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Stop Internet Censorship: COICA/SOPA et al


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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


How horrible you pay for anything at all...?


I mean if you made, produced or played anything at all.. You would give it away for free right?


I don't want the government all over our privacy, but a lot of our behavior brought this shit down in the first place.


But yeah, send the negs cuz I know how much you hate being part of a consumer society you hard core fucks.


For me it goes both ways.


I've given away lots of stuff that I made and volunteer my time for all sorts of different things. At the same time, I'm in the process of getting a honest-to-god on the books job for the first time in years and I do sell some of my work but it mostly depends on the situation, if someone needs my help or really wants something I made and is broke more often than not I'll make it happen. I believe you keep it by giving it away...I know it probably sounds crazy to a lot of you, but it's definitely been the case more often than not.


In the same spirit, I'm a big advocate of open source/Creative Commons/copyleft. Nothing I make is copyrighted, once it's yours you're free to do whatever you want with it as long as you give me the credit for being the person behind the work.


As far as music goes, most of what I download is not available to buy anywhere at any price. Besides my operating system practically all of the software I run is freeware, mostly because it just works better.


I believe if you're into whatever it is that you do for the money, that's totally okay and if I have the means to pay you directly then I will. But do I feel bad about downloading a copy of something for my own personal use that I have no intention of reselling or plagiarizing? Not really.

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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


Sometimes hardcore porn postings are relevant to the topic at hand though.

Not always, but sometimes.


And that's exactly why everybody needs to sign your petition.


i suppose i see your point. but.

i didn't make the rules, and many of us view this site at work.

my best friend frequented this site until a pic of tits got her into big trouble when someone came up behind her, she was lucky to have over 7 years seniority.



thank you though, very much, for signing.

i also sent emails to my state senator and the sponsor of the bill, it only took a couple of minutes.

i encourage everyone to do the same (in a respectful way of course)

thanks again

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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


we've won a small victory, for now in the form of a postponement of further debate, some thought this would be an easy and quick vote, luckily they were showed otherwise..........




The Senate Judiciary Committee won't be considering the dangerously flawed "Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act" (COICA) bill until after the midterm elections, at least.


This is a real victory! The entertainment industry and their allies in Congress had hoped this bill would be quickly approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee with no debate before the Senators went home for the October recess.


Massive thanks to all of you who used our Action Center to write to your Senators to oppose this bill. Thanks as well to the 87 Internet scientists and engineers whose open letter to Congress played a key role in today's success, and to all the other voices that helped sound the alarm.


Make no mistake, though: this bill will be back soon enough, and Congress will again need to hear from concerned citizens like you. So stay tuned to EFF.org for any new developments.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


FUCKING REJOICE (with a grain of salt)




WASHINGTON – A divided Federal Communications Commission has approved new rules meant to prohibit broadband companies from interfering with Internet traffic flowing to their customers.

The 3-2 vote Tuesday marks a major victory for FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, who has spent more than a year trying to craft a compromise.


The FCC's three Democrats voted to pass the rules, while the two Republicans opposed them, calling them unnecessary regulation. The new rules are likely to face intense scrutiny on Capitol Hill once Republicans take over the House. Meanwhile, public interest groups decried the regulations as too weak, particularly for wireless systems.


Known as "net neutrality," the rules prohibit phone and cable companies from favoring or discriminating against Internet content and services, such as those from rivals.


The rules require broadband providers to let subscribers access all legal online content, applications and services over their wired networks — including online calling services, Internet video and other Web applications that compete with their core businesses. But the rules give broadband providers flexibility to manage data on their systems to deal with problems such as network congestion and unwanted traffic including spam as long as they publicly disclose their network management practices.


In addition, the regulations prohibit wireless carriers from blocking access to any websites or competing applications such as Internet calling services on mobile devices, and require them to disclose their network management practices, too. But the rules give wireless companies would get more leeway to manage data traffic because wireless systems have more bandwidth constraints than wired networks.


"Today, for the first time, we are adopting rules to preserve basic Internet values," Genachowski said. "For the first time, we'll have enforceable rules of the road to preserve Internet freedom and openness."


Still, the final rules came as a disappointment to public interest groups. Even Genachowski's two Democratic colleagues on the five-member FCC were disappointed, though they still voted to adopt the rules after concluding some safeguards are better than none.







..and of course, this is far from over.

the big companies smell blood, and will never relent in their attempt to gain control over the content of the net.

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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


12oz is already censored on certain filters, I couldn't pull it up when I rode megabus.

A screen came up with saying the site was blocked because it's "tasteless"


It's only a matter of time before some internet illiterate bible beater puts 12oz on the list if they start doing this censorship garbage.

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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


^well, a wifi network/work network can do what they want

i still think that being a good consumer, and taking the trouble to BITCH at MEGABUS might actually do something. stranger things have happened. it's not porn, after all.


but imagine if Disney, Verizon and Comcast decided as whole what could and couldn't be on the net

way beyond censoring it, it would actually ruin the ability of those sites to stay up and viable, no matter hwere they were viewed from.

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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


What i was trying to say that the closest thing to censorship we have already nixed this site.

It's just a precursor to what will some day exist on a broader scale.


Also, it wasn't megabus that censored it, it was one of those services that organizations who provide internet services to their customers use.

There are several censorship services already in place to cut down on complaints from whiny customers/users who are concerned with what other people look at.

They're used by colleges, library's, and other organizations that offer free internet services and already get enough complaints.

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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


word, but...already get enough complaints?


hahahaa see this is what i'm talking about

'the consumer' is losing power, and that's part of the reason why

people need to advocate.

and they don't feel like it.

i contacted my senators about this bill, and i heard back from them.

people need to shout to be heard.


and it's why you are resigning it to someday exisiting on a broader scale.


i say FUCK THAT! there's still a chance to prevent that from happening, or at least to make them work harder for it.

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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


true...but at least we riot when we are pushed too far.


but that means there is less cctv in YOUR country and YOU LOT are still doing fuck all about it...


i wish you fucks would shut up about this riot crap.


really? REALLY? you got some college kids throwing paint bombs and shoving cops ARMED ONLY WITH STICKS AND TRASHCAN LIDS!




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Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


or, the govt won't have to, because the internet providers will step up and sell bandwidth, and access, in such a way that you'd be able to view, say, http://www.bestbuy.com with no problem at all, but when you come to http://www.12oz.com there's a line of like 100 people waiting to view the homepage, and since we don't have the funds that a corp like best buy does, we'd never be able to pay for the speedy access people need to be able to view the forum and pics etc, along with 200 other people. the site would just keep crashing.


it links access to websites with money, in all the worst ways.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Stop Internet Censorship: COICA bill under consideration


well, the FCC decided to force comcast and verizon and such to keep sites like netflix (that compete with their own entertainment shit) off the internet they provide.


it wasn't all that they could have done, but it was a start.


now, the Congress is thinking about preventing the FCC from enforcing that shit.

of course. republicans are fucking awesome.



By now you may have heard the news: Republicans in the House of Representatives voted last week to block the FCC from enforcing its new net neutrality regulations.


As I’ve said before, these regulations weren’t nearly good enough to ensure that the Internet remains free and open. But they were a step in the right direction. And by voting to eliminate them, House Republicans declared their willingness to let big corporations control the Internet.


We know what this could mean for American consumers -- less diversity of viewpoints, less access to independent content through services like Netflix, and higher prices for Internet service.


The good news is that the Senate still has a chance to stop this special interest power play. I’m working as hard as I can to build support for net neutrality in the Senate -- but I’m not the only one talking to my colleagues. These corporations have lobbyists of their own, lots of them, and they’re descending upon Capitol Hill en masse.


The only way we're going to save net neutrality is if ordinary Americans make their voices heard. I'll update you soon -- but for now, please forward this email to your friends and ask them to join our campaign by linking up with me on Twitter or Facebook.


Thanks -- and stay tuned.

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