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MLB 2011.. never to early thread!


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im way beyond hatred son, im on the ripping beating hearts out and looking into the eyes of a dying giants fan as they fade away steez.


do your own translation...



PAULI is back!

and look who might be coming back to philly?

don't hate!


We have a chance to get him through trade waivers, I'd be hype if we do get him! He could help us a lot in the playoffs

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Video: http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=18341115


edit for a video with some other angles too. Definitely didn't steal a home run like the announcer says at the end, but still.


He's botched a few plays this season, but there were far more brilliant ones. That takes the cake. And that one where he went full-extension and broke his belt.


He that nigga.


Sometimes, I wish Dick Bremer wouldn't open his mouth.

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im way beyond hatred son, im on the ripping beating hearts out and looking into the eyes of a dying giants fan as they fade away steez.


we could throw down, but you may have to bring some homies to help you out.



prolly not a good idea for me to be joking about sports violence:








Not to mention the two guys that got shot in the parking lot.



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I love how much Giants hatred is alive in you guys.....


I don't hate the giants, just hate the overwhelming amount of douchebag fair weather giants fans that really don't

know a goddamn thing about baseball. I get people trying to talk shit on my A hat all the time that have

no idea what they're talking about. shit's played.

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wow... serious^


also if they induct arod then Rose is IN. period

idk about arod man, it will cause alot of problems and controversy i think.

if they gonna break ANY ice its gotta be charlie hustle...


Arod will be the first asterisk in, as i said...

rose wont go in till after he dies, but he will go in.

not being able to see/or know, of his induction will be his punishment.

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we could throw down, but you may have to bring some homies to help you out.



prolly not a good idea for me to be joking about sports violence:








Not to mention the two guys that got shot in the parking lot.




i luv u 2 much to want to hurt u.

i just wanna look at your beating heart in my hand.

u betta axe sumbody...


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damn I was hoping for the Hamilton grand slam


i was stressing, Lackey has zero command. only sox player i really cant stand... at all.


also just saw the "A's guy" (Brandon Allen) homer at yankee stadium. holy fuck i thought it was an upper decker but it was in the second deck of the UPPER UPPER section. holy fuck. made his second homerun hit to upper deck look like a pop up. haha

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Correction, they just lost.


God damn it, that is the posetr child of what the organization has become.

Never clutch, if its the 9th inning and its tied up you can bet your soul theyll fuck it up.


And I swear we need a new GM and whoever makes our trades/insist on them needs to be shot.


This Frasor fellow has done nothing but lose since he showed up, for fucks sake

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