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MLB 2011.. never to early thread!


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Thome was set to be a free agent after this season and he wants to go somewhere with a chance at winning a ring, seeing as he's very close to the end of his career. Unfortunately, I have a very hard time believing that will be the Twins in 2012, with how terrible our pitching staff is. Might as well get a prospect out of the deal, since this year is long gone for us.


I would've liked to see Thome go somewhere this season that had a good post season/WS chance, but with waivers, there was no chance of that happening. Would've been very easy for a team to claim him just to block him from anyone else, then he'd invoke his no trade clause and we would've just ended up losing him in the offseason anyways.

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You knew there was no chance of getting him this season, as soon as we passed the trade deadline. Every single other team in the AL and then the NL would've had to pass on him for the phillies to be able to claim him off waivers.



Edit: Here's a good, basic explanation of waiver deals, for any of you who might be confused as to how the fuck the whole waiver process works: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/columns/story?columnist=stark_jayson&id=1860265

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Thome's a beast. He did more for the Chi-Sox then Adam Dunce will ever do.


Ive pretty much come to terms that the White sox are done for the year, i love em but honestly were not even above .500


If by grace of god we even managed to surpass the Tigers and Indians and made it to the playoffs wed be one and done more than likely against the monsters theyve got this year.


Thank god the 3 GS's werent against Chicago(Southside anyway) im not a fair weather fan, but if some shit like that happened I dont know if I could ever feel the same about my squad

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heres your occasional Detroit report

Our bats are solid. We added Delman Young and Wilson Betemit around or since the all star break. The only answer to Tigers bats is outcold pitching. Our defense is pretty sharp too. Betemit at 3rd isn't quite as good defensively as Inge at 3rd but the difference is Betemit is batting probably somewhere around .280 and Inge was putting up .160 and really Betemit isn't that bad a defender. Where you can beat Detroit is our pitching. Our top 3 are solid in Verlander, Scherzer, and Fister, I have ZERO confidence in Rick Porcello. I would have like to see him go and Brad Penny scares me every time he goes out to the mound. His stuff is pretty good until it gets real bad and at the point hes got to come out. He will not work out the problems. It will only get worse. Its a coaching challenge as much as a pitching challenge because he will be humming right along up and until the point where he forgets how to throw strikes. Then what? if nobody has warmed up its a bad situation. However, our bull pen is solid So:

Bats: A

Defense: B

Pitching: C+


If i had to guess but based on the standings i would say Detroit probably will take the division this year. We almost swept the Rays on the Road. That looked like the toughest series we had left this season. Cleveland has an unenviable Sept with make up games and the like. They see the Rangers and Detroit twice. Chicago has better chances if you look at their schedule. Its reasonably soft but I just dont think they are that good. I will be trying to watch what they do against Seattle tonite. I get WGN. Maybe i will be able to see it. We gave him up for Fister and a reliever before the trade deadline. I was happy to see him go. I think hes pitching at or around 6.50 right now. EEEp.


We shall see. Lots of inter division matchups the rest of the season

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Hot off the wire...


Former Major League Baseball star Lenny Dykstra was charged Thursday with two counts of indecent exposure for allegedly exposing himself to women he solicited on Craigslist.


The Los Angeles City Attorney's office says the charges stem from multiple reports involving Dykstra dating back to 2009.


The charges accuse Dykstra of "placing ads on Craigslist requesting a personal assistant or housekeeping services. The victims allege when they arrive, they were informed that the job also requires massage service and then he (Dykstra) would disrobe and he would expose himself," said Los Angeles City Attorney spokesman Frank Mateljan.


Dykstra, a three-time major league All-Star outfielder who played for the New York Mets and the Philadelphia Phillies, is scheduled to be arraigned on September 7 in Los Angeles.


Nails, what?!?!?!??!!!

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in 07 the Rangers defeated the O's 30-3 how can you forget that shit!

its the record for the "Most Runs In A Game" and the largest "Winning Margin".

also so i can fit the sox in here... (hahah)

On June 8, 1950, the Boston Red Sox defeated the St. Louis Browns by a score of 29-4. The difference of 25 runs was the largest in major league baseball history in a game. [1]

Having defeated the Browns 20-4 the previous day, the Sox scored a total of 49 runs over the two-game series.



On 8-25-1922


Chicago beat Philadelphia 26-23.

49 runs the most by two teams in a game.

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big john does his thing too. bet.

he just DL with it.

u think he lost that nut too cancer?

he musta fooled u.

lenny doin his thing, good to see the man enjoying himself.

daulton went nuts too, preach-in about alien takeover's ect, google it.

that 93 team is more special to me then any other team in philly sports history, including my 2001 sixers, im not gonna mention all the eagles teams and the 08 phils champs, that 93 team was as good as it gets. ill never forget that season, where i was when joe carter slapped that HR to win it off the wildthing... it's stained in my mind.

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elite attitude?


maybe we need to dig up last years thread...

sounds like somebody scared.


also, u can only loose so much before your bound to win, and vice versa...

phils been getting outta rhythm, so many rain delays and canceled games have thrown off the routine of the starting lineup and it's regular flow. i think we all know and have seen that when it's moving and healthy that it's not anything to be ashamed of...

the upcoming series against the brew crew and the braves will be interesting.

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The White Sox have FINNALLY fuking decided to bring


Dyan Viciedo up from AAA to play instead of Dunn. We're


7 games out and NOW they decide to bring him up?!?


Aug 1st, our GM say's Ozzie can play whoever helps us


win. Today is AUG 27th. Fukin management puzzles me


with their handling of the Dunn fiasco.

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