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Yeah, anyway.


Do one of you Frenchies (or otherwise) want to give me some advice on how long it will take to learn French fluently?


I learnt for about 6 years up to the age of 12 but have lost it since. I'd like to learn to a level where I can write a 2000 plus word essay which will properly articulate my genius. hah


just to give you an idea, my mom still can't differentiate between right and left 30 years after she moved to nyc from paris. how ever she did get her msw and wrote a xx (idr how long, but shit was like a book) thesis to get her diploma.

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Lugr- move back to Indo, get hit by a tsunami.


Gas- Yeah I've lived in a country which speaks one of those hybrid dialects/languages before. Not easy. I'm hoping French will be easier than all of that (Korean and Japanese etc not being Latin). But they have a lot of verb groups, and like I said I'd need to speak at a level good enough to do advanced university courses (and I'd want to do very well in them). So that could be a pain.


Grd- I think having to speak it all the time makes a big difference. I wanted to relearn in about 6 months, but I might be aiming a bit higher than is realistic.

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Yonis- Yeah I guess if I worked hard at it I could probably write well in French with the use of dictionaries and asking advice from fluent speakers etc. Cheers. I got to say, your withdrawals have seemed awefully mild. Were you using the term 'addiction' loosely?

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Countries that do not accept Israeli passports (from wikipedia)









Malaysia (Clearance permit needed from the Ministry of Internal Security.)[16]



Qatar (Clearance permit needed from the Ministry of Internal Security.)

Saudi Arabia[18][19]

Somalia[citation needed]



United Arab Emirates (Clearance permit needed from the Ministry of Internal Security.)[21]



Some people have two passports if they travel in the area a lot.


some coutnries will deny you if you even have the stamp: Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Kuwait and Sudan.

you can make a polite decline of the stamp in Israeli customs and they'll honor it.


not all the arab states do that though

Morocco, Jordan and Egypt don't care.


of course i wonder too if you can just say 'i was going to palestine'


there is a palestine stamp and i know israel hassles people about it







i've been to egypt btw, and it is AMAZING. indonesia is dope too.. my passport expires in one year, i should prolly run to israel before i have to get a new one haha


I have an American passport too so that stuff doesn't really matter. I can travel wherever, except Cuba, which i can do on my Israeli Passport.

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I have an American passport too so that stuff doesn't really matter. I can travel wherever, except Cuba, which i can do on my Israeli Passport.


I thought that might be the case. I roll with dueces as well.


So did you have to do miliatary service once you've immigrated? And if so did you have to learn Krav Maga?







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No, I missed out on mandatory service by a year. A lot of people pushed me to join the military despite that, but I dont see the point in stunting my life a few years for street cred and the option to get killed over something I'm not sure I believe in.


The krav maga they teach in the army is basic unless you are in a more elite combat unit. I could still learn on my own, but it's not something that interests me that much.

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In 6mos I became fairly fluent. Academic discussions are still a bit difficult, but I did have 4years in HS and 2 semesters at the university which was my basis for learning/wanting to learn more.


Dedication, resilience, perserverence will get you everywhere.


Happily I say I can swoon a French beezy while speaking French :mexican:

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i thought i'd share a little story that happened yesterday..


first, a diagram..


metro station over here


streets/ bus stops

bus stops



so, i'm right over here^ a good 500ft from the subway entrance and i see these cops drive by and i catch eyes with one of them who is staring me down hard and i think nothing of it. i walk into the station, and i turn around just to check my back, and theres a cop who says..

"bonjour" - cop

"hi" i replied

three more cops come and say "we're doing a search"

"ok," i say, only to realize that they wanted to serach me

"je ne parle pas francais!" i explain in a horrible american accent

then they take out my wallet, see that i have a french id card, and a subway pass (which means i'm obviously more than visiting) and start saying oh stop playing stupid, we know you speak french blah blah blah, if i did this in new york they would hit me

i continue to try and play dumb, then one cop asks straight up, where is the shit, the weed, le beuh, the hash! and i'm kidna in shock and forgot that i had hash on me. so just as they are about to serach me i'm like oh yea, i have this hash on me, here. after i pull it out and they saw that it was like a little nug of bullshit, they start laughing. the cop who asked where the weed was said "do you want that i put the handcuffs on you!?," and then said to his cop buddy in french "ce comme ca il fait au new york!" (it's like that they do it in new york)


meanwhile, i can't stop laguhing that the fact that the polic can just stop anyone and search them, and let alone that i got stopped and almost searched.

bottom line they took the hash, threw it on the ground and crushed it, all the time whil i'm cracking up at how funny and poiontless the whole situation was.


i feel like if i post pics no one actually cares, but yea i felt like someone might appreciate that story, even though it seems to be like just a rambling.

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Yeah, anyway.


Do one of you Frenchies (or otherwise) want to give me some advice on how long it will take to learn French fluently?


I learnt for about 6 years up to the age of 12 but have lost it since. I'd like to learn to a level where I can write a 2000 plus word essay which will properly articulate my genius. hah



plus all brains are different

it could take a year or two, it could take decades.


if you already had it and spent time in france, tons of it would come back.

it happens to me every time i go to a spanish speaking country


I have an American passport too so that stuff doesn't really matter. I can travel wherever, except Cuba, which i can do on my Israeli Passport.


americans can and do go to cuba

besides the fact that you can now get permission to travel there with humanitarian groups, it's always been fine, you just can't fly direct, you have to use canada or the caribbean as a conduit


i know many americans with american passports who have been

not sure what one would say to US customs upon return, but you can't be arrested for it

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Yeah, I am sure you were LOLOLOLOLin the whole time.


yea, i actually couldn't stop laughing for a good few minutes after. i mean come on, if a cop came up to you in america (at least if your white, seriously) and said straight up we're going to search you, i know i'd be like uhhh what the fuck no. the fact they they can just do that here, plus the fact that i've never been searched except once in high school and once when i got arrested, it cracked me up!


so should i post more pics?

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yea, i actually couldn't stop laughing for a good few minutes after. i mean come on, if a cop came up to you in america (at least if your white, seriously) and said straight up we're going to search you, i know i'd be like uhhh what the fuck no. the fact they they can just do that here, plus the fact that i've never been searched except once in high school and once when i got arrested, it cracked me up!


so should i post more pics?

Yes, more pics once you get a decent camera.


Well yeah, it's always funny after the fact. But laughing in cop's faces doesn't normally help any situation.

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nah, i was laughing the whole time, i couldnt help. especially the part where he said "do you want i put the handcuffs on you!?" ha i'm still laughing. anyway. i cleaned the camera thingy on my phone, and the pictures got a lot clearer.

random order, and i'm sure you can tell which pictures are with the cleaned lens.. ha



whos hungry?






from uncles apartment


inside uncles apartment.. my 80 year old aunt said "can you make mojitos? ok, we're going to go buy the mint and limes, it's almost 5pm!"


old family shit v




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