from Postal Service facilities in Iowa as DeJoy rushes ahead with policies that, according to critics, are sabotaging the Postal Service's day-to-day operations less than 90 days before an election that could hinge on mail-in ballots.


"In Iowa, we are losing machines. And they already in Waterloo were losing one of those machines. So that also hinders our ability to process mail in the way that we had in the past," added Karol, who said she is "not a fan" of the postmaster general. Washington state election officials have also raised concernsabout the removal of mail sorting machines.


"I grew up in a culture of service, where every piece was to be delivered every day. And his policies, although they've only been in place for a few weeks, are now affecting the way that we do business and not allowing us to deliver every piece every day, as we've done in the past," said Karol. "I don't see this as cost-saving measures. I see this as a way to undermine the public confidence in the mail service. It's not saving costs. We're spending more time trying to implement these policy changes. And it's, in our offices, costing more over time."


Observers reacted with alarm to Karol's comments, viewing them as further confirmation that DeJoy is deliberately attempting to damage the Postal Service with the goal of helping Trump win reelection in November.

"It's a conspiracy to steal the election, folks," tweeted The Week's political columnist Ryan Cooper.


Freelance journalist Erin Biba said there's "absolutely no way to see" the removal of mail sorting machines from Post Offices as anything other than "sabotage" of the most popular government institution in the U.S.


"It's so blatant," added Biba.


Karol's remarks come as members of Congressand hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans are demanding DeJoy's immediate resignation or removal in the wake of his displacement of nearly two dozen top Postal Service officials late last week—a major leadership overhaul that critics dubbed a "Friday Night Massacre."


According to internal Postal Service memos obtained by Reuters, DeJoy—a former logistics executive with tens of millions invested in USPS competitors—was aware his operational changes would lead to mail delays.



As Reuter's reported:

The reorganization, introduced in July, has resulted in thousands of delayed letters in southern Maine, as delivery drivers follow a new directive to leave on time, even if the mail has not been loaded.



Delays have also been reported in at least 18 other states, according to media reports.

"One aspect of these changes that may be difficult for employees is that—temporarily—we may see mail left behind or mail on the workroom floor or docks," says one memo, dated July 10. The plan hopes to eliminate 64 million working hours nationally to reduce personnel costs, according to another memo.


In a statement over the weekend, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) warned that Dejoy's "nefarious collective efforts will suppress millions of mail-in ballots and threaten the voting rights of millions of Americans, setting the stage for breach of our Constitution."


"It is imperative that we remove him from his post," said DeFazio, "and immediately replace him with an experienced leader who is committed to sustaining a critical service for all Americans."


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19 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

Was speaking with a boomer coworker day before last who is lapping this shit up


totally convinced mail in voting will be the end of democracy 


I brought up the Diebold voting machine scandal in Florida from the Gore/Bush election and he quieted down

Timothy Snyder believes paper ballots are what’s going to save Democracy. Varying points of views i guess, ha. 

Me, i can’t help but think of Chris Farley and the movie Black Sheep, and who’s gonna be the one trying to pass off all the dead votes. 

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Now this is interesting 













Successful Blockchain-Based Voting in the U.S


While the stakes are higher on U.S 2020 elections, the use of blockchain cannot be ruled out given the tech has been used in other instances. Some notable events in which stakeholders voted through blockchain include delegate selection for the Republican National Convention in the states of Utah and Arizona.


It was also used for absentee ballots in the 2018 West Virginia elections in representing the military who are overseas. Now that the USPS is looking to join this bandwagon, its Inspector General Office (OIG) has suggested other areas like supply chain, identity services, device, and financial management where it could further leverage blockchain.

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DeJoy to testify before Oversight and Reform Committee 






“Over the past several weeks, there have been startling new revelations about the scope and gravity of operational changes you are implementing at hundreds of postal facilities without consulting adequately with Congress, the Postal Regulatory Commission, or the Board of Governors,” House Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) wrote to DeJoy on Sunday, giving him a deadline of Monday to respond to the testimony invitation. 


“Your testimony is particularly urgent given the troubling influx of reports of widespread delays at postal facilities across the country—as well as President Trump’s explicit admission last week that he has been blocking critical coronavirus funding for the Postal Service in order to impair mail-in voting efforts for the upcoming elections in November.”

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2 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

This ended up playing a huge role in this fiasco. 


I haven't fully paid attention to the cause and effect of this.  I guess partly due (mostly) I do not pay attention to MSM anymore because of the distrust issue MSM has created over the decades.


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On 8/17/2020 at 6:44 PM, KILZ FILLZ said:

President Trump’s explicit admission last week that he has been blocking critical coronavirus funding for the Postal Service in order to impair mail-in voting efforts for the upcoming elections in November



8 minutes ago, KILZ FILLZ said:


May be time for you to peel back a layer of this onion

What I am understanding is Trump shot himself in the foot?   

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12 minutes ago, ndv said:

I think this is where I am lost.  

And THAT, my friend, is exactly why it's stupid to even talk about any of this.  I'm not discouraging anyone here from talking about it, i'm just saying it may be a big ol fat waste of time to speculate upon when nobody knows or can prove motive.


I'm pretty sure most "cases" work this way.  You have to prove someone was doing something shitty on purpose, if it was "on accident" then that's another story, but trying to "prove that this was done on purpose for xyz reason...." is....... impossible.




Good luck.

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God damnit! I had a whole involved reply written out and fuckin lost it with a bad copy/paste. MFer!!


will try to rebuild it ...

basically my short response is quid pro quo, a favor returned for a favor given. Trump gets LeJoy and his wife jobs (she is now ambassador to Canada), LeJoy performs the job with Trumps motivations driving him.

How did Trump get him this job? 


postmaster general is selected by a board of governors. The board of governors is selected by the president. The board Trump selected has a 4:2 republican advantage. The board hired two firms to determine candidates, neither provided DeJoys name as a recommendation. Why did they select him? I allege they were told to select him. 


why LeJoy?

Why does Trump choose LeJoy? $1.2 million in campaign donations (https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=louis+dejoy). DeJoy also did not receive a formal background check, allegedly. If this background check was performed the multiple conflicts of interests his investments is USPS competitors wouldve been caught. would you put someone in charge of your company with with millions invested in the competition? Would you believe their loyalty would lay with performing a good job and leading your team to success? Seems like their loyalty may lay with their own personal investments to me. I allege LeJoy was selected because he has motivation for USPS to fail so his investments boom. 

why sabotage the USPS?


If you discourage your base from voting by mail this means most mail in ballots will be for your competition. If you sabotage the usps, those ballots won’t make it in time and the only votes that will be counted are the ones made in person, by your base. Wild card here was many states extending the deadline for mail in ballots to be received. I allege  Trump told his base not to vote by mail because he was counting on the USPS being rendered so inefficient by LeJoys changes, the ballots would never be delivered in time. 

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TLDR: I allege the board were told to select LeJoy.  I allege LeJoy was selected because he has motivation for USPS to fail so his investments boom. I allege Trump told his base not to vote by mail because he was counting on the USPS being rendered so inefficient by LeJoys changes the ballots would never be delivered in time. 

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  • 6 months later...
1 hour ago, abrasivesaint said:

But are you prohomo, or nohomo?

I deleted their post and banned them, but very interesting… If you didn’t believe in Russian bots, you can believe now because that’s what it was. IP tracked back to the Ukraine. It registered and within an hour dug up a political discussion and dropped a comment that was clearly on the dissent tip. Pretty amazing shit to see in person here on 12oz after reading about shit like this clogging up social media and potentially swaying elections, if not fueling a lot of this hyper polarization. 

Going to spin this off into its own thread. 

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