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G8-G20 Toronto riots


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apparently, anyone that was considered an organizer with big enough influences had their doors kicked in by SWAT early in the game...


no legal qs regarding myself...


university ave.



queen st. west









steadily pushed back... saw a horse fall

















front st.












the temporary jail for protesters & the like - an old movie studio...



& holy shit, i found a store here that sells faygo - dance x10



missing flick* a riot cop breaking a vuvuzela over his knees in madness

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facebook is a ghey book


2 out of every 3 people in every video and photo i see are holding a camera. the facebook generation. everyone thinks they're a photographer. lame

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im not saying everyone at the protest with a camera that wasnt press went with only the intention of making new profile pictures... im sure enough of them just wanted pics of their own so they can remember how it went down from their own angle... its an important thing to do afterall, living in a state of controlled information


i wanted to do that & show you some pics... im no photographer/facebooker by any means




-busfulls of protesters from mtl who were staying at a big housing facility were swarmed & fuckd up before the protests, apparently a bunch of them got tazed


-designated areas of legal protest were slammed shut


-hundreds of people who clearly werent participants were arrested & given the typical bullshit charges aimed at a 24hr detainment or illegally more - TTC workers in full uniform, middle aged people caught outside restaurants, everyone who wasnt a cop that was downtown, etc...


-the generally expected police brutality from all angles

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a lot of videos are coming out now of police brutality, abductions and provocation


This is a complete propaganda fraud by the toronto police used to justify crushing peaceful protests. Every other protest after the so called riot was completely cornered by police, not allowed to move in any direction and then mass arrested


peaceful protesters were beaten, pepper sprayed, the list goes on all in the so called "free speech zone"


you people can keep saying "fuck these hippies" and whatever you want about the protesters but the fact is you are all blind to what is really going on around you. Be thankful some people have the balls to stand up for your rights


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a lot of videos are coming out now of police brutality, abductions and provocation


This is a complete propaganda fraud by the toronto police used to justify crushing peaceful protests. Every other protest after the so called riot was completely cornered by police, not allowed to move in any direction and then mass arrested


peaceful protesters were beaten, pepper sprayed, the list goes on all in the so called "free speech zone"


you people can keep saying "fuck these hippies" and whatever you want about the protesters but the fact is you are all blind to what is really going on around you. Be thankful some people have the balls to stand up for your rights




HAHAHHAHAHA yeah cops are faggots but you hipster, hippie morons are the only people to stick around when police say move..their protesting does nothing. They always shout , peaceful! you smelly dumb fucks are in the way being a nuisance , i like seeing them be beaten and pepper sprayed as they sit and stand in the way of marching cops , then you blame the cops for being abusive. You wouldn't see me next to any police because i don't really like jail or being hit with shit ,go home. :lol:

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Demonstrations are a silly waste of time. It reminds me of little kids throwing a screaming, kicking tantrum because they need to take a nap. The tree huggers get gassed, beaten with clubs and arrested, the cops get a little much-needed exercise to work off those doughnuts and the Police Commissioner gets a big bump in his Riot Control Equipment budget. Every time the anarchists burn a police car, the cops get another UR-416 armored car to use against the rest of us and all the Super Rich Assholes go right ahead controlling the earth and dancing around the meat puppets as if we matter about as much as ants.


It makes about as much sense as going down to Louisiana and picketing on the oil-drenched beach. Who are you going to influence? Dead pelicans?


If it were even remotely possible for a demonstration to influence the outcome of the G20, the Super Rich Assholes would have the cops turn the machineguns on you. The demonstration would last about fifteen minutes, including giving the coup d'grace to anyone who survived the fusilade. The bodies would be bulldozed into a landfill, and that would be that.


Haven't you ever heard of Rachel Corrie? Wake the fuck up.



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ok I think you people are missing the point here. All I'm saying is that the cops had provocateurs start the riots so they could violate peoples civil rights that were peacefully protesting. I don't care to protest, i'm not going to be out there smashing shit and getting myself beat up but when police abuse people and use fake laws to arrest people it kind of pisses me off. You seriously think it's ok to arrest someone for not showing their identification?


fuck that

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