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B **************** S **************** M's superdutytoughthread


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it looked like you. if your name starts with a "k" or one of your freinds does????? then it might be.


Maybe? I'm not even sure. I don't think so though. I do drink a lot and do copious amounts of drugs, so maybe. Just maybe.


If so, I apologize. you'd never want a nigger like me as a friend!

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currently dating the crime reporter for the local newspaper. sleeping with the enemy? i told her to stop snitchin but she dont wanna listen. i must admit, im kinda getting off on being with somebody thats written about dirt ive done, and she has no idea i was the person. sexy in an odd kinda way. real sexy.




she has dumbbells in her bathroom so ive been secretly getting my swoll when i go in to pee.




i kept it bsm yesterday, by getting shitfaced off whiskey in the middle of the day and swimming around a lake in my wetsuit while it rained. felt fucking awesome.


cheers everyone

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