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Some questions about etiquette.


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I have never hit a train in my life, I would like some info based on my current situation.


Okay, lets say all of the train yards in your area are territories for different crews, and the only one that is open is the "pre-buff yard". Now lets say for fear of getting your ass beat by yard cops, or crew members you avoid these yards. BUT... You happen to know (100000% for sure) the leader of a crew and where he works (he doesn't know that I know about his involvement in the crew) . Would it be a bad idea to ask him about painting there? Or is it one of those "sometimes its better to ask for forgiveness rather than ask for permission" type situations? Mind you, I really respect the crew leader and would like to avoid pissing him off too much because he has given me a lot of graff tips, stories, and paint. Also, I would like to join the crew one day.


Are train yards chill? Or are you constantly looking over both shoulders and thinking every sound is a cop?


If you do get caught, how likely are you to go to jail? Or is it one of those "don't come back again" type things?

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If you know & respect dude and are worried about pissing him off then you already know what to do.


Think most people will tell you that without knowledge of what you're doing- stay out! General advice always seems to be to read the stickied threads here- yard safety and keeping spots chill, before doing anything. Being around trains is dangerous.


Yards have different feels depending on many factors. If you're planning on doing something illegal then you should probably be on point while doing so? If you get caught expect consequences, although it isn't always that way,

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To be 100% honest with you, you're not in any shape or form ready to start painting trains. You're going to have alot of writers not even acknowledging your work and quite a few or going to be bummed you even painted the train especially depending on the kind of car. Read the sticky threads on here first, titled yard safety and keeping spots chill. You need to practice a hell of alot more. Trains are not little chill spots where you can just go and do whatever. If you want to make a name for your self and be respected as a writer, now is not the time for you to just go and hop on a freight because it seems like its the next cool thing.

Even after years of bombing and painting walls, my first 10 freights I done I highly regret and hope the have been gone over already. You will know when and feel comfortable to do freights when the time comes. Your style and can control are not on that level yet. And if you go and ask this crew leader you speak of to go to the yard he is going to tell you something similar to what Im telling you and bottom line the answer is No, do not go and try to paint freights.

And when the time comes that your pieces are looking dope and you want to do your first freight have a writer bring you, show you the ropes, and best ways in and out of the spot without being seen.


Best of luck to ya, and just practice, practice, practice judging by your work you might be ready to do a freight in another 2 years. Dont take offense Im just being real with ya.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Jimmy Neutron had an episode about this. I think he was in his tree fort, planning to build a space ship that would contain him, on his flighty adventures, but he didn't involve anyone who was willing to join in the adventure. Take it or leave it.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...
To be 100% honest with you, you're not in any shape or form ready to start painting trains. You're going to have alot of writers not even acknowledging your work and quite a few or going to be bummed you even painted the train especially depending on the kind of car. Read the sticky threads on here first, titled yard safety and keeping spots chill. You need to practice a hell of alot more. Trains are not little chill spots where you can just go and do whatever. If you want to make a name for your self and be respected as a writer, now is not the time for you to just go and hop on a freight because it seems like its the next cool thing.

Even after years of bombing and painting walls, my first 10 freights I done I highly regret and hope the have been gone over already. You will know when and feel comfortable to do freights when the time comes. Your style and can control are not on that level yet. And if you go and ask this crew leader you speak of to go to the yard he is going to tell you something similar to what Im telling you and bottom line the answer is No, do not go and try to paint freights.

And when the time comes that your pieces are looking dope and you want to do your first freight have a writer bring you, show you the ropes, and best ways in and out of the spot without being seen.


Best of luck to ya, and just practice, practice, practice judging by your work you might be ready to do a freight in another 2 years. Dont take offense Im just being real with ya.

Lol fuck your easy ass wack freights go hit up a passenger train .. dickhead

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Lol Krylon. 

Some of the best lessons in life are learned the hard way.  It's much better to be smart and not have to learn the lessons the hard way.

I'd ask yourself what are the pros/cons of each decision you could make here.  If it helps to write them down while brainstorming then do that.  Only then will you be able to accurately weigh out whether this is a good idea for YOU.  You can ask the randomness of the internet and you're going to get bad advice and good advice..... the better option is to be smart and figure out what works best for you.  None of us are going to lose any sleep if you get your ass beat or thrown in jail.

You DON'T want a criminal record if you plan to make any serious money in life working for someone.  Your options will become running your own business or hoping that a friend has a business running well enough to pay you well enough to stick around.  If you think that "nobody's going to care about a graffiti/vandalism charge" think again.  It's the same as spitting in the face of society in many peoples' eyes so it won't be like you're getting some sweet high fives and fist bumps in your job interviews when they find out you're a shit bird graffiti writer.


edit: also, if you get caught you will be VERY luck if you get a "don't come back here again."  I wouldn't count on that happening.  I'd also figure out right now who you know that has a phone that accepts collect calls.  It's hard to call cell phones from jail, they may have fixed that since the last books about jail I read were written but who knows.

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14 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Lol Krylon. 

Some of the best lessons in life are learned the hard way.  It's much better to be smart and not have to learn the lessons the hard way.

I'd ask yourself what are the pros/cons of each decision you could make here.  If it helps to write them down while brainstorming then do that.  Only then will you be able to accurately weigh out whether this is a good idea for YOU.  You can ask the randomness of the internet and you're going to get bad advice and good advice..... the better option is to be smart and figure out what works best for you.  None of us are going to lose any sleep if you get your ass beat or thrown in jail.

You DON'T want a criminal record if you plan to make any serious money in life working for someone.  Your options will become running your own business or hoping that a friend has a business running well enough to pay you well enough to stick around.  If you think that "nobody's going to care about a graffiti/vandalism charge" think again.  It's the same as spitting in the face of society in many peoples' eyes so it won't be like you're getting some sweet high fives and fist bumps in your job interviews when they find out you're a shit bird graffiti writer.


edit: also, if you get caught you will be VERY luck if you get a "don't come back here again."  I wouldn't count on that happening.  I'd also figure out right now who you know that has a phone that accepts collect calls.  It's hard to call cell phones from jail, they may have fixed that since the last books about jail I read were written but who knows.

lol damn son...you're making me wanna quit now lol.

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