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Unofficial Jiu Jitsu thread


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Wow - I am stoked to see this thread is staying active.


I have been struggling lately to log on, severe decline of my best friend who has cancer and some good work stressors are my excuse.


I received my brown belt in December. I have been training 6.5 years and to be honest this last year has been my worst overall due to injuries. I didn’t really feel deserving but it is not my decision.


The last 8 weeks I was sidelined with some bad ringworm. However, last two weeks I have been back at it and I am basically still destroying most everyone. Size and skill/time on the mat is hard to beat no matter how you look at it.


Weighing in at 305lbs right now - smh.


The stress I have been under lately hasn’t helped my dietary choices.

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54 minutes ago, fat ralphy said:

Wow - I am stoked to see this thread is staying active.


I have been struggling lately to log on, severe decline of my best friend who has cancer and some good work stressors are my excuse.


I received my brown belt in December. I have been training 6.5 years and to be honest this last year has been my worst overall due to injuries. I didn’t really feel deserving but it is not my decision.


The last 8 weeks I was sidelined with some bad ringworm. However, last two weeks I have been back at it and I am basically still destroying most everyone. Size and skill/time on the mat is hard to beat no matter how you look at it.


Weighing in at 305lbs right now - smh.


The stress I have been under lately hasn’t helped my dietary choices.

changing the diet part of my life was pretty hard


i'm trying to go pescatarian and leaning more towards a vegetarian diet


and i'm sorry for your friend, bro...yea, 2019 was an RSOB (rough son of a bitch)


and the fact that @misteravenwill be joining our cult is fucking rad

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yeah - i think @misteravenwill take to the sport very naturally considering his other interests 


two years ago I was weighing in at 245 lbs but 11/2018 I suffered a bad sciatic injury which really impacted my ability to exercise.


getting to gym and bjj regularly now, diet is next. 


i need to get back in my weight loss thread and make some progress.


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Kind of in the same boat fitness wise and definitely have some work ahead of me if I'm going to dig myself back out. I was 175 starting out this year which is the heaviest I could be and still be inside of recommended BMI at 5'10. Injury had me out for 2 months, and that god damn grill seduced me back up to 185 by end of August, and I held that weight until leaving my job in October. Since then I've been pretty much 100% sedentary outside of the gym, traveling a lot, and just eating like shit. Just over 200 now, but I do think I gained a little muscle weight in the process. Losing this 2nd trimester looking 25 pounds is going to require some serious discipline, but I've held it down since last week so hopefully I can make it down to 190 by the end of February.

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I’ve been on pretty strict keto since the start of the year. I’m down maybe 7.5lbs which sounds like a lot, but last time I was on keto, weight literally melted off me. Then again, I’m not exercising at all right now, so maybe it’s that. Either way, I could probably stand to lose another 7.5 - 10lbs at which point I’ll be about as lean as I should be. Need to get back on the peloton and perhaps start a little strength training as well. Just been busy as fuck from work and work related stress has me pretty drained. Also been working most weekends, but also making big progress as well. As mentioned, I should be in a pretty good place by Spring and will hopefully be able to commit then. Will keep you guys posted. 

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2 minutes ago, glorydays said:

I've tried everything, workout wise, when it comes to losing fat. I've  come to one conclusion...it's purely diet.

I've decided to lean towards a more efficient and utilitarian diet from now on.

Just cut out carbs. No sugar, no pasta, no bread. If you can do that, then target 15g a day total and you’ll slim down. 

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I'm a huge believer in the laws of thermodynamics when it comes to weight loss. (Calories Consumed < Calories Burned).


On a side note: @misteravenif you're planning on taking BJJ, I'd suggest cardio, and strengthening your core in preparation at a bare minimum. Obviously I should be doing the same in preparation to move to altitude and don the white belt no stripes myself, but I'm not, lol.

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@misteraveni'm fully on board with that suggestion. I'll share pics of the juicer i got on amazon, later.


@Mercercore exercises are key. I've been doing laps of lunges, heavy deadlifts, kettle bell swings, hanging leg lifts, rows for back


shit's not easy. imagine doing all that work and still tap out on the mat. gets me angry all the time

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10 minutes ago, iloveboxcars said:

Similar to @fat ralphymy recent Jiu jitsu journey has been filled with god trying to stop me from going. I’m finally back in the weights and bjj but not full bore on either. Probably going to do 2 days weights 2 days bjj. 

While I was unable to work out I kept eating as though I was going hard though, so I went from 190 to 215 pretty quickly. Getting my diet back in check as we speak. 

focussing on survival with higher belts and guard retention with guys I can handle. Been giving up my back on purpose and shutting people down as much as I can. I’ve survived all 7 minutes (minus the time it took to get to my back) with my back taken. Still working on my escape, but I think it’s going to click pretty soon here. 



It seems like eating is all of our problems

I'm 5'6"- 5'7" and ive hit the weights pretty hard. Problem is, i started eating 3000 calories a day

I went from 155 to 180 within 2 months.

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Since i'm not as big as the other jiujiteiro out there, i tend to focus more on movement and dynamic passes


what do you guys focus on? @iloveboxcars@Mercer@fat ralphy


I try to copy Kron Gracie and Otavio Sousa, the Miyao brothers, and other nimble fighters


@misteravenHave you ever done bear crawls, frog hops, or any other core based exercises involving moving from one side of the room to another?

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@glorydaysMy game is fundamentals primarily. I tend to use a lot of open guard, De La Riva, arm drag, back takes- obviously I prefer top game and smash. I get a lot of bow and arrow, straight arm bar, Americana and Ezekiels. 


Our instructor is a Carlos Gracie Jr black belt who taught at Gracie Barra for 15 years prior to coming to the USA. We are really geared towards fundamental BJJ.

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38 minutes ago, fat ralphy said:

@glorydaysMy game is fundamentals primarily. I tend to use a lot of open guard, De La Riva, arm drag, back takes- obviously I prefer top game and smash. I get a lot of bow and arrow, straight arm bar, Americana and Ezekiels. 


Our instructor is a Carlos Gracie Jr black belt who taught at Gracie Barra for 15 years prior to coming to the USA. We are really geared towards fundamental BJJ.

You're a big dude, so i cant work with the tools you have...i compensate with quickness and agility

passing guard is literally me scrambling or swinging from form to form

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2 hours ago, iloveboxcars said:

What I work on depends on who I'm rolling with.


People that are better than me - I fight for top and from there keep spamming different sub attempts until I fuck up just enough that they sweep me. Then I try to get to a position where I can shoot for a kimura. I just really like finding kimuras right now. Finding one but not being able to complete it with these guys (as expected) I consider a win for myself


People that are at sort of the same level as me - It's actually surprising how flow-rolly me and 3 other guys are. We all started close enough together, and we laugh through out the entire roll generally, just doing dumb shit to each other, but keeping it competitive. We aren't giving anything away but we also aren't holding on for dear life usually.


People that are worse than me - Guard retention and sweeps, but after I sweep i try to work my way back to bottom, and then I do the triangle bait for armbar bait for omoplata and the reverse until I lock something down.


With people that are much smaller than me I try to match their strength and focus on technique.

I've been finding myself going for underhooks when I get close enough.

Underhooks with bolos at the ankle to disrupt bases


Kimura are great because they're so easy to implement.


I tend to take myself too seriously while rolling. Apparently I have resting bitch face.

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4 minutes ago, iloveboxcars said:



This works often enough for me, you can also use it to sweep them if they are aware enough to do a front roll before you lock it down.

I believe A framing give full access to the collar....i believe collar control is good for beginners wanting to submit their opponent early

It also teaches the concept of leverage and shoulder control


Theres the fear of telegraphing your movements in the video you shared

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1 minute ago, iloveboxcars said:

A purple belt at my gym is built like stretch armstrong and he uses a lot of keenan's material. All that lapel black magic shit. That first choke is interesting that they show, gives me an option to try when someone is just laying there in side control.

It exploits the trust that your opponent has on a dominant position

like they said in the video, noone in their right mind would attempt a collar choke from bottom position because of the risk of giving up your back

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