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29 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

 I’m not justifying anything. You’re misconstruing my words and I’m calling you on your bullshit. You’re the one who mentioned the media focus on this el paso shooter and not the dayton kid, alluding there was something going on because el paso was a self proclaimed white nationalist and the daytona kid was “antifa.” The kid showed up to a Klan rally with a gun according to one local Ohio news source, ok.

Nice of you to gloss over the part where he was one of 5-600 counter protesting NINE CLANSMEN. I think he would have stood out if he was with the 9 kkk guys no? A guy showing up armed to counter protest the kkk sound like a white nationalist to you? You're hung up on whether he was Antifa or not, I've told you 3 times now Ill try to find ya that link cause I saw it myself and explained why I couldnt find it just now but Ill keep trying. For the sake of argument though, even if he wasn't, he was a hardcore lefty, he was no white nationalist.



The May 25 rally attracted about 500 to 600 counter-protesters who opposed the nine Klansman who came from Indiana and protested in Courthouse Square. The counter-protest group was fenced 0ff away from the Klansman and several people in the crowd were seen carrying firearms.


Honestly, I'm not invested enough to continue down this path with you. You seem like you have your mind made up already and just  cherry pick through my comments and ignore what doesn't suit you. You said it yourself, you can't find much on the Dayton shooting, ask yourself why? You tried to frame it like the mass shootings are a uniquely white nationalist problem. They are not. People from all kinds of backgrounds commit them and for all kinds of reasons. Now before I say anything I'll regret I'll leave it at that. Respect your right to disagree.


https://nypost.com/2019/08/06/dayton-shooter-may-be-antifas-first-mass-killer/ more at 11 Neil



Betts had long expressed support for antifa accounts, causes and individuals. That would be the loose network of militant leftist activists who physically attack anyone to the right of Mao in the name of “anti-fascism.” In particular, Betts promoted extreme hatred of American border enforcement.

“Kill every fascist,” the shooter declared in 2018 on twitter, echoing a rallying cry of antifa ideologues. Over the next year, his tweets became increasingly violent. “Nazis deserve death and nothing else,” he tweeted last October. Betts frequently flung the label “Nazi” at those with whom he disagreed online.

By December, he reached out on Twitter to the Socialist Rifle ­Association, an antifa gun group, to comment about bump stocks, and the SRA responded to him. (A bump stock is an attachment for semiautomatic rifles that allow them to fire much faster.)

In the months leading to his rampage, Betts expressed a longing for climactic confrontation. In ­response to an essay by Intercept writer Mehdi Hassan titled, “Yes, Let’s Defeat or Impeach Trump—but What If He Doesn’t Leave the White House?” the shooter wrote: “Arm, train, prepare.”


Last month, an antifa militant firebombed an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Tacoma, Wash. Police say Willem van Spronsen was killed after he aimed a rifle at them during the attack. His gun had apparently malfunctioned before he could fire. In his manifesto, he called for his “comrades” to take up arms in confronting the ascendant fascism of the state. In one of Betts’ tweets ­before he extinguished the lives of nine fellow Americans, he responded to a person asking if van Spronsen had been a “villain or martyr?”

Betts flatly replied: “martyr.”


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43 minutes ago, Kults said:

Nice of you to gloss over the part where he was one of 5-600 counter protesting NINE CLANSMEN. I think he would have stood out if he was with the 9 kkk guys no? A guy showing up armed to counter protest the kkk sound like a white nationalist to you?


have you lost the plot? not once did i mention the Daytona shooter was a white nationalist.




You're hung up on whether he was Antifa or not, I've told you 3 times now Ill try to find ya that link cause I saw it myself and explained why I couldnt find it just now but Ill keep trying. For the sake of argument though, even if he wasn't, he was a hardcore lefty, he was no white nationalist.


You were the one insinuating there was a reason Daytona wasnt being covered like El Paso, and have yet to explain that "mystery." You brought up association with Antifa here..  


"Check his twitter account. Right there in his bio


Theres a reason you haven't heard about it in the MSM and theyre focusing on the El Paso guy. Its not a mystery why.


Use duck duck go and check 8chan tons of info. Warren supporter, Antifa, hated Trump etc I’m at work so I can’t link you from there rn and google is in bed with the MSM so you won’t find anything about him searching with that engine."


... He could hold far left views, but there is no mention of Antifa in his bio.



Honestly, I'm not invested enough to continue down this path with you. You seem like you have your mind made up already and just  cherry pick through my comments and ignore what doesn't suit you. You said it yourself, you can't find much on the Dayton shooting, ask yourself why?

i've seen plenty on the shooter, you're the one alluding to a conspiracy. 




You tried to frame it like the mass shootings are a uniquely white nationalist problem. They are not. People from all kinds of backgrounds commit them and for all kinds of reasons. Now before I say anything I'll regret I'll leave it at that. Respect your right to disagree.

Most certainly did not. I asked for your reasoning to this "mystery" why El Paso was being focused on and Daytona was not, and gave the only 2 possibilities i could think of, White Nationalism being one of the two. i mentioned Islamic attacks in comparison. You then cited Warren support, hatred of Trump, and Antifa as some sort of political motive and that i wouldn't find any information about it because google was in bed with the "MSM." 


The El Paso shooter apparently posted a manifesto online and specifically mentioned a "Hispanic invasion of Texas," the Daytona kid apparently did not, hence making a motive tougher to place. Apparently the Daytona shooter had a "hit list" in high school, leading to believe this isn't the first time he's thought about this, making political motive a little less likely.

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2 hours ago, Kults said:

Well 8 chan is down atm so maybe it will all get memory holed yay!




I don't really care to debate it without having access to the source material. When the site comes back up Ill try to link ya to his left wing affiliations. Not that it matters anyway, both sides have their crazies. As for the whole its only white racists talking point I'll just leave this here








R.I.P. Dorner

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2 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

Dude knock it off with that reddit, 4chan, 8chan, whatever nonsense, or like that whole “i’ll just leave this here” shit is the end all be all of any sort of rational conversation.


Those span from the early 90s to more recent. Some of those were work grievances, some were sexually motivated, some were psychotic breaks. I think 3 of those were racially motivated, maybe.


They weren't self proclaimed nationalist, racist white dudes in the past 7 years writing manifestos going on about immigrants and jews and saving white America. Cut the shit. 

Losing the discussion here... Why’s it matter what the motive is in a mass killing? Is there a good, or even a better reason for it over any other?


Also curious how anyone can reasonably think the answer to any of this is to take away a persons right to posses a gun. That’s a general statement and not necessarily directed at the person quoted above. It’s mind boggling to me that this would be a reaction when every fiber of my own being says, double down on firearms proficiency and order more ammo. 



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5 hours ago, misteraven said:

Losing the discussion here... Why’s it matter what the motive is in a mass killing? Is there a good, or even a better reason for it over any other?

There’s no good reason over any other. No more acceptable reason over any other. However, placing motive is obviously important.


Hypothetically speaking you need to know: Is this part of an organized effort? Are there going to be more attacks? Was this a calculated well planned situation, or was it a sporadic mental break? Were the victims specifically targeted, or was it random? Did the shooter appear to be a trained gunman, or was it an amateur firing blindly into a crowd? So on, and so on..


There are dozens of questions to figure out what, why, and how. When and where are obviously easily initially placeable, and then the significance can be determined from there. 


When i pointed out that there have been more attacks under the claim of White Nationalism than of Islam since 2011/2012 it was to point out the irony of the situation. We have been in an endless war in the middle east. Had there been an Islamic claimed attack, god forbid an Iranian, where do you think the American war cry would be focused on? Where would it be raining drones? If this were MS13 (using this because it was in the news cycle recently,) do you not believe there would be an outcry for hardened, serious crackdown on the gang? 


Whether it’s a legitimate organized group effort or lone individuals, their motives are very important. 


I’m not trying to over sensationalize or amplify things. I understand those roles of major media in politics. People keep talking about civil war, and it seems one side of the argument is taking it more seriously than others. Some of these gunmen think they are at war in America. Maybe we are. 




Also curious how anyone can reasonably think the answer to any of this is to take away a persons right to posses a gun. That’s a general statement and not necessarily directed at the person quoted above. It’s mind boggling to me that this would be a reaction when every fiber of my own being says, double down on firearms proficiency and order more ammo. 




I am by no means anti-gun. If i could legally own firearms in my home state, i would. I want ownership now more than ever. I don’t blame inanimate objects for the damage they cause. Queue the tshirt slogan, “guns don't kill people, people do.”  


The idea of false flags to push gun control has always bothered the shit out of me. People double down when stuff like this happens. No one, in serious numbers at least, is running to their local police station saying “take my guns, i cant morally justify owning this killing machine after what i saw today.” This has happened no doubt, but it’s not popular.


Those who think the cause of all this mass murder is solely to blame on guns, neglects every other means of murder available and what has played out. Without guns there’s bombs, knives, vehicles, ect. We all know this.  Placing blame solely on guns is like blaming all Mexicans for the cartel wars. The number of Mexicans not in cartels is incredibly larger than the numbers who are involved in cartels. Blaming the actions of a few on the many doesn't solve a problem. Blaming all guns for the actions of a few is not the solution to a problem.  

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I think it's all horse shit, anyone who feels like racism actually effects their lives is usually a gigantic pussy, white, brown, or black. You're never going to get rid of racism 100% until you get rig of humans. At the same time, you can cross the line in the name of fighting racism. It's common for people to cause more harm than good, and in many cases actually be racist, while fighting racism. I've had problems in my own life due to racism, I figured them out, and moved the fuck on because life is too short. Something I'd recommend  to any alt righter's, or SJW's that are offended. Imagine me trying to force a thought out of another person's mind, It'll never happen.


If someone is the victim of actual racism which does happen, like an assault for example, there are already laws in place against assault. Laws should be color blind. Truth is, plenty of mechanisms in place for you to seek justice in all these potential violations (unless the police do it). Even in that case it's not a race/racism problem, so much as a law enforcement accountability problem.  Turning that into a racial thing only diluted the issue and set the cause back another decade IMO. Same thing with shooters, no victim ever cares if the person was racist, what more important to them is the fact that a bullet struck them.


Bringing it back full circle, ponder this:


Ultimately, gun control IS just another form of unnecessary gun violence.


Like if law abiding citizens are threatened with violence and ordered to give up their private property that is violence. Enforcing the law is violent. Gun laws are an infringement on your right to protect yourself, and swap one form of violence for another. Trust me, if you think it's a fair trade you're not going to like the results. This violence really does end up with unnecessary deaths that instead of being tallied as such, get lumped in with the general pool of "justifiable" police homicide (6th leading cause of death for young males of all races), a much worse statistic than random shooters.

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3 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:


9 hours ago, misteraven said:

Losing the discussion here... Why’s it matter what the motive is in a mass killing? Is there a good, or even a better reason for it over any other?

When i pointed out that there have been more attacks under the claim of White Nationalism than of Islam since 2011/2012 it was to point out the irony of the situation. We have been in an endless war in the middle east. Had there been an Islamic claimed attack, god forbid an Iranian, where do you think the American war cry would be focused on? Where would it be raining drones? If this were MS13 (using this because it was in the news cycle recently,) do you not believe there would be an outcry for hardened, serious crackdown on the gang? 


No, I think you’re wrong. Nobody seems to give a shit unless it’s a white male that can be tied to racism. MSM is proof of it. More people die from gun shots due to gang shit on any given holiday weekend in Chicago than a half dozen mass shootings combined. Last I heard the Fort Hood shooting was classified as work place violence despite dude yelling allah ackbar (so?) while gunning people down. Read up on the details of the Pulse nightclub shooting and see how much of it references Islam (spoiler: little to none). What about the Google HQ shooting that was a liberal female. You’d think it being pretty unique would be an opportunity to really turn into a major click bait story, but didn’t fit the narrative and quickly fell out of the social consciousness when the MSM didn’t chase it like they do the weirdo white guy that does the same.


If there was any semblance of integrity in the MSM, they’d stop calling AR’s weapons of war and assault weapons. Considering one has never been used in a war, ever... And that under our own military classification system an AR doesn’t meet even the basic requirements for consideration as an assault weapon, it’s disingenuous from jump street and should be a huge red flag that there’s a clear bias, if not an agenda, and that the rest of it is probably just as skewed. 


Coupled with the the fact that AR’s are a still a rarity in crimes, as are long guns in general or that the round it shoots is so poor, that the NATO equivalent, which in fact is a little heavier and hotter of a round than the everyday .223 (5.56) is being abandoned by our own military as being underpowered, it really speaks volumes. 



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Guns, especially *scary* black ones, are low hanging fruit for a public that feels increasingly out of control of their own lives, and especially, the politicians that cater to them. 


None are prepared to really dig deep and assess themselves our society or begin to explore and understand the mental health issues that lead to someone wanting to kill as many people as they can. 


Instead, they’ve been conditioned to join a tribe, parrot back talking points and lend their voice to the rallying cry, which most often means reposting memes and engaging in social media debates without taking even the most minimal effort to verify the talking points they parrot, let alone explore the subject with reason and intellect. Much easier to join the mob and get emotional. 

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You sort of proved my point about these rampages by stating 2 incidences that proved to not have the severe ties to islam as the media indicated. Of course various races, religions, nationalities and genders have been guilty. Denying the growing prevalence in these far right white idealists shooting at people for god, country, and race is naive in my opinion. People very much do care about when non white men shoot up crowds of people, it just so happens these situations are generally white men. Again, not always, but generally. 


Chicago is a war zone, however, gangland violence is different. Obviously innocent people get caught in the crossfire all the time, and is no less important than “mass shooting” victims.


By definition any shooting of 4 or more is considered a mass shooting along there’s no real specific criteria. There were only a handful of these in Chicago on the 4th of July. Now, this is where I understand and do agree the media coverage differences between a crazy white guy and the number of shootings in Chicago. Chicago gets covered for maybe 2 days, white guy for 2 weeks. I still stand by my statements of extreme nationalist “far right” white dudes blasting people indiscriminately is more common now than before, statistics show this, and they take more lives than “jihadist” attacks in America, excluding September 11th. Just a few years ago, ISIS was the big bad boogeyman. Now it’s basically “what’s ISIS?” 


Many of these incidents involve the internet. They get radicalized reading bullshit stories on bullshit websites, watching bullshit videos, and let their emotions take control. Just like those crying for all the guns to be taken away from law abiding citizens. I find it more rare than not to find middle of the road people with internet hot topics. It’s either “everything's a conspiracy” or “this one particular guy i like said this..” 


But i’m calling bullshit that racism doesn't actually effect peoples lives. Thats a nonsense statement Mercer. We all know this is rarely the case. I’m also not naive and think racism will ever be wiped off the planet and i’m not talking about simple “you’re a (racist slur.)” People obviously have bias and i understand that argument, some of the same people who preach anti-racism have their ideology put to the test when theres a black man walking down the street in their direction at night. 


Edit: and you can change peoples minds Mercer. There’s plenty of information of racists dropping their beliefs once they actually meet a black man, Muslim, ect..

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The origin of all this was Kults pointing out the Daytona shooter was Antifa, not proven, and it was not being covered in the media, not true, and all the focus on the mass shooter in El Paso.


Daytona shooter was no more Antifa than El Paso was Aryan Brotherhood. The El Paso shooter apparently posted his manifesto online, claiming the Hispanic Invasion and blah blah blah. Daytona shooter has yet to have any sort of specific motive. Of course the news is going to focus more on the story they have more hot topic information on, thats mainstream media. 

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15 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

The origin of all this was Kults pointing out the Daytona shooter was Antifa, not proven, and it was not being covered in the media, not true, and all the focus on the mass shooter in El Paso.


Daytona shooter was no more Antifa than El Paso was Aryan Brotherhood. The El Paso shooter apparently posted his manifesto online, claiming the Hispanic Invasion and blah blah blah. Daytona shooter has yet to have any sort of specific motive. Of course the news is going to focus more on the story they have more hot topic information on, thats mainstream media. 

Again, read the nypost article I linked for that. You're all over the place. 3 people now have called you out on that, no idea why you're still on that angle.


Also, nope. The manifesto was posted AFTER the shooting, the shooter did not post it. Now, whether he penned it or not is another story but he def didnt post it. Do some research dude or at the very least read the sources I linked you explaining the Antifa connection. Debating with someone like you is exhausting.

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I have. That article is the NY Post, basically a tabloid. Just as sensationalized and one sided as many news outlets. Their argument is shit. It has yet to be shown that his attack was in the name of the left, anti fascist movements, or plain ole killing of nazis. 


I’m not all over the place, i’m addressing specific issues being brought up by various people. What you call “being called out,” as far as i can tell, is people discussing topics with varying to slightly varying opinions. This is called conversation and debate.  


If i am being “called out,” that is fine. I still have my stance and it’s not backed by twitter feeds or 8chan topics. It’s years and years of researching, contemplating, exploring ideology and forming my own opinions. 

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Alright.. you got all the answers ??‍♂️


All the info about the Antifa links in that article are sourced from elsewhere. Convenient of you to wave it all away cause ‘ it’s a tabloid’ 


Again, you claim all this research and knowledge yet link absolutely nothing to back your point. What about the fact that the El Paso shooter did not post that manifesto? You’re just gonna conveniently ignore that too? You cherry pick so hard and don’t debate in good faith, youre not in a position to tell others what constitutes a debate when you’ve obviously failed hard during this one.

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I don’t, but you have very little argument to support your claims. 


I get it, all mainstream media is a lie, and alternative sources are spitting hard truths no one wants to hear. Now maybe they make a couple good shots, but a lot of it is nonsense, left or right. Mainstream media lies and has their own agendas just like everyone else, there’s no denying this. But i’m not going to take your argument as hard fact when these are the top 3 headlines and news sources, on your choice of search engine, duck duck go. 




Edit: lol at me typing daytona.

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i most certainly did not, haha.


edit: if one of your “credible” sources statES “FYI” and then continues to address who he wanted to vote for in the title you need to reevaluate your trusted source information. I would say this same thing if it replaced Warren with Trump. 


Heres the Safari google results: the top result is the NY Post and then a bunch of photos of the shooter, so i scrolled past the photos. 




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Then I don’t know what to tell you. You refuse to back up your point of view, throw out ad hominem attacks when you get called out on it and straight up ignore the same questions I’ve asked you multiple times now. I’m sorry, I can’t take your point of view seriously anymore. 


You admit MSM is full of shit yet you discard every other news source. I’m lost with you. 


I think we’re pretty much done, at least I am. Not sure what else to say to you or link you to convince you. I get the feeling that nothing would be good enough so I’m just not gonna bother at this point. Keep thinking America has this huge white nationalist/racist killer epidemic. 

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1 minute ago, Kults said:

Then I don’t know what to tell you. You refuse to back up your point of view, throw out ad hominem attacks when you get called out on it and straight up ignore the same questions I’ve asked you multiple times now. I’m sorry, I can’t take your point of view seriously anymore. 


You admit MSM is full of shit yet you discard every other news source. I’m lost with you. 


I think we’re pretty much done, at least I am. Not sure what else to say to you or link you to convince you. I get the feeling that nothing would be good enough so I’m just not gonna bother at this point. Keep thinking America has this huge white nationalist/racist killer epidemic. 

Epidemic is not a word i would use. Sounds like some sensationalist bullshit.  Mainstream is full of shit

sometimes, not all the time. Alternative sources are full of shit sometimes, not all the time. Everyone has agendas and is full of shit. 


Where have i not backed up my point of view? Point it out and i will back it up. 


What questions have i ignored? Pretty sure i’ve addressed them. 


Aside from being a sarcastic cunt about the mainstream media and alternative sources i haven't attacked you personally. I’m attacking your specific statements and your opinions on this matter, because i think they’re horse shit and unfounded. 


You’re citing NY Post as the end all be all and i’m telling you this isn’t the Men In Black movie where the truth about aliens only gets printed in the tabloids. 

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