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Noestradimbus Drives West...(anothertravelthread)


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drove about 12 hours straight on from detroit.

this was probably my favorite place yet. aside from where i'm currently at in denver

and the couple nights i spent in pittsburgh. met up with my old homie metal joe. did zero bars. drank a lot of brew. hung out at a bunch of crust punx houses, painted, and partied for a week. still recovering. was kinda tight being the odd man out for a change. goodtimes.






under 11 dollars. horseshit!















the homies parade bike. niggas roast a fucking goat on the back end of this shit

while riding. annual shit. definitely might have to catch up next year.

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i know. i know. fucking retarded sick and lazy last few days. and actually. hopefully i've got some of you dudes attention. but i got this dilemma here. i'm pretty much settled in pdx. been doing nothing but applying for jobs. as a preschool dude i'm naturally used to background checks. but in the past they are usually conducted by the employer during the hiring period. ever since i've been browsing similar jobs here i find the same thing over and over. shit like must be registered in the Oregon Central Background registry now. i usually have nothing to worry about as all my arrests have been rap letter related misdemeanors and they usually look right past it. but this shit has me fucked up. because i'm not sure how serious they all are with having it completed before even sending a resume or what. furthermore, i've looked at the application online and it's bugged out with endless in depth questions i couldnt answer if i wanted to about specific dates and times. what i'm wondering is if it would be at all sensible to file fucking "NO" on any arrests and see what happens. normally this would be an outlandish idea but i think it's possible based on the fact my previous employer of 2 years ran the check from boston to ct on the same coast an hr and a half away and came up dry......what do y'all think?

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i wouldnt worry about it. your in a different state and if all you have are misdemeanors, and im assuming there old charges? i wouldnt be worried to just put no. or if your charges are over 5 years old you can file to get them expunged off your record completely at the court house in the city you got them at. but honestly they prob wouldnt come up anyways

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I would just apply for that registery.


Worst case: you just do not get a job and know "Now" that you have to look for another career or line of work.


Best case: you find out that there is nothing on there that is worthwhile and you can know that you can apply for any job in that field.


Even if you get the job and you did not answer those questions to the best of your ability, you still have to worry about doing something that they decide to re-look at your record. Some routine check can still get you years later if you are not upfront with them.


This is what guys do that get out of jail. They say No to criminal records and hope they are not caught.

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as i said i've never had to worry about it before. but usually thats because i came out and told employers i had a record. with this specific issue it seems as though they wnat you to sign up online and if you plead truth to any conviction whatsoever they aren;t even going to respond. clearly thats bullshit. but if i can pass some other shit theres no reason i shouldnt get on with this one too. not to mention the fact i have no clue what to say on some of the questions because i don't know the correct information. so right there i'd be lying anyways, ya dig?

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  • 3 months later...

you know. the shittiest part about this second cross country trip is that i had/have wayyyyy less leisure tie/money to travel with. it fucking sucked. i just left the backwoods of alabama. and i'm currently in virginia beach. i passed through frisco and i only got about 5 hours to chill. i'd always wanted to visit. and i'm super bummed i didnt have more time because it felt like a place i could have lurked in forever. i will be flying out to do just that soon enough.

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damn. I was recovering from my Vegas to Pittsburgh trip and totally slept on the beginning of this. even tho i saw a good number of these on IG, i like to read what everyone says. Sorry i was all pnuemonia-like when u were laid over here. I know you have pics...give the people what they want!


good luck.

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