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What Are You Listening to 2011teen


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99% of the Gypsy punk out there is only a short hop away from being ICP bad in my book. But that has a lot to do with where I live and who's around, so....yeah.


Tonight's choices-


Dark Dark Dark- Bright Bright Bright


Megapuss- Duck People Duck Man

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99% of the Gypsy punk out there is only a short hop away from being ICP bad in my book. But that has a lot to do with where I live and who's around, so....yeah.


DINGDINGDINGDINGDING. i swear to god if i never met a trainhopping, crack smoking, punk dogged, rich parented folk punk whatever, this music would be somewhat tolerable to me.


but then again. no.

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99% of the Gypsy punk out there is only a short hop away from being ICP bad in my book. But that has a lot to do with where I live and who's around, so....yeah.


Tonight's choices-


Dark Dark Dark- Bright Bright Bright


Megapuss- Duck People Duck Man




You know I feel you. Gypsies are weird and I love punks but you know theyre fucking weird too.

But one time I saw a southern version of a gypsy punk band play in my sister and brother in laws house.

The dudes were super rad musicians and skated the ramp room

I dont know.

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Punks aren't weird to me, I grew up with them. Plus the only real Gypsy I've ever met is an ex of mine, and she was pretty solid and down to earth...probably my biggest gripe is that the people who gravitiate towards this scene constantly talk about "consent" then display some of the worst entitlement/accountability issues I've ever witnessed.


It can be summed up pretty neatly as "wannabe hipster shitbags who can't afford ironic clothes turning what could be an interesting genre into shit."


All the punks I respect have been fairly invested in psychedelic music for the past few years, and for the most part they can't stand gypsy punk either. So I'm not the only one.

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99% of the Gypsy punk out there is only a short hop away from being ICP bad in my book. But that has a lot to do with where I live and who's around, so....yeah.


Tonight's choices-


Dark Dark Dark- Bright Bright Bright


Megapuss- Duck People Duck Man


Yup, gypsy punk is pretty much always hipster shit. If you want legit stuff that's not your run-of-the-mill gogol bordello bullshit (or other bands that are lame enough to put words like "gypsy punk" as their album name) then go to folklife in seattle, lotta good music there (despite the recent influx of yuppies). i meet writers there sometimes as well. Dark dark dark is alright, but they're slipping. At least they're making that "flood" movie that looks pretty cool.


Right now I'm listening to Oroku.


and whoever posted minor threat rules, cause i totally agree, that album NEVER gets old.

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Dark dark dark is alright, but they're slipping. At least they're making that "flood" movie that looks pretty cool.


My housemates listen to Dark Dark Dark all the time...Hurray For The Riff Raff played an acoustic set in a friend's back yard over the summer. It was the best show I caught in 2010, hands down. They do a lot of good things in NOLA, I'll definitely have to look into "Flood."


Right now I'm listening to Oroku.


They're playing a warehouse show here March 5. I might go, but I'm kind of burnt on DIY shows. When there's no stage and/or the sound sucks, being packed in a room full of drunk people half my age seems rather pointless.

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My housemates listen to Dark Dark Dark all the time...Hurray For The Riff Raff played an acoustic set in a friend's back yard over the summer. It was the best show I caught in 2010, hands down. They do a lot of good things in NOLA, I'll definitely have to look into "Flood."




They're playing a warehouse show here March 5. I might go, but I'm kind of burnt on DIY shows. When there's no stage and/or the sound sucks, being packed in a room full of drunk people half my age seems rather pointless.


playing a show where? Seattle? I've still never seen them despite living close to seattle cause they have recently only played bar shows (for what few shows they play anyways). I just hopped to phoenix so I might be out of luck.


Flood looks awesome but I have no idea how far they are into the production. The website and extended preview have remained the same with minimal updates since I discovered it in 2009.

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I could care less about the person lives of musicians, and they don't make songs condemning people like me, so its good in my book.


you're right dude, but I have had problems with straightedge kids. a lot of them are judgmental assholes, a few tried to fuck with me because my beliefs didn't match theirs, I wasn't on any kind of drugs. Not to say they're all like that; they're kinda like juggalos, enough of them are idiots to make everyone think that all of them are. There are idiots and assholes in every click, scene or whatever-you-call-it though, can't deny that. Point I'm trying to make is that I'm sober in all in pretty much all ways and I don't ever consider myself straightedge, they're not the same thing. straightedge isn't a lifestyle, it's just a style.


But hey, minor threat kicked ass.

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Tour dates[/url]


Oh fuck, that's right, "myspace" still exists.

thanks for the reminder.

I will hopefully see them in san diego or somethin.

macklemore is also playing in san diego around then but it's a fucking 21+ show so i gotta figure out a way to get in.

wow those two bands are nothing alike, hah.

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